How do people feel about Kirby's ability to take powers and use them vs their original character?
Mario Fireballz vs. Kirby Red Fireballz?
Samus Vs Kirby Big shot
Yoshi.... etc.
Which powers are worth stealing? Which powers change in purpose? Which characters are weak to their own B attack?
All powers are worth stealing, but the risk of taking punishment if you fail the attempt may be something to consider. Other than that all powers aside from DK, Falcon, and samus are to be used to innitiate or increase damage percentage to prepaid for the KO. Falcon punch Kirby is deadly when combined with an up tilt combo, no escape. Good luck
alpha is have doing that before Isai discovered how to pivot utilt
Pivot stilts are so hard to master though! Not so useful with capt falcon but for Kirby and Fox it's gg