me against the whole of R&F ;D
Haha, i love the cockyness bro! Ur on! Hope you been practicing!
I dont know if they are coming
Hey man, sorry bout the long depart lol! Im not really sure if we are gonna be making this one i was gonna be coming coz i thought it was the saturday but i just realised the 4th was sunday and i have something i had planned since last year on that date and if i miss it then il neva b seen again...... because i'l be in a cemetary somewhere lol! But yea my apologise, im so pissed off that i cant make it AGAIN, i got so many ppl i NEED to play aswell. ESPECIALLY fuzz's Yoshi and Kman's lil bro! And yea we should defo do that crew battle.
But thats in regards to me though, im not really sure about Ouch and Spam or Yawn coz i havent spoken to them (Uni is taking over my life). When i do, il tell them to inform u guys immediately on wether they are attending or not, but if they dont post then just assume they are not coming. Mayb email them or something. If not tho we should be going to Yeovil for the tourney! So EVERYONE MAKE SURE UR THERE!!!
I think there are three members
Nah bro there 4 of us, there always has bin but Yawn (Samus player) is always the busy one of the 4 of us so usually he always has other plans so he doesnt make it, but ul meet him at the yeovil tourney coz i think he is gonna be there.