We are currently working on something as we speak, and hope to have it up soon. All I shall say is that it'll be strictly monitored.
Yes, and there are many threads for the same thing anyhow. Art this, leak that, roster speculation this, Amiibo that.
You're not trying to make the forums a better place. You are trying to force the people you insult in every other thread into a corner out of spite. It is for that reason that I would probably be more accepting of this thread's existence if it was made by someone who actually gives two ****s about competitive play instead of some guy who hates it.
I'm amazed at how you can get so upset from this... but then again this is Smashboards.
I don't care if you all want to talk competitive, I don't hate competitive Smash. Just the vocal minority leaves a bad taste in my mouth and it started with the constant ripping apart of Brawl.
If you think this GENERAL Smash Wii U sub forum needs to be cluttered with variants of the same thread daily, then that's your problem. It's all the same **** that doesn't deserve to have a new thread.
I can't help but laugh at you assuming I'm trying to ostracize the competitive community on a competitive based website.
All I'm saying is sure Smashboards was created around competitive Melee play, but it's so much more than that now.
It's a GENERAL hub where people from all over come to get their Smash Bros. news.
So forgive me for looking out for the people who come here that actually want to discuss Amiibo, or pricing, or possible release dates, but not being able to find those threads without scrolling over countless "Smash 4 will suck competitively because..." threads.
So if you want to play the victim in this scenario go right ahead.
If you want to think in your sick little mind that I did this to alienated the majority of this website than go ahead.
With that logic all the people who want to talk characters are alienated. All the people that want to talk stages are alienated.
If you can't see the common sense in pooling all of these discussions into one topic, then you're insane.
Because it's the same stuff that doesn't deserve a new thread.
If it was the pic of the day getting a new thread everyday you would be complaining and say "why not do the sensible thing and pool it all into a single thread?"
But for this case you take it as a personal attack on the competitive community.
Absolutely hilarious.
I know that you're sick of all the "glass half empty" types but personally I'm just as sick of all the "glass half full" types who try to reduce every discussion to "It'll be fun anyway so who cares" as if fun is some objective quality that is the same for everyone.
You don't see me making a "The official "This game will be fun, who cares about the rest" smash 4 thread" thread, do you?
Reading your posts has become increasingly annoying these past few weeks but this "official" (official by what standards? the standards of a guy who hates the subject matter of the thread? sod off) thread really takes the biscuit.
You're the first person I've see who is actually getting mad at people for being positive.
Who hurt you?