What made you want to use Lucas?
Are you going to have an evasive playstyle with Lucas like your Wario?
Have you used him in any tournies yet?
Where on the tier list do you think Lucas belongs?
Wario is one of the best characters and Lucas isnt, why use Lucas out of everyone else?
What color scheme do you use?
Last one...Do you realise with your skills you could possibly change the way Lucas is played and make him better?
1. Lucas looked like fun to play as, and I was right. He's got cool hair, a cool Nair, a cool move set, and a cool name.
2. Going to have an evasive play style? Sir I already HAD that play style with Lucas the minute I picked him up lol. He's not too bad at doing it actually. He has good keep away options that I don't think have been exploited fully yet.
3. I have done a best out of 7 MM Lucas Ditto with Josh, and I have used him a few times in Low Tier events even though I usually use Jigglypuff for that, but for regular events I've not used him much. On opponent CP's, I have talked to Dphat about going Lucas/Ness on their stage choice for kicks, but that's about it. I do plan on using him more though in Singles, even if it's on their CP when I don't have much to lose.
4. Tier list position, I think he should be either around the same spot, or slightly higher. I think he is clearly a better character than Zelda, she was ranked too high last tier list. Pokemon Trainer is better overall (Squirtle carries his weight hard for that character), Ike is debatable. Some good Ike players have him as 5th worst/really bad. Others have him still higher than Lucas. I think Lucas could be better than him. Past that, the only character I think would drop below Lucas would be Sonic. Everyone else I think is better than him (Wolf, Fox, etc). Luigi POSSIBLY could be lower than him, but then again I tend to think Luigi is balls across the board and is a pretty terrible character, so that may just be a bias of mine.
5. Wario I play still because I know him so well at this point. I'm literally embedded with this character, some of what I have done has shaped his metagame. Regardless of whether I didn't like the character (which I love him, I used him for every Mario Party Game, for Mario Golf, for Mario Tennis, etc. I've always liked playing as Wario.), I would feel almost obligated to keep playing him. Lucas and Wario are similar in a lot of regards. They both have good Fsmashes, they both can recover well, they both have a good Dair/Nair, and similar Aerials overall (Uair feels the same, Bair is awkward for either character, Fair is like a quick surprisingly ranged poke, and what not).
6. I use every color Lucas. I have no preference. I do like certain Lucas Texture Hacks over others though.
7. I don't think I could change how people are supposed to play Lucas. I think I can refine/make better use of some of his tools, and maybe get the character recognized more widespread, but fundamentally I don't think I will change him that much.
Favorite fast food?
Favorite Lucas taunt?
What does your SWF name mean?
1. That's a hard one. It used to be Sonic, because they would have those Chicken Strip Sandwiches for $1, and if you got them fresh they were AMAZING. If you put some barbecue sauce on them, that made them **** harder. They recently raised the price of it, at least where I live, so it's a slight disappointment. Burger King has a good Double Cheeseburger/Chicken Sandwich deal, Wendy's has a good Chicken/Burger combo deal, etc. If we are talking about food purely, I would pick Sonic for the chicken sandwiches and the slushies/good tea drinks. If we are talking about best deal, I would say Wendy's ATM. I like most places, not a big fan of Dairy Queen or Whataburger though. They are good, but not up my alley.
2. I have my own Lucas taunt. I jab once in their direction, and retreating Dair away. That is my favorite, besides airdodging and canceling that with a Zair over and over lol.
3. DMG is an acronym for dr.mario guy. Back in the day, I saw smashboards, and wanted to join. Every other name I came up with was already taken. I was tired, and said screw it, no one is gonna know me most likely, so why not be Doctor Mario Guy? Of course, I didn't think spelling/spacing mattered, so I typed it as dr.mario guy and BOOM I got the name. For Melee, I never was able to get into the scene really. Waco had a local Scene, but I was entering it SUPER late, and I never was able to get a ride to anything. Eventually Brawl came out, and the first few tournaments I entered under my IRL name/under Chompy or something about Wario lol. One day while registering for a tournament, the TO asked for my name/what I wanted to be called by. I didn't wanna say dr.mario guy or explain how to spell it, so I just abbreviated it and said "DMG". After that, I was more involved in the scene, and that name stuck. After that point, most people referred to me as DMG. Once I saw the Premium Membership being offered, I decided to join for the custom title/support Smashboards, and I saw that I got name changes too. So I decided to Snag DMG before anyone else did, and I got it.