KniteBlargh, Chief Hotsuin, thanks a lot! I really appreciate your response.
KniteBlargh, some technical characters are a lot more duable for me compared to if I was playing someone who's technical in either Melee or PM. Since Smash 4 requires less tech skill in general, it's a lot easier for me to actually some of the technical characters. I can somewhat play
, because I kinda forced myself to play him because I love Mega Man so much. Same goes for
even though he's one of the most technical characters in the game (mainly because he's similar to my main
). Another example, I can play someone like
(my secondary) because I applied some of
's ideas into my gameplan along with Monado.
are not so bad for me as well... I can't play characters like
. I was just thinking of picking maybe
as potential characters in case if something's terrible going to happen for
for the balance patches.
As for PM, it's just I'm scared of actually getting counterpicked hard if I only play one character. My number of characters that I focus is only 1 or 2 depending on how far I want to take the game seriously. People generally say from 1 to 3 characters, but I think that 3 is a bit too much and prevents you from improving as fast. Also, if I only play one character in PM, I might get bored by the game fast. It's all those things that I'm kinda worried about, because I might start to think that I like PM as much as Smash 4, but I feel more comfortable with Smash 4 in general. I don't know if I make sense, but what do you think?
Chief Hotsuin, I actually main
in PM and that's pretty much the only character that I'm focusing on right now. There are other characters that I play (my favorites being
). Marth is pretty much the only character that I want to have from a main. Sure, like you said, he's not perfect and doesn't have all my requirements for a main, but he's the closest out of all these characters I've listed. The others are either they're not as fun as some other characters(
), some are too technical for me(
), some are too slow or poor movement options(
), already mained since I don't want to main the same characters twice since I don't want to mess up my gameplay (
) or too awkward (
). Falcon and Roy were close, but I feel that Falcon was too awkward to control and I tend to play Roy like Marth even though they're not supposed to play the same way. It's just those minor issues that really cripples me and I'm kinda annoyed by that. Plus, people from the PM boards say that Marth is solo-mainable in PM, so I wanted to actually solo-main him without relying on a secondary, since Smash 4 is my main focus.