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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
well it's not that easy. even i can't declare myself the best smasher in the state.
and also if you (in about 3 weeks) have gotten as good as me in the past 2 years you are a smash prodigy


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
Sars_Pirate said:
I'm pretty sure Falco's got the advantage on Marth on Battlefield since it's easier for him to pillar since he can land on platforms and recharge his double jump or just catch Marth with an u-tilt. If JGT taught us anything, it's that Falco's will have to look for another stage besides FD where they can own. Lack of obstruction means it's easier for Marth to chainthrow Falco, but how many of us can chain like Ken does?
Marth wins when he edgeguards, and, on BattleField, that happens a lot to Falco. Plus, there is no edge for Falco to angle thunderbird into to throw off Marth's timing. All Marth has to do is neutral a swipe the phantasm, then falco falls under, and gets fsmashed from his up b until he dies. The edges are harder to tech on Battlefield, since Falco can't angle into the side of the stage. Yes, Marth gets combo'd on Battlefield by Falco. Yes, the platforms stop most of his chainthrowing. But, Marth can still uthrow Falco onto a platform, wait for the tech, then follow it with utilt or fsmash tipper. A Marth whoring utilt under a platform is a good Marth, because it works. Falco just can't get past Marth's edgeguarding on Battlefield, IMO. The unique edge makes edgeteching and angling into the stage, to throw off timing, nearly impossible. I think that Pokestadium and Dreamland64 are the best stages for Falco vs. Marth.

Sars_Pirate said:
And for the whole Marth thing, Taylor actually did make a good point about Marth being easily juggled/comboed. Personally, I do think that Marth is the best character because of his priority, range, and speed. Seeing as how pretty much all of his moves extend around him, the guy seems almost unassailable. But, if you've got enough confidence in your character, all you really have to do is get under the Marth and juggle, juggle, juggle since Marth can only D-air you, and anyone can tech out of that. (Meaning that Fox can stand up to Marth since he can assault Marth with his U-air from below)
Yup, that's how I managed to get atleast one win against Jon's Marth, and Taylor's (I'm pretty sure) Marth at Gameware. Uthrow to uair juggle on Marth combo's very easily to 60 or 70% on Marth because of his weight and falling speed.

Sars_Pirate said:
As for Sheik, I don't know . . . I don't remember having as much trouble against Sheik than I do Marth. Besides, I can always switch to ICs and just chainthrow to death.
**** Sheik with Fox. xD She can hardly do anything to Fox until higher percentages. On the other hand, fox has drillshine to uthrow uair all day on her. xD xD xD


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
Mankosuki said:
That depends, is it an African or European swallow?
Oh, i don't know THAT!
*flies off of a bridge, into the oblivion*



Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
ffox is too good for aim. aim is for noobs (thats y im on there) (LCB12321, hit it up)

FFox I dont want to have to argue with u anymore about smash cuz i know ur always right.

and people need to stop switching to these gay characters like marth and sheik (and zelda grrrr)

i want to start seeing people getting good with other charaters and not give in to the marth, sheik cheapness


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
Why don't I go on Aim? The answer is pie. Jk, don't take me seriously. I don't go on AIM because I'm a loser(Maybe you can't take that seriously, either. I honestly get too disrupted with Aim when I am trying to do homework). Sorry eet, but I can't make the tournament on the weekend of March 11th and 12th.
FFox I dont want to have to argue with u anymore about smash cuz i know ur always right.
Lol, you think that I'm that accurate or professional? I'm definitely wrong a lot of the time, I just voice my opinion because I don't like to see people believing stupid things...or atleast what I think are stupid things.
That depends, is it an African or European swallow?
The answer is pie...to the third power. :ohwell:


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
sHy)(gUy said:
and people need to stop switching to these gay characters like marth and sheik (and zelda grrrr)

i want to start seeing people getting good with other charaters and not give in to the marth, sheik cheapness
Good point. Unfortunately, when it comes down to winning money and first place in a tournament, people (like me) tend to pick characters that give an easier win. Lol...I can't believe you forgot Peach. Peach is stupidly good.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
Ya peach is pretty good but atleast she takes a little more skill and finesse. Id actually like to play a peach over a marth or sheik cuz its usually fun with all the turnips and stuff, even though she has insane recovery.

(That *****)


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
meh id say peach takes a little less skill to master than marth. of course if youre jus talking a fsmashin marth then yeah. but anyway we all know sheik takes no skill. lol


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
eet said:
but anyway we all know sheik takes no skill. lol
I disagree. Float canceling + great aerials = amazing character. Peach can ***** floatcanceling into slap, grab, and primarily dsmash all day long and completely smother the opponent in many instances. Turnip throws into float cancelling are amazing, too.
Sheik, is broken, but I really think that Peach is an overall easier character to play.

Lol, a gang of three black guys just stole bikes from outside our dorm. Someone yelled at them and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?!" The guy says, "...this is my bike."
NO. You're stoned out of your mind. You're a dumb ****. Stop stealing bikes.

Two of the guys ran out after them barefooted, then turned the corner and saw a massive gang of [quote unquote] "Big and Black guys." They were thinking "O ****," so they hauled *** back to Prudomme Hall. Anyways...the funniest part of all is that someone yelled this....


