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The not-so Big Bird: Pidgey for Smash DLC


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
:016::016:Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon:016::016:
What started out as a joke has really grown on me, and I thought about his importance and relevancy and I have to say he's a pretty good candidate.

:016:Who is Pidgey?:016:
Pidgey is the 16th Pokémon, that debuted in Gen 1.
Pidgey since then has appeared in numerous other Pokémon games.

Dude are you serious?
:016:Why would I vote for Pidgey?:016:

Because Pidgey is a kind of Pokémon we do not have yet in Smash, yet is a very common trope in Pokémon.
Pidgey namely represents both the common Pokémon that hide in the grass, bird Pokémon and normal types.

Pidgey is probably the first Pokémon somebody catches, since it is one of the first Pokémon you encounter.
So basically everybody who has touched Red/Blue and didn't suck knows Pidgey. No small feat!

Pidgey also represents bird Pokémon, which are recurring through the series but not repped in Smash yet.
We have the cute rodents, bipedal legends, quadruped Pokés and the starters, but no birds yet.

Then finally, Pidgey is a normal type, which has many famous moves, like Tackle.

:016:Moveset Potential:016:
Most of Pidgey's moveset potential comes from its unortodox body, because it's not humanoid.
Pidgey's bodytypes allows it to attack with his tail, wings and beak, which is something we haven't seen much in Smash.

Aside from his psychical moves, his partly flying type allow for many windbased attacks like Gust, Hurricane and Wing Attack, or even use these windboxes to propel himself in ways like R.O.B's Back Air

Pidgey, being a bird, would be very mobile in the air, and would not only have multiple mid-air jumps, he would also have attacks that make him fly in different directions.

Pidgey would be a small and acrobatic character that relies on quick multihits and his Wind attacks to manipulate both his and his opponent's mobility.

Moveset #1

By @ SMAASH! Puppy SMAASH! Puppy

Almost all of Pidgey's attacks have set knockback. While playing Pidgey, your objective is to use windboxes to push opponents off-screen. Pidgey can jump five times, and has a decent recovery in Arial Ace. The more damage an opponent has, the easier time Pidgey has pushing away opponents. So here is what Pidgey's moveset looks like:
Neutral Attack-Slaps with a wing twice. The attack has a weak wind box on it.
Dash Attack-Forcefully thrusts out wings. This attack does no damage, but is has a windbox.
Forward Tilt-Uses Air Slash to create a short ranged projectile.
Up Tilt-Sweeps a wing overhead.
Down Tilt-Sweeps a wing low to the ground. High chance of tripping the opponent.

Forward Smash-Uses Quick Attack to dash forward quickly.
Up Smash-Uses Sunny Day to create a sun over its head.
Down Smash-Uses Feather Dance to attack with a pillar of feathers on either side.

Neutral Aerial-Does a cartwheel in the air.
Forward Aerial-Thrusts wings forward forcefully. No damage, but it has a windbox.
Back Aerial-Slaps with a wing. Has a weak windbox.
Up Aerial-Sweeps a wing overhead.
Down Aerial-Sweeps a wing underfoot.

Grab-Latches on to the opponent: Long grab (Very laggy)
Pummel-Digs claws into the opponent.
Forward Throw-Blows the opponent away.
Back Throw-Jumps over the opponent, and blows them away.
Up Throw-Flies above screen for a moment, then crashes down.
Down Throw-Throws to the ground, then uses Steel Wing to attack.

Floor-Uses Sand Attack on both sides.
Edge-Blows the opponent away before getting up.

Neutral Special-Gust:
Blows the opponent away.

Side Special-U-Turn:
Reflects projectiles, but turns Pidgey around

Up Special-Aerial Ace:
Flies in the given direction. Works like Power of Flight, exept it does damage.

Down Special-Move Roulette:

Switches between three moves. The First is Mirror Move, this is a counter attack. The second is Tailwind, this ups Pidgey’s speed. The third is Swagger, this forces opponents to face Pidgey.
Final Smash-Twister:
Traps opponents in a damaging twister. The Twister can KO opponents, but it is not likely. Instead, it raises opponents to high percents (Like: 300%) so Pidgey can use a smash attack to defeat an opponent.

Moveset #2
By @ P PreedReve

A Wild Pidgey Jumps Out of the Tall Grass!

