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The Mii Solution: Proposing Set Miis for Tournament Play


Smash Cadet
May 18, 2013
As one can easily tell from looking at the forums, the arguments over custom movesets and the viability of miis in the game are rather hot. The ability for a Miis stats to be altered depending on its size and weight, as well as their lack of any base statistics to begin from, cause Mii Fighters to become a problem for tournament organizers. Now I happen to like the Miis, and I think that some of their playstyles should be represented in high-level play. Thus, I have created a series of nine Mii characters, three of each style and three of each size, to demonstrate how balanced tourney Miis could possible work. In the process of making these, I noticed that certain move sets (for example, all 1s or all 3s) were balanced to function together as a fairly viable character. Note that if you see any problems with specific Miis or playstyles, you can suggest alterations or adjustments (my ears are open to all ways to improve or streamline this). Hopefully, by the time we are done we can see some Miis in high-level play.

Mii 1: The Knife (Referred to as Belkar)

Size/Weight: Short and Skinny as possible
Fighting Style: Swordfighter
Moveset: Gale Strike, Airborne Assault, Stone Scabbard, Counter

Belkar is a poking-based character, constantly in the opponent's face inciting them into doing something stupid. His moveset allows for a fantastic punish game, and his speed allows him to get in and stab people with his disjointed and well-ranged normal moves. The gale strike is a potent zoning tool, keeping your opponent back or setting them up for combos, while airborne assault is a fantasic tool for closing distance quickly (or, if you're willing to risk it, edgeguarding). However, his weaknesses lie in his lightness and the fact that many of his normals are somewhat slow. Overall, a very high-risk yet high-reward character who plays well against keepaway.

Mii 2: The Katana (Referred to as Sasuke)

Size/Weight: Perfectly medium on both accounts
Style: Swordfighter
Moveset: Shuriken of Light, Slash Launcher, Skyward Slash Dash, Reversal Slash

Playing like a mix between Mario and Ike, Sasuke is a character who takes a bit of getting used to. His toolset allows him to act as a threat from a variety of ranges, throwing out shurikens and deflecting projectiles while still being able to rush in and damage the opponent with Slash Launcher. His normals, like Belkar's, are slow to come out, but have a large disjointed hitbox. If you can get a hand on controlling him, this character can fulfill a variety of roles.

Mii 3: The Greatsword (referred to as Kratos)

Size/Weight: Max both
Style: Swordfighter
Moveset: Blurring Blade, Chakram, Hero's Spin, Power Thrust

As you might guess, Kratos has a great emphasis on strength rather than finesse. His sword is huge, giving him a fantastic attack range and a great deal of power. His specials are all about putting pressure on your opponent, with Power Thrust being his primary tool for getting in. Unfortunately, Kratos is rather slow, and as such is vulnerable to faster characters who can bypass his reach. His Chakram is also a solid defensive tool, possessing good durability and negating most other projectiles.

Mii 4: The Tenderizer (Referred to as Boris)

Size/Weight: Smallest and Lightest possible
Style: Brawler
Moves: Shot Put, Onslaught, Soaring Axe Kick, Head-on Assault

Boris is as fast as you would expect a 60s cartoon character to be, and it makes for a very fun character to play. He can knock people around all day, and his edgeguarding capabilities are fantastic (SAK has a meteor effect and HOA is a spike, with shot put being a good projectile to counter recoveries). His normals are fast and effective, being able to net counter hits with ease. Sadly, the range on many of his attacks is sub-par, and Boris needs to get in really close in order to deal damage. Fortunately, he is hard to shake off once he does so.
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Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
Totally open custom movesets have plenty of support, so there's no problem that needs solving here.

If you want miis to see tournament use, you'll want them totally unrestricted because they are on the weak side even without boxing them in like this.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
Can we maybe not have Miis based on emo anime characters? Thanks.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2004
Socal 805 (aka Hyrule)
I don't think forcing archetypes for Miis is going to catch on. There has been discussion in other threads, if Miis are allowed the main discussion is whether or not the size a Mii should use one of the standard 6 stock Miis or if any weight class is allowed. A lot of this boils down to how much of an impact the weight differences make in gameplay and how feasible it is since on Wii U it's not possible to edit Mii weight/height without exiting the game and entering the Mii maker.

Plus, customizing the moveset is sort of the point of the Mii character. Why bother with them if players can't set the moveset they want themselves.


Smash Cadet
May 18, 2013
Can we maybe not have Miis based on emo anime characters? Thanks.
I needed to come up with a character who used shurikens and a sword and didn't wear a mask (the mii maker isn't particularly keen on masks). I am open to considering other characters for the spot. (Ryu Hayabusa is the one I am considering right now).

Even if we keep custom movesets open, we still have the issue of Mii size. I think that offering max, min, or medium sizes would be a good solution.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Not a problem that needs fixing. For 3DS, just have your Mii ready. For Wii U, use a staff console during reg, have staff transfer from 3DS before match.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2014
Can we maybe not have Miis based on emo anime characters? Thanks.
^ This

I skimmed this so forgive me if I'm missing the point of this thread.

But also, if there are standards for the Mii Fighters, I think it should just be different combinations of max/center/min height and weight. That's like 9 different heights and weights, just every combination of Tall/Middle/Short and Heavy/Medium/Light. Multiplied by the 3 different types of fighters, that's 27 different combinations. Hopefully this makes sense and I'm not going insane with my math.

Not counting custom moves bc I'm lazy.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Yeah, this thread has no actual competitive "merit". Miis are an issue, as you have identified, but this does not propose a solution to it.

I've moved this to general discussion.


Smash Cadet
May 18, 2013
Yeah, this thread has no actual competitive "merit". Miis are an issue, as you have identified, but this does not propose a solution to it.

I've moved this to general discussion.

Didn't I propose a solution? The concept of a series of regulated Miis? Maybe I ought to reserve ideas like this for the potential event of custom moves being disallowed.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Didn't I propose a solution? The concept of a series of regulated Miis? Maybe I ought to reserve ideas like this for the potential event of custom moves being disallowed.
Yep you did, but this has already been discussed elsewhere and you aren't exactly giving us anything that can be easily and fairly distributed.
The game/system itself gives us 6 default Miis we cannot edit, they're giving us heights/sizes that are consistent across every smash3ds in the world. Your proposal here hasn't done anything but give us more logistical issues and brain ache if it were to be considered seriously.


Smash Cadet
May 18, 2013
What are the 6 default Miis? The guest Miis? Smash does not immediately create characters for them.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
The guest miis have static height/weight and is available universally. You can still be a gunner, brawler or swordsman, but now the issue of small differences based on weight/height aren't there.
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