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The Official "Megaman in SSBB" Topic!


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
NEVER! megaman or no megaman, our support will never cease! at least mine wont, and I bet bluebombers either...

speaking of BB, congrats on getting ur question get read to inafune, u lucky *******...
Here here! My support for Megaman will never EVER come to a halt, even if Megaman doesn't make it into Brawl!

I'll stand my ground and hope he makes it into either the next installment, or comes later in a Brawl patch via Nintendo Wi-Fi.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2007
So...basically this recording says that if Rock doesn't make it. It's mostly Nintendo's/Sakurai's fault?

I'm starting to have bad feelings about the final roster...

Aqua Rock X

Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2007
Here here! My support for Megaman will never EVER come to a halt, even if Megaman doesn't make it into Brawl!

I'll stand my ground and hope he makes it into either the next installment, or comes later in a Brawl patch via Nintendo Wi-Fi.
I commend you guys, I'm starting to waver. :urg:

He said he hadn't been approached about it yet. I doubt he would lie about that.

@ everyone: It's not so much the podcast, but how everyone is so readily given up on Megaman. The Graveyard TC even has "deconfirmed" on the MM icon in his sig.
Nov 18, 2007
Well if this is true... and recent, there is always...


(But then again these are video game makers and this is Capcom so it isn't very likely that, that would happen either.)


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Well we just have to wait and see, and megaman shuffle wouldnt cut it for me,I rather see MM in brawl...

also ashley thread is closed... just so u know :p


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
My own little world
Well we just have to wait and see, and megaman shuffle wouldnt cut it for me,I rather see MM in brawl...

also ashley thread is closed... just so u know :p
I'm no fan of Ashley, but this is a bad sign. This shows that anyone can get a thread closed if they want just by spamming it. The same thing happened to the Mog thread.

Edit: OK nevermind. The thread is back up. I think banning spammers is a much better idea.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Well anyone thinking mog has a chance needs a blow to the head (sorry if theyre any mog supporters here, he just doesnt have a big chance)...

but seriously ashley was being FILLED with spam, lets avoid happening that here: I might as well say this since bluebomber aint here, if someguy just comes and SPAMS the hell on this thread, IGNORE HIM, usually I would flame, but if he continues, for the sake of RMB and (need confimation but almost usre) the thread with most posts, I will ignore him and avoid the flaming :p

RMB forever!

NVM ashleys back... they banned all the dudes spammingmage- OH GOD LEGO!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2004
Maryland, USA
Ok guys seriously, this interview could have been done a long time ago, maybe around the time bionic commando was revealed,and that was a while ago, even so, without a deconfirmation from sakurai megamans chances are still good, besides remember when they interviewed him on the 20th anniversary convention? he said no comments, and that was, I believe, after the whole bionic commando game trailer...

wait guys, think about it, it says that the game wont come out IN A FEW MONTHS, in the podcast, when really, SSBB is coming out in ONE month in japan, so this interview COULD be somewhat old...
Re-quoted for emphasis.

There's just too many things that don't add up.

This new interview went and said "couple of months left". Either Sakurai has been stuck in a time stop loop all by himself (and thus has a poor gauge of time), or this quote was taken a while ago.

Then there was that supposed "Mega Man Scramble Battle" game for the Wii that was alluded to earlier this month, plus mysteriously disappeared just as fast. The only clue we have to that is through the Nintendo Power article, where one of the head honchos said that he wanted to craft a "Crossover Mega Man game", but that basically, the time wasn't right. Coincidence? I'd think not.

Finally, he was all but elusive through the two different Rockman celebration milestones, both last month and this month. Questions were asked, and he just was vague with his replies. "No comment", my ***. :laugh:

So yeah...I'm thinking Rock is in, and it's just a thing like a number of months ago, when Sega themselves were being coy when it came to Sonic's inclusion.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
It doesn't matter if the interview happened months ago, the roster of Brawl was already decided.