Height: Small
Weight: Around Jigglypuff and Mewtwo
Number of Jumps: 5
Walking Speed: Lower then Charizard
Dash Speed: Around Greninja, Sheik, and Charizard
Crawl: No
Wall Jump: No
Wall Cling: No

Special Notes
While Dashing, Pidgey is off the ground and flying, so it can avoid lower attack and special moves.


Sand Attack: Default. Pidgey flaps its wings, send a wave of sand in front of it, lightly damaging any foe it hits and spinning them the other way. Can reflect projectiles.
Toxic: Custom 1. Instead of sand, Pidgey send a wave of poison in from of it, poisoning foes in front of it, damaging them over time for a short while. Does not spin enemies or reflect projectiles.
Feather Dance: Custom 2. Instead of sand, Pidgey sends out feathers, slowing foes and/or projectiles in front of it to a crawl. Does not damage or spin enemies.

Aerial Ace: Default. Pidgey flies forward in a straight, horizontal line, damaging any foe it touches. Can be charged for increased travel length and strength.
U-Turn: Custom 1. Pidgey flies forward but then flips backwards, flying for a a few seconds. Can be charged for increased travel length and strength. Does less damage then Aerial Ace but spins enemies.
Feint Attack: Custom 2. Pidgey flies faster and farther then Aerial Ace but does less damage and can't be charge.

Tailwind: Default. A strong gust of wind lifts Pidgey in a diagonal-upward motion. Any enemy that hits collides with Pidgey will be damaged.
Fly: Custom 1. Similar to Charizard's, Pidgey flies upward. Hit's stronger then Tailwind but is less controllable.
Whirlwind: Custom 2. Places a small whirlwind under where Pidgey was when used for a few second. The whirlwind will lift all fighters and items upward. Has a suction effect with items. Does NOT damage foes.

Roost: Default. Pidgey sits on the ground and starts to heal itself. Can be held. Pidgey cannot move, shield, or dodge/roll while holding this move and holding it too long will cause Pidgey to fall asleep.
Confide: Custom 1. Instead of healing itself, Pidgey sits down and lowers the attack strength of any enemy near by. Can't be used consecutively or held. Does no damage.
Yawn: Custom 2. Pidgey sits on the ground and lets out a yawn. Any enemy that is in front of it that gets hit will fall asleep. Can be held for longer range but held too long will it fall to sleep as well. Does no damage.

Final Smash
Mega Evolve: Pidgey rapidly evolves into Pidgeot, Mega Evolves, goes offscreen, and uses Hurricane. While offscreen, the player can control the Hurricane, which lightly damages enemies that get caught in it but launches them very far upwards. At the end of the Final Smash, the Hurricane will release a strong gust of wind that heavily damages any enemy nearby and launches them horizontally.

Play Style
Like Pichu, Pidgey is a fragile speedster and cherry-tapper, relying on attacking quick and getting the heck out quick. It also relies on trickery, spinning enemies and reflecting projectiles, with its customs going as far as putting enemies to sleep or lowering their stats.

Wingmen: The Supporters List:
@ WeirdChillFever WeirdChillFever
@ Yomi's Biggest Fan Yomi's Biggest Fan
@ SmashingObjection SmashingObjection
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Deleted member

Bwahahahahhaa.... a bird fighter. This will get interesting.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Pidgey will probably be heavier than :4mewtwo: to if he gets in... :016::016::016::016:


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Didn't you mention him just a few hours ago? Just how quickly did he grow on you? Are you using a lucky egg?

Hawlucha is best bird pokémon tho.



Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
Wow. I can't believe I wasted my vote on a character like K Rool when I could've been voting Pidgey all this time.

His Final Smash should be a sudden evolution all the way to Mega Pidgeot, who then blasts everyone with a massive gust of wind that KOes everyone whilst The Scorpions' "Rock You Like a Hurricane" is playing.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Wow. I can't believe I wasted my vote on a character like K Rool when I could've been voting Pidgey all this time.

His Final Smash should be a sudden evolution all the way to Mega Pidgeot, who then blasts everyone with a massive gust of wind that KOes everyone whilst The Scorpions' "Rock You Like a Hurricane" is playing.
Yeah I know right?
His iconicness is out of the roof.

"I can't defeat Air Man" on loop.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
Yeah I know right?
His iconicness is out of the roof.