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
Well ive decided to drop falco as one of my mains cuz I relized that that character doesnt fit my play style, I found out that every time iplay him im playing scared of getting hit.

Another reason im dropping falco is because ive finnaly realized how good of a charater doc really is and how to play him right. I noticed while pill spaming that not only am I making it difficult for my oppononet to reach me but it also gives me key opprotunities to read my opponent and give me and upperhand in the match, i dunno to play doc just feels so natural to me, its kindof like dacing with him instead of fighting u just kind of move with ur oppenet making him play the dodge the pills game while u decide when to go on the offensive. Its kind of like in a basketball game when one team wants to lower the amount of possesions so they play a slower style, well the pill spam helps slow down the match to get doc into a nice comfortable fighting style. I will also be trying to work on my ICs more as my secondary.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Rofl at the bike.

Anyways, the argument for Sheik being broken is great, but there haven't been many Sheiks that have won any major tournaments lately except for CJ's Sheik which is so different from any other Sheik out there (except for like Hoshino's). I mean, chainthrowing with Sheik only goes so far when players learn how to properly DI, and every player knows exactly what to expect from Sheik since there isn't a lot of moves that the traditional Sheik player dishes out. :/ Players need to evolve her more.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 15, 2005
But on the other hand, Marths, if not the winner's main, is usually used once in a final match-up as a counter. A gay counter kids.


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
hmmm, i dont rly care enough to follow all the main tournies. but doesnt ken just win them all with his marth? that kinda nullifies looking at the results for a character pattern. Azen is usually second and generally uses Sheik against him, or sometimes Chu with his sexy IC. Then there was bombsolidier with his pro Falco. But anyway ken is top tier then sheik lol


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
Anyways, the argument for Sheik being broken is great, but there haven't been many Sheiks that have won any major tournaments lately except for CJ's Sheik which is so different from any other Sheik out there (except for like Hoshino's). I mean, chainthrowing with Sheik only goes so far when players learn how to properly DI, and every player knows exactly what to expect from Sheik since there isn't a lot of moves that the traditional Sheik player dishes out. :/ Players need to evolve her more.
I'm afraid that at the high level, sheik just gets countered by climbers, falco, and fox too easily, when she has no low percentage combos on the space animals and no grab game on climbers. You are right about sheik being predictable, too.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
entelegantLozer said:
But on the other hand, Marths, if not the winner's main, is usually used once in a final match-up as a counter. A gay counter kids.
Marth is very easily punished. He is only gay on battlefield because of the bad edges, and on yoshi story because of how small it is. On bigger stages, Marth doesn't really outplay falcon, fox, falco, or sheik. All of them can easily combo Marth because of his unfortunate weight and falling speed combination. The way that Marth wins is by edge-guarding. On-stage, he's just another character imo.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 15, 2005
Right, so as soon as someone's mediocre main gets owned, or their marth get'a beat on a fair(er) level, then they pick the amazing BF and Utilt to FSmash, maybe with some chainthrows for show. If I were good with Marth I think I'd quit as fast as I quit playing Sheik, for the same reason: static gameplay and uncreative.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Ryan, we need to play soon!!! We should get in touch with Noddle and see if he gets off around this time too. I think that my characters have actually improved since the last time I've played. I've more or less forced myself to stop being so greedy for knees and have picked up pivoting which I'm still experimenting. Unfortunately, I can only pivot F-smashes, F-tilts, and Jabs -_-


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

I haven't played him yet. Which is why I need to get my *** to the west bank to play him.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
entelegantLozer said:
Right, so as soon as someone's mediocre main gets owned, or their marth get'a beat on a fair(er) level, then they pick the amazing BF and Utilt to FSmash, maybe with some chainthrows for show. If I were good with Marth I think I'd quit as fast as I quit playing Sheik, for the same reason: static gameplay and uncreative.
Someone has a grudge against Marth. >_>; I don't mean to offend, but, if the game makes you that upset, I think that you need to find a different game.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2004
Lafayette, LA
Sars_Pirate said:
Unfortunately, I can only pivot F-smashes, F-tilts, and Jabs -_-
Good times, pivoting is a good technique to have at hand. It is one of the techniques that I don't incorporate into my game enough. However, I don't know what else you would want to pivot besides fsmash, ftilt, and jab. Utilt and Dtilt could be useful, true, but it's not necessary. You can always crouch cancel into downtilt, too.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I'm still experimenting with it, but I'd love to get the hang of pivoting for all attacks. Like you said, U-tilt and D-tilt will lead to some fancy combos; but I'd like to try to get the hang of pivoting into a D-smash just for the sake of spacing. I don't know. I just think this tactic has a lot of potential and can be th starter for some impressive combos (and not just for C Falcon!)

And it's so much fun hitting Entel with it especially because I make a huge deal about it and make sure he knows what I did. >_>

TehPh1r3PwnzJ00 said:
entel and sars should go play with jon, ray, and ricky
then you'll get some real practice XD

More like they'd get real practice playing us!!! DOH!!!



Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
So ya we need to tape some matches(like of me) so i can see what im doing and study myself.

I dunno does watching urself help ur game???
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