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the my dream is funnier than harriettheguy's dream topic.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
here's probably one of my favorite dreams:

So I was eating at some restaurant just chilling and eating when all of a sudden Marty comes bursting in looking livid (Marty was most unexpected in my dream self). Now a pissed off Marty (especially in dream form) is something to behold. I dont even get a chance to ask whats going on before he says:

"Hey man ****'s about to go down this guys asking for it."

I started to get scared in my dream about Marty getting into a fight, so I start looking around and then Marty's opponent walks into the restaurant. I take a good look at him.

It was Bruce Willis.

I start to piss myself scared cause it was Marty going up against Bruce Mo-effin' Willis. Well the fight happens and Bruce Willis literally just embarrasses Marty doesnt even hurt him too much just kinda toys with him.

I, still kinda petrified after Bruce Willis walks out, the victor, I just had to ask:

"Marty... what the hell happened that you had to fight about it?"

"Man XIF it was such BS we were friggin playing pokemon and TEN TIMES in a row I couldnt move cause of paralysis"


Moral of the story: none.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2007
Atlanta Ga
lol, thats the ****.

reminds me of a dream i had a couple months ago. i was in a castle type setting wit all the smashers i know, then one by one we started dying by ghosts, zombies and monsters. we all started running to the exit then all of a sudden we all stopped running from the monsters and started a smash tournament.

Col Bol

Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2006
Casselberry, FL
Rofl @ the reason

Good dream

I once had a dream that Aasem beat me in a round of Super Smash Brothers Melee
An absurd dream, no?

And lol @
we all started running to the exit then all of a sudden we all stopped running from the monsters and started a smash tournament.


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
I once had a dream that I got second place
I mean third
I mean fourth
I mean fifth
no wait......

I mean first.

Maybe i can see into the future.....

But seriously, here's a dream i had

Everyone is at McDonalds. Everyone.
It goes down like this. RockCrock yells ****. Apparently, everyone is sleeping because exarch sent out some magic powder or some **** in the restaurant after bifocals beat him in an arm wrestle. Exarch and evryone simultaneously collapsed and Colin stood up right and said something mean in french. I was scared so I ordered an apple pie for me and a BBQ pizza for him. Then he started hibernating too. Then bifocals took his face off while a fvcking potato yelled in the background or something. It turns out it was actually DaShizWiz, Benny, and Smashmac on eachother's shoulders. And then i said "****." Bob Money dissapeared for no reason, and Ray started floating upside down to his left. Hiroshi started spitting out staples and skratch turned into a car and drove away. Lambchops ran into the counter even though he was 10 feet away. melbourne just exploded, i don't know why. Then Otru started having a conversation with QueenDVS and Queen said "2G1C!!!" Which he pronounced as "too gee won ehf triple exclamation poynt." Doodah was behind the counter, serving a sleeping Dop apple pies. Then Zoro........i forgot what he did, but his cousin was there, laughing at him. Uuaa and Vericz started discussing politics, and the hariettheguy was creating actual thought bubbles using a keyboard. Renth said "HDD6330" and HTG also exploded. Renth flew away. Action B@stard started babbling. Hiroshi's staples increased. XIF was enjoying some french fries when he said. ":) Lets do an apple pie money match. Any volunteers?" The ten volunteers were: Me, XyZ, Cash Mooney, Phanna and Rohins, Marin, Nick Riddle, The Law, Sheermaddness, and Captain Crunch. First, C@sh stopped breathing but no one really cared, so Phanna and Rohins had already gotten to their 9th pie after i finsihed my first. Marin started slapping Zoro, then dancing. Nick riddle stabbed four of his pies. Xyz was on his tenth. The Law twitched or something and Sheermadness drank a beer and a genie came out - Laijin! (Just kidding, it was thabettaplaya) Jon vaporized CaptainCrunch after he said the word "AP". Jon was about to destroy everyone with a jump-canceled back-air, but then fenrir d-threw him and upsmashed him. I was like
"I know how that felt...dang."

Then it went to Al's house, where i saw him recieve his phone bill. Everyone in a 2 mile rage of him died immiedietly.

It was now dark, but i heard derf's voice. Then derf was like "Phish rocks"
And then Green Mario started doing a robot while wavedashing.

It ends with me playing chess with Linguini, and Dguy brought iced tea.

Dguy said "It will happen on the 12th, my son. It will happen." Colbol shared with us his BBQ pizza, while calling Bill Gates a peasant. Out of Bill Gates appeared every single pro ever. Before they got all technical and ****, i plugged in C-stick King's controller and i swiped it out.