"I can't defeat Air Man" on loop.
To be honest if I was going for an iconic starting area Pokemon, I'd have chosen a Rattata. Specifically Youngster Joey's Rattata. After all, only the top percentage of Rattata's should get into a game like Smash.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
To be honest if I was going for an iconic starting area Pokemon, I'd have chosen a Rattata. Specifically Youngster Joey's Rattata. After all, only the top percentage of Rattata's should get into a game like Smash.
A rat huh?

Nah that'd never work.

I rather have the Pidgey, because he's a bit of a more original animal.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Might as well make it Pidgeot so that he can at least Mega evolve for his Final Smash...


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Might as well make it Pidgeot so that he can at least Mega evolve for his Final Smash...
I think that the Power of Pidgey is that he's the most accesible Poké out there and having his fully evolved form appearing kinda ruins that point IMO.

It is a good Final Smash and Pidgeot moves can be incorporated in Pidgey's moveset.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I think that the Power of Pidgey is that he's the most accesible Poké out there and having his fully evolved form appearing kinda ruins that point IMO.

It is a good Final Smash
y'know if you want to talk about accessibility then you should take it a step further...Zubat! Appearing in games that Pidgey does not...and still confusing Hikers and Blackbelts to this day...


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
y'know if you want to talk about accessibility then you should take it a step further...Zubat! Appearing in games that Pidgey does not...and still confusing Hikers and Blackbelts to this day...
But then you risk making enemies with people who don't like you because you like Zubat over Crobat. (But then again that's the story of my life in Pokémon so.......)


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Guys, guys, we're not thinking big enough.

We all know who is basically confirmed DLC.

Neutral B-Tackle
Side B-khrp!
Up B-Bounce
Down B-Flail

Final Smash-Splash!
Top tier confirmed!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2015
I think this would be interesting.
Pidgey could fly above the ground while it's running/dashing, making it so lower attacks can't hit it while its moving.

Also, added to Index.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
y'know if you want to talk about accessibility then you should take it a step further...Zubat! Appearing in games that Pidgey does not...and still confusing Hikers and Blackbelts to this day...
Why have Pidgey when you can have Zubat!:041:

It can confuse the Smash Bros fanbase...... literally.:teeth:
I've actually thought about that but the grass patches were before the caves in the game.
That, and the "common bird trope" has been in one gen more than the "common bat trope", one of them being Gen 6 (Fletchling)

Afaik, the only Zubat clone was a cyclope fuzzy-like bat in gen 5.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Might as well make it Pidgeot so that he can at least Mega evolve for his Final Smash...
I never even knew there was a Mega Pidgeot, when did this happen?

And why is it's speciality in Special Attack?
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
OK, back to Pidgey!
Someone having an idea for a moveset?
Yeah. I'm gonna go make a moveset. Be right back.
EDIT: Ok I got the moveset. Almost all of Pidgey's attacks have set knockback. While playing Pidgey, your objective is to use windboxes to push opponents off-screen. Pidgey can jump five times, and has a decent recovery in Arial Ace. The more damage an opponent has, the easier time Pidgey has pushing away opponents. So here is what Pidgey's moveset looks like:
Neutral Attack-Slaps with a wing twice. The attack has a weak wind box on it.
Dash Attack-Forcefully thrusts out wings. This attack does no damage, but is has a windbox.
Forward Tilt-Uses Air Slash to create a short ranged projectile.
Up Tilt-Sweeps a wing overhead.
Down Tilt-Sweeps a wing low to the ground. High chance of tripping the opponent.
Forward Smash-Uses Quick Attack to dash forward quickly.
Up Smash-Uses Sunny Day to create a sun over its head.
Down Smash-Uses Feather Dance to attack with a pillar of feathers on either side.
Neutral Aerial-Does a cartwheel in the air.
Forward Aerial-Thrusts wings forward forcefully. No damage, but it has a windbox.
Back Aerial-Slaps with a wing. Has a weak windbox.
Up Aerial-Sweeps a wing overhead.
Down Aerial-Sweeps a wing underfoot.
Grab-Latches on to the opponent: Long grab (Very laggy)
Pummel-Digs claws into the opponent.
Forward Throw-Blows the opponent away.
Back Throw-Jumps over the opponent, and blows them away.
Up Throw-Flies above screen for a moment, then crashes down.
Down Throw-Throws to the ground, then uses Steel Wing to attack.
Floor-Uses Sand Attack on both sides.
Edge-Blows the opponent away before getting up.
Neutral Special-Gust: Blows the opponent away.
Side Special-U-Turn: Reflects projectiles, but turns Pidgey around
Up Special-Arial Ace: Flies in the given direction. Works like Power of Flight, exept it does damage.
Down Special-Move Roulette: Switches between three moves. The First is Mirror Move, this is a counter attack. The second is Tailwind, this ups Pidgey’s speed. The third is Swagger, this forces opponents to face Pidgey.
Final Smash-Twister: Traps opponents in a damaging twister. The Twister can KO opponents, but it is not likely. Instead, it raises opponents to high percents (Like: 300%) so Pidgey can use a smash attack to defeat an opponent.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2015
I came up with a moveset too. >w>()

