Mega-man has no chance of getting in brawl because he won't make any sense!!
Ya, because Sonic and Snake really are the "usual" smash bros characters. Stop trolling, AND GTFO!
You know, I want to see Mega Man in over any character that hasn't been confirmed so far, but I amazed how much denial people are in.
I mean the creator says he isn't in and the game goes gold a week later. Yet people are still discussing him.
I may want him in badly, but reality check folks. Unless what Panda said in the podcast is true and they had the character made and just hadn't asked yet, I wouldn't hold your breath.
The only shred of possibility for this was that they said Sakari would be making Brawl even before they asked him.
So possible yes, but his chances went down 10 fold.
Besides, my sources tell me that Capcom is indeed "The Studio". And there are as many Capcom musicians as SEGA from the famed group of "the Musicians". O, and not to mentioning NO ONE BUT SAKURAI is allowed to confirm a third party character.
Lastly, Sakurai mentioned after Snake he'd like to add 1 or 2 more 3rd party characters (off the top of his head, which means at least one, but likely two, and possibly three or four probably). He was thinking of SONIC AND MEGA MAN=the two most reconizable 3rd-party characters EVER! Then when he saw Geno's high poll results, he probably went ahead to Square Enix to add Geno.
And if Mega Man's father says "he's not in Brawl", and a few days later says "No comment", doesn't that sound a little fishy=??? Honestly, the same thing was done with Sonic. And Square Enix and Capcom have this little "code" going that follows something similar to what SEGA did, and it could be Brawl related.
First of all, read the link:
Second, if the main creator doesn't have some clue, unless he was told to lie, then it's a pretty clear cut deconfirm. look, I WANT Mega Man in Brawl, but I'm not going to be a fool.
Wish I wouldn't have been so busy when this news initially came out, would have been more fun to argue.
And you can be "done with the podcast" if you want, but that just means you are done with reason. I may not agree with everything they say, but most of the time, they are right. This looks like one of those times.
Even though we all hope they are wrong.
He was Mega Man's official artist, not creator. That news is so old. Read what I wrote above. And have you ever heard of a little thing we've all done in our lives called lying=??? Yes, he could have lied. Tell me the President of SEGA of Europe wasn't lying, and I'll crack up. She knew, but she wanted to mindgame us, and get us off her back.
O, and "No Comment" is basically a confirmation. We all know that, so lying or giving a long boring speech is the best way out of it. If he was to say "We'll see" that means he's in the game. And if he REALLY wanted Mega Man in Brawl, he would have been smart enough to go ahead and pursue it already. Not to mention Mega Man is set to be in fighting game on the Wii in 2008 that is really big. Boy, that's nothing like smash. [/sarcasm] What is Mega Man going to be in, Dragon Ball Z Budokai 7=???
Point is, this interview means NOTHING! It's not from Nintendo (notice no official Nintendo websites included it), it's not from Sakurai, and it's not on the Dojo. O, and he said he wanted Mega Man in. He could have also meant his public confirmation. Just wait and see it out before jumping to conclusions foolishly.
Besides, what would you say if a character you created was in Brawl (the biggest fighting game ever, and the biggest game of 2008), and you didn't want to spoil it=??? Exactly.
So at this point it's either Mega Man is in Brawl with possibly one or more other third party characters, or we get no third party characters AT ALL!