Think about it, halfway through Melee's development is when Kojima contacted Sakurai to request that Snake be put in the game...and what was the answer? Melee was too far into development to have worked in another character addition by that point, there was no way they could do it that late into development

Now that was halfway through Melee's 10 month development period...even if this interview was, conceivably, just a few short months ago, that would have been two years into Brawl's development...now if Melee couldn't work in a character addition 6 months into development, what makes you think they didn't already have a completely finalized roster 2 years into Brawls? What makes you think that if they wanted Megaman in the game, they wouldn't have already made the preparations to have it set up 2 years after the game was being developed?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Because melee was scheduled to launch with the cube, thus the huge number of filler characters, brawl was already delayed, but even so this podcast could mean nothing, he could be covering up, lets say the thing IS a few months old, because what he said about the whole "Theres a few months left for brawl the be released" when actually theres ONE months for brawls release in japan... and now look at megamans 20th annicersary convention, instead of saying he wont be in like he did in the podcast, he said: No comment... put that in ur pipe and smoke it...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
My own little world
It doesn't matter if the interview happened months ago, the roster of Brawl was already decided.

Think about it, halfway through Melee's development is when Kojima contacted Sakurai to request that Snake be put in the game...and what was the answer? Melee was too far into development to have worked in another character addition by that point, there was no way they could do it that late into development

Now that was halfway through Melee's 10 month development period...even if this interview was, conceivably, just a few short months ago, that would have been two years into Brawl's development...now if Melee couldn't work in a character addition 6 months into development, what makes you think they didn't already have a completely finalized roster 2 years into Brawls? What makes you think that if they wanted Megaman in the game, they wouldn't have already made the preparations to have it set up 2 years after the game was being developed?
He does have a good point, though. Especially when you think of the Subspace Emissary and its' cutscenes.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Melee was on a tighter schedule and was rushed and didn't have nearly as many people working on it. Also, Inafune can't say Mega Man is in Brawl without Sakurai's saying so first. It doesn't matter how he dodges the question.


Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2007
wow, that sucks if Megaman isn't in brawl because it would have been awesome to play as him. Still have hope for him though :)


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
Remember when Yuji was asked? he didn't confirm Sonic.

Kenji didn't either and the Brawl question was probably scouted a mile away. I'm confident he is still in.
Oct 12, 2007
I wouldn't be confident he's in - not even to lower my disappointment if he's not, but also because Sakurai would have wanted to included MM, and for all we know, he could be more of a Bomberman fan.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2004
Maryland, USA
Another thing to consider, possibly?

We've got at LEAST 3 people who Capcom have commissioned to do tunes for their games in Brawl's roster.

Jun Fukuda (Grasshopper) - killer7
Masafumi Takada (Grasshopper) - killer7/god hand
Masato Kouda - monster hunter/devil may cry

Now, granted, none of these guys have seemingly done any work on the Rockman series (unless you count Kouda, who worked on Marvel vs. Capcom, which had a rendition of the Rockman theme song). But I would think it's something to consider, all the same. These guys are known for their Capcom beats, and I would think that they would be commissioned for such a game like Brawl to do more along the lines of what they're famous for...


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
You guys, the interview isn't very old. These podcasts are released about every half a month. They couldn't be recorded too long ago. Plus, if you listen to the whole podcast they talk about how Christmas is coming soon.

Anyhow, stop jumping to conclusions people, this interview didn't confirm anything. It's important to take into mind, but it isn't the end all be all.

bluebomber said:
yeah im sure. parrothead translated it a long time ago.
Well being interested in him, doesn't necessarily mean that he wants him in the game.

and it might be considered impolite, but if he really wanted mm in he would ask
Well, in Japan, especially in business, being polite is everything.

error alt delete said:
*points to konami(is that right?) and their begging* well...I guess that isnt polite either is it? but we do know that inufane can still aproch Sakurai about megaman in brawl.
Did you read my post? I said "unless they knew each other really well, like Kojima". Apparently Kojima and Sakuria are really good friends, that is why he was able to call Sakurai.

Aqua Rock X

Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2007
Listening to the short one minute clip, now it sounds to me like the translator is trying to dodge.

And as I mentioned earlier, there's always the possibility Sakurai went to someone else, like say Horinouchi. In a recent interview Horinouchi did say "I would assume the next game you will get will be for the Starfore series. However, I'm sure you'd be happy if we got another game to you before that". There is no MM game to be released before MMSF2, so he could have been hinting at Brawl.


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
People, stop using the music theory. Talented musicians were brought in because they were talented. Nothing more.