A Wild Pidgey Jumps Out of the Tall Grass!

Height: Small
Weight: Around Jigglypuff and Mewtwo
Number of Jumps: 5
Walking Speed: Lower then Charizard
Dash Speed: Around Greninja, Sheik, and Charizard
Crawl: No
Wall Jump: No
Wall Cling: No

Special Notes
While Dashing, Pidgey is off the ground and flying, so it can avoid lower attack and special moves.


Sand Attack: Default. Pidgey flaps its wings, send a wave of sand in front of it, lightly damaging any foe it hits and spinning them the other way. Can reflect projectiles.
Toxic: Custom 1. Instead of sand, Pidgey send a wave of poison in from of it, poisoning foes in front of it, damaging them over time for a short while. Does not spin enemies or reflect projectiles.
Feather Dance: Custom 2. Instead of sand, Pidgey sends out feathers, slowing foes and/or projectiles in front of it to a crawl. Does not damage or spin enemies.

Aerial Ace: Default. Pidgey flies forward in a straight, horizontal line, damaging any foe it touches. Can be charged for increased travel length and strength.
U-Turn: Custom 1. Pidgey flies forward but then flips backwards, flying for a a few seconds. Can be charged for increased travel length and strength. Does less damage then Aerial Ace but spins enemies.
Feint Attack: Custom 2. Pidgey flies faster and farther then Aerial Ace but does less damage and can't be charge.

Tailwind: Default. A strong gust of wind lifts Pidgey in a diagonal-upward motion. Any enemy that hits collides with Pidgey will be damaged.
Fly: Custom 1. Similar to Charizard's, Pidgey flies upward. Hit's stronger then Tailwind but is less controllable.
Whirlwind: Custom 2. Places a small whirlwind under where Pidgey was when used for a few second. The whirlwind will lift all fighters and items upward. Has a suction effect with items. Does NOT damage foes.

Roost: Default. Pidgey sits on the ground and starts to heal itself. Can be held. Pidgey cannot move, shield, or dodge/roll while holding this move and holding it too long will cause Pidgey to fall asleep.
Confide: Custom 1. Instead of healing itself, Pidgey sits down and lowers the attack strength of any enemy near by. Can't be used consecutively or held. Does no damage.
Yawn: Custom 2. Pidgey sits on the ground and lets out a yawn. Any enemy that is in front of it that gets hit will fall asleep. Can be held for longer range but held too long will it fall to sleep as well. Does no damage.

Final Smash
Mega Evolve: Pidgey rapidly evolves into Pidgeot, Mega Evolves, goes offscreen, and uses Hurricane. While offscreen, the player can control the Hurricane, which lightly damages enemies that get caught in it but launches them very far upwards. At the end of the Final Smash, the Hurricane will release a strong gust of wind that heavily damages any enemy nearby and launches them horizontally.

Play Style
Like Pichu, Pidgey is a fragile speedster and cherry-tapper, relying on attacking quick and getting the heck out quick. It also relies on trickery, spinning enemies and reflecting projectiles, with its customs going as far as putting enemies to sleep or lowering their stats.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I came up with a moveset too. >w>()

A Wild Pidgey Jumps Out of the Tall Grass!

Height: Small
Weight: Around Jigglypuff and Mewtwo
Number of Jumps: 5
Walking Speed: Lower then Charizard
Dash Speed: Around Greninja, Sheik, and Charizard
Crawl: No
Wall Jump: No
Wall Cling: No

Special Notes
While Dashing, Pidgey is off the ground and flying, so it can avoid lower attack and special moves.


