What made you join the Smashboards?
Where did you get the name BluePSI?
What was your 3rd avatar? (This is more so rhetorical)
How many animals do you have? What are they?
What makes you, you? (Your unique trait)
Any family members?
Is it weird living on the other side of the planet?
Is it weird having friends on the other side of the planet?
1. When Hoshi said he was joining this site, and I took a look and it looked like A site I might want to join :3
2. The "Blue" part was from an old username I used to use, and my like for the colour blue! and the "PSI" part is from my liking for the earthbound series.
3. Uhhh.... I think it was the sonic adventure one with Sonic in his "watch out, you're gonna crash! aah!" face
4. None ;.;
5. My kind nature towards others :D
6. My Mother, Father, Olders sisters (one has autism and the other has just moved into uni) and more, but they don't live in my house
7. Sometimes, as everyone else gets to stay up later than I do
8. Not really, I also have some RL friends who have moved to different parts of the world, it's kind of cool actualy :D
Bluedog is ready to challenge the world.
Heck yes >:3
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?
Do you care if I call you "mah dawg"?
What is your favorite food that's not puppy chow?
Do you ever say "Fish and Chips" or "Crumpet"?
If you had a party of me, Sato, and LP, and we were all dead. Who would you use the Phoenix Down on?
Ion Cannon or Nucular War Head?
Do you like Pie?
Pie or Cake?
Favorite Drink?
Steak or Ribs?
I play a trap card faced down. I end my move.
1. A wood chuck could not chuck if the chuck would chuck Chuck Norris.
2. Not at all
3. Curry or chicken nuggets :3
4. Of course! thats what they are called here and thats how I have always said them
5. Sato, as she would probably be the healer as she is female (lolsexisminRPGs)
6. Ion cannon, sounds less destructive :3
7. YESH :U
8. Cake, as long as I can eat it
9. Tea :D (or fanta I guess)
@ blue
What are you currenly playing?
What is your thought about posting in color?
If you could visit one of the states witch one would you visit
What do you want for your birthday?
1. Pokemon red and yellow, Pikmin (though not much XD) and thats it... I think.
2. Good, but it would take too long to set it to that colour everytime
3. I'm not sure.... I guess all of the places you guys live XD
4. Mother 1+2+3 in english XD