Also, Mega Man was mentioned in the journal. Bomberman wasn't, nor was he mentioned in any interviews as far as I know.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2007
Lynchburg, Virginia, U.S.A., North America, Earth,
Listening to the short one minute clip, now it sounds to me like the translator is trying to dodge.

And as I mentioned earlier, there's always the possibility Sakurai went to someone else, like say Horinouchi. In a recent interview Horinouchi did say "I would assume the next game you will get will be for the Starfore series. However, I'm sure you'd be happy if we got another game to you before that". There is no MM game to be released before MMSF2, so he could have been hinting at Brawl.
MMSF2 has been out in Japan, though.... since November.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
When a developer wants to be evasive, they do that; they be evasive. They don't lie to us. They can say no comment, they can say they can't say, they can say check with them later, but they don't outright lie to us and say : "I have never been approached by Nintendo to add Megaman into Brawl" unless they mean it

Unless of course you want to degrade the integrity of the creator of one of your favorite series', saying that he's a liar and he has no respect for his fans if he's going to lie to their faces, just for the sake of being in denial a little bit longer because your favorite character might not be in Brawl.

Storm Eagle

Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2007
I have another theory for Inafune's comment. Maybe he really tried to dodge the question by saying that "he wasn't approached yet". Now, if WE hear that, it's clear to us that Mega Man could not be in the game anymore because of the short time until Brawl's release. But...eve thought about the "normal" people? Theyould think: "Oh, ok. So Mr. Sakurai only has to ask him after he hears this podcast and we will get him." Get my point?


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
When a developer wants to be evasive, they do that; they be evasive. They don't lie to us. They can say no comment, they can say they can't say, they can say check with them later, but they don't outright lie to us and say : "I have never been approached by Nintendo to add Megaman into Brawl" unless they mean it

Unless of course you want to degrade the integrity of the creator of one of your favorite series', saying that he's a liar and he has no respect for his fans if he's going to lie to their faces, just for the sake of being in denial a little bit longer because your favorite character might not be in Brawl.
Why couldn't he be lying? It doesn't really degrade his integrity. It's like for example, if someone lies to you about the present that they are getting you for Christmas. That doesn't mean that the person is horrible and has no respect for the person he is getting the present for. It's just some light hearted teasing.
Oct 12, 2007
Because developers rarely ever lie about stuff. Saying that Mega Man isn't in =/= "light-hearted teasing". Hinting that he may or may not be is teasing, deconfirming him isn't. Show me an example of a developer flat-out lying.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Because developers rarely ever lie about stuff. Saying that Mega Man isn't in =/= "light-hearted teasing".
Why not?

Hinting that he may or may not be is teasing, deconfirming him isn't.
He couldn't hint that he may or may not be in. Than people would just assume he is in because Inafune wouldn't hint that he was in if he wasn't in.

Plus, he didn't deconfirm Megaman.

Show me an example of a developer flat-out lying.
I fail to see what finding a developer lying would prove. I'm not going to bother.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
Like I said, Developers are evasive, they don't lie to their fans

As of October 15th at the earliest, Inafune was not approached by Nintendo to include Megaman into Brawl. 3 months from release is not a period in which they could put an extra 3rd party character in the game, when it's practically being finalized at that point


Smash Champion
Jun 18, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Didn't someone already say that they might have not approached Inafune personally? They don't really have to contact him personally. Besides, developers lie. Everyone lies. Stop putting them up on a pedestal. They're still just people in the end.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Like I said, Developers are evasive, they don't lie to their fans
Oh well, aren't you the expert on video game developers. Everyone lies, so I see no reason that a game developer couldn't.

As of October 15th at the earliest, Inafune was not approached by Nintendo to include Megaman into Brawl. 3 months from release is not a period in which they could put an extra 3rd party character in the game, when it's practically being finalized at that point
Still not a deconfirmation. A character isn't deconfirmed until he is deconfirmed. A deconfirmation would have been Inafune saying, "Megaman never will be in brawl, ever".

My point is that what Inafune said was not an outright lie, it would have just have been a little white lie, or maybe just a concealment of the truth for all we know.

In fact, as I've said before, why does Inafune seems to believe that Megaman still has a chance of being in the game, which means he is either being delusional or teasing. I don't think he is being delusional since he understands the game development process.
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