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The Official Louisiana **Texas Style** Brawl Elo Rankings [Updated October 1st]


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
First and foremost, this isn't to be confused with the Power Rankings Thread by committee. This is an aggregation of our tournament performances since the start of the year based on Elo. Now, before I present the list it is important to realize what the numbers represent. In a typical Elo system, rating deviations of less than 10-50 typically mean people are around the same skill tier. According to an Elo calculator, with an Elo of 1700, a player would be expected to beat a player of 1600 63% of the time. While a player with an Elo of 1800, would be expected to win 75% of the time.

If player that remains at 1600, what is being said by your score is that you are winning at least one match in losers, after beating beat once. Rarely do you win two matches, and thus you find yourself at an average state of not growing in points. Keep in mind, since this is a list composed from the start of the year, some players which are viewed by the PR committee as being ranked on our PR, may have lower scores due persistently entering tournaments despite placing poorly.

With much thanks to UTD Zac. <3 <3 <3

In short, here is how it works.

- The list is extremely dynamic based on recent tournament results. It tries to stay as up-to-date as possible. The list is updated after EVERY tournament (please email me TIO files).
- Players are rated based on head-to-head battles for any given tournament. They are not based off of placings (1st, 2nd, 3rd), as this is not necessary.
- Everyone starts at 1600 points. This is considered the average score.
- You gain points for beating someone in tournament. If they have more points than you, you'll gain more points. If they have less points, you'll gain fewer points.
- You lose points if you lose to someone in tournament. If they have more points than you, you'll lose fewer points. If they have less points, you'll lose more points.
- Not going to a tournament means you will not gain or lose points, you'll stay the same. This explains why some inactive players (V, Eazy, etc) are still ranked decently high.
- Only Brawl Singles are counted for ratings. Teams, Low-Tier, etc will not be counted.
- Players must have participated in at least two tournaments to appear on the PR list.

Lee Martin - 1897.973

JNig - 1757.308
Hyro - 1735.349
Ran - 1701.289

rOni - 1660.079
Blaine - 1639.123
Arcadia15x - 1636.541
FakeGeorge - 1636.291
Cyphus - 1627.261 <--- Our Roy R. Lmao.
V - 1623.962
BSP - 1612.664
ChKn - 1609.982
Trint - 1606.179

Tyler - 1600.605
Eazy - 1600.181
Donald - 1595.723
Adam - 1594.606
Jio - 1593.203
Ricky B - 1593.051
ISBS - 1588.091
Kyle - 1587.645

Everpower - 1584.495
Mura - 1584.356
Nickels - 1584.333
Battousai - 1583.559
Shyguy - 1583.264
Booby - 1583.260
Fang - 1582.518
Trev - 1582.518
Oathkeeper - 1581.800
MasterMajora - 1580.196
Savon - 1580.047
Curlz - 1578.117
Daniel - 1577.333

Wiki - 1573.735
Eva - 1571.987
Bryan - 1570.589
Garrett - 1566.694
BSL - 1562.518

Tournaments Included:
2010-07-24 lost5.tio
2010-03-13 Deathvalley2.tio
2010-02-26 FFFBrawl.tio
2010-09-25 Brawl Nom 5.tio
2010-07-31 Brawl Nom 3.tio
2010-08-28 Brawl Nom 4.tio
2010-06-26 Brawl Nom 2.tio
2010-03-26 SpringSmash.tio
2010-09-04 LOST6.tio
2010-07-24 MechaCon6.tio
2010-09-10 LouisiAnimec.tio

Reasons Your Rating is Wrong

(1) Your rating fluctuates a lot. (uses Magic the Gathering lingo)
Look at your rating over the course of the last year. Has it gone up and down a lot? If it has been steadily going in one direction, it probably means that your rating still hasn't caught up to your current level of skill. However, if it jumps up and down a lot, then your rating probably isn't a very good indicator of skill. Good players can do horribly in tournaments and bad players can win them. This will cause ratings to fluctuate. In higher K-value events, this phenomenon is even more pronounced. For example, I rarely play limited games, and my rating sat at 1625 for 1 whole year while I did not play a single limited match. Later, I played in a 16K tournament, and went 4-0 against 1900 rated players. So my rating went up about 50 points in a single day. Is it because I am really good and should be rated much higher? No - swings this large do not well represent my actual play still. In this case I happened to play against the 4 highly rated players at the tournament, while the rest of the players had similarly poor ratings as my own. Through their drafting mistakes, I somehow wound up with a ridiculous deck they crushed my more-talented opposition.

(2) The average skill of the players in your area can dramatically affect your rating. (uses Magic the Gathering lingo)
Consider the extreme example where all the players at your local tournaments have a 1600 rating, because they have just started playing live tournament magic. However, they are good at the game from playing Wifi, so their play skill is typical of an 1800 player. After this group of players has played against each other for a few dozen tournaments, their ratings would all still be at 1600, despite their skill level. Remember, your rating actually represents your win expectation relative to those around you, not necessarily to the entire magic community.


Reset Project
Jul 28, 2008
Glencoe, Al
Will there be a chicken on this newest update? I must keep a tab on all of my Atlantic South Marths.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2009

I kinda ****ed up the system and my own placing for this session lol.

As with previous ranking threads, a player must have attended at least two events during the season. The current season, will end in December.
End it after TASOL. =D


Reset Project
Jul 28, 2008
Glencoe, Al
lol Well, try harder for the upcoming season.
I'll have to extend ours until December too having that we had nothing this summer.

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
Sorry ChKn, but we need to update our PR on a more consistent basis. As in not twice a year, but every two or three months like before. We're debating pretty hard on this one, I'm sure we'll get some reactions from certain people.

Oh yea, ChKn, how's that PR theme/image going?


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2009
Sorry ChKn, but we need to update our PR on a more consistent basis. As in not twice a year, but every two or three months like before. We're debating pretty hard on this one, I'm sure we'll get some reactions from certain people.

Oh yea, ChKn, how's that PR theme/image going?

My computer died, so I need to make a backup of my hard drive so I can get the stuff off of it and transfer it to the new one. I have most of the guys needed, but I'll need to plan accordingly.

You better be 2nd or my whole concept for this one is gonna be ****ed up and I'll have to spend more time looking for renders.

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
Well, I guess we should end the argument for ChKn's sake...

lol, jk, thats still up in the air, along with a couple of other spots.
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