Sand Attack: Default. Pidgey flaps its wings, send a wave of sand in front of it, lightly damaging any foe it hits and spinning them the other way. Can reflect projectiles.
Toxic: Custom 1. Instead of sand, Pidgey send a wave of poison in from of it, poisoning foes in front of it, damaging them over time for a short while. Does not spin enemies or reflect projectiles.
Feather Dance: Custom 2. Instead of sand, Pidgey sends out feathers, slowing foes and/or projectiles in front of it to a crawl. Does not damage or spin enemies.

Aerial Ace: Default. Pidgey flies forward in a straight, horizontal line, damaging any foe it touches. Can be charged for increased travel length and strength.
U-Turn: Custom 1. Pidgey flies forward but then flips backwards, flying for a a few seconds. Can be charged for increased travel length and strength. Does less damage then Aerial Ace but spins enemies.
Feint Attack: Custom 2. Pidgey flies faster and farther then Aerial Ace but does less damage and can't be charge.

Tailwind: Default. A strong gust of wind lifts Pidgey in a diagonal-upward motion. Any enemy that hits collides with Pidgey will be damaged.
Fly: Custom 1. Similar to Charizard's, Pidgey flies upward. Hit's stronger then Tailwind but is less controllable.
Whirlwind: Custom 2. Places a small whirlwind under where Pidgey was when used for a few second. The whirlwind will lift all fighters and items upward. Has a suction effect with items. Does NOT damage foes.

Roost: Default. Pidgey sits on the ground and starts to heal itself. Can be held. Pidgey cannot move, shield, or dodge/roll while holding this move and holding it too long will cause Pidgey to fall asleep.
Confide: Custom 1. Instead of healing itself, Pidgey sits down and lowers the attack strength of any enemy near by. Can't be used consecutively or held. Does no damage.
Yawn: Custom 2. Pidgey sits on the ground and lets out a yawn. Any enemy that is in front of it that gets hit will fall asleep. Can be held for longer range but held too long will it fall to sleep as well. Does no damage.

Final Smash
Mega Evolve: Pidgey rapidly evolves into Pidgeot, Mega Evolves, goes offscreen, and uses Hurricane. While offscreen, the player can control the Hurricane, which lightly damages enemies that get caught in it but launches them very far upwards. At the end of the Final Smash, the Hurricane will release a strong gust of wind that heavily damages any enemy nearby and launches them horizontally.

Play Style
Like Pichu, Pidgey is a fragile speedster and cherry-tapper, relying on attacking quick and getting the heck out quick. It also relies on trickery, spinning enemies and reflecting projectiles, with its customs going as far as putting enemies to sleep or lowering their stats.
I like it!
A cherry-tapper moveset is I what I had in mind as well!

I should make a moveset too:

B: Peck (Expected this as a Jab too bad Walu-Pidgey time.)
Pidgey learned a lot from living in a patch of grass with fellow birds, as Pidgey is the fastest pecker alive!

Pidgey pecks extremely fast at the opponent, dealing 2% per it.
After five hits, Pidgey jumps up and can fly again.

Side B: Feather Dance
Akin to Dancing Blade, Pidgey slaps his wings and starts to fly in the direction he dances in, even backwards!
On the ground, it works the same, except he can't fly down there.

Up B: Gust
Yaay! A nice wind comes up to help Pidgey fly, damaging opponents at the bottom of the gust, and pushing them away on top of them.

Down B: Whirlwind
Pidgey charges his wings, then when it is done, Pidgey sends out an enourmous windbox that has a bit of recoil like Shadow Ball.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Better then Greninja.

More people worldwide also know who Pidgey is than most of the SSB4 newcomers.

Still being included in all of the recent games, so he's highly relevant as well.

He's a shoo in.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
A vote for Pidgey would be a vote for aerial fighting justice. He has my vote for sure.

By the way, I really need to make a Brash the Bear topic at some time. :troll:


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
:094:is better.

Actually if you wanted a serious gen 1 candidate there are ton of iconic pokemon to choose from

Neutral B-Tackle
Side B-khrp!
Up B-Bounce
Down B-Flail

Final Smash-Splash!
Top tier confirmed!
Splash could actually be an attack that pushes people back from him.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
:094:is better.

Actually if you wanted a serious gen 1 candidate there are ton of iconic pokemon to choose from

Splash could actually be an attack that pushes people back from him.
You have no idea awesome it would be for Gengar to be in Smash!!! (and Scizor would be better than Scyther as it has already made an appearance in smash)
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