OK, I don't see the argument here about the 'lightgun' and what-not corrupting kids. What the heck, dude? Who cares whether you're aiming a plastic gun or killing them with analog sticks? It's still killing.
And yea, if your kid thinks killing is OK because a fantasy game has killing in it, I don't think that's the game's fault, I think that's the kid/parents' fault.
People who play GTA and kill people afterward are already messed up to begin with, and games or no games, they'd still be prone to violence. I play violent games like RE4 and God of War and love them, but I NEVER even CONSIDER doing those things in reality. It's called differentiating reality from fantasy. If your kid can't do that, they shouldn't be playing games or watching TV with violence in them at all, in my opinion.
Anyway, as far as next-gen goes, the 360 is out, and though I'm impressed with the hardware's functions and the online bits, the games don't strike me as next-gen. When the most popular 360 game is Geometry Wars, you know there's something wrong with the launch lineup. Also, 360 is concentrating so much on all the things its hardware can do, yet, where IS this hardware? They can't even get enough of it out.
PS3? Well, we hardly know a thing about it, except it looks to be a beefier machine than 360, and it's gonna have MGS4.
Revolution? I'd argue we know more about THAT than the PS3 by now. Rev. is taking a lot of risks, but they look like exciting ones to me. I hope they can nail the online system, the Virtual Console, and making quality, rich games with a unique control scheme that works.
We'll find out when May rears its glorious head.