Everyone disappeared, and I started dancing with an Oreo.

I wake.


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
I once had a dream that I got second place
I mean third
I mean fourth
I mean fifth
no wait......

I mean first.

Maybe i can see into the future.....

But seriously, here's a dream i had

Everyone is at McDonalds. Everyone.
It goes down like this. Apparently, everyone is sleeping because exarch sent out some magic powder or some **** in the restaurant after bifocals beat him in an arm wrestle. Exarch and evryone simultaneously collapsed and Colin stood up right and said something mean in french. I was scared so I ordered an apple pie for me and a BBQ pizza for him. Then he started hibernating too. Then bifocals took his face off while a fvcking potato yelled in the background or something. It turns out it was actually DaShizWiz, Benny, and Smashmac on eachother's shoulders. And then i said "****." Bob Money dissapeared for no reason, and Ray started floating upside down to his left. Hiroshi started spitting out staples and skratch turned into a car and drove away. Lambchops ran into the counter even though he was 10 feet away. melbourne just exploded, i don't know why. Then Otru started having a conversation with QueenDVS and Queen said "2G1C!!!" Which he pronounced as "too gee won ehf triple exclamation poynt." Doodah was behind the counter, serving a sleeping Dop apple pies. Then Zoro........i forgot what he did, but his cousin was there, laughing at him. Uuaa and Vericz started discussing politics, and the hariettheguy was creating actual thought bubbles using a keyboard. Renth said "HDD6330" and HTG also exploded. Renth flew away. Action B@stard started babbling. Hiroshi's staples increased. XIF was enjoying some french fries when he said. ":) Lets do an apple pie money match. Any volunteers?" The ten volunteers were: Me, XyZ, Cash Mooney, Phanna and Rohins, Marin, Nick Riddle, The Law, Sheermaddness, and Captain Crunch. First, C@sh stopped breathing but no one really cared, so Phanna and Rohins had already gotten to their 9th pie after i finsihed my first. Marin started slapping Zoro, then dancing. Nick riddle stabbed four of his pies. Xyz was on his tenth. The Law twitched or something and Sheermadness drank a beer and a genie came out - Laijin! (Just kidding, it was thabettaplaya) Jon vaporized CaptainCrunch after he said the word "AP". Jon was about to destroy everyone with a jump-canceled back-air, but then fenrir d-threw him and upsmashed him. I was like
"I know how that felt...dang."

Then it went to Al's house, where i saw him recieve his phone bill. Everyone in a 2 mile rage of him died immiedietly.

It was now dark, but i heard derf's voice. Then derf was like "Phish rocks"
And then Green Mario started doing a robot while wavedashing.

It ends with me playing chess with Linguini, and Dguy brought iced tea.

Dguy said "It will happen on the 12th, my son. It will happen." Colbol shared with us his BBQ pizza, while calling Bill Gates a peasant. Out of Bill Gates appeared every single pro ever. Before they got all technical and ****, i plugged in C-stick King's controller and i swiped it out.

Everyone disappeared, and I started dancing with an Oreo.

I wake.

I once had a dream where hungry broke his wall with a random bulldozer after i 4 stocked him. A couple of months later that actually happened. (exept the bulldozer part)


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
I had a dream...

that all the whit.... no wait..

that was martin luther king my mistake


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Space Animals, Florida
I had a dream that we were at VLS, and chillindude and XIF looked like twins. And "Hey MarsFool! whos that girl XIF is playing?" >_>;;; "Laijin thats Pc Chris"


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i had a dream yeeeeaars ago, when i was new to the tournament scene and had names/faces/skills mixed up
i went to japan to fight Wes the best smash brothers player in the world (yea, doens't make sense already)...so i'm walking around in this mall-like city that is part jungle, but mostly train run. I get off at my stop, and walk on these suspended sidewalk-things passing a few apartments, wildlife on the side of me, until i get to the right room...
I open it up, and theres 3 cute (possibly underage? ;)) asian girls all playing melee. I realize i have to beat them before i can fight Wes.
We do a free for all on pokemon stadium and 3 of them pick Ness. So i'm doc, and i take care of 2 of them, but the last one, i just barely beat cuz she was cold with those DJC b.airs.
I open the next door and an asian version of wes comes out and it was then i realized something was wrong cuz i remembered wes was black and played samus..and he wasn't the world champion...so i woke up.
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