Very cool Dave. I'll try to find a good time to do this. We'd need a place to play, and probably we'll make noise so I'm guessing somewhere indoors. lolz
And playing at the end of the year is kinda bad cause finals and holidays. So I'm thinking sometime in October, or November would be ideal. Like on a Friday or something when everyone can be free and play.
A friend of mine is a semi pro camera man/technician and boy does he owe me big time. So he and a bunch of my trusted sources will not only film this crew battle live, but they will also max it into a great video with editing and everything. And the beauty of it is, most of them play smash too. XD
Idk how big you want the battle to be. We can do 10 v 10, but 8 v 8 works too.
If it's 8 then it'll be Me, Kurai, Kaoru, Genji, Sakoda, Duh!, Shi-ne, and Matsuken. If you wanna do 10 then I can probably get a couple of alternates.
Stopping by for practice is gonna be hard cause I have to sleep early on all weeknights. Just hit me up with a plan on your end and I'll fit in somehow. Thanks.
Oh yah and if any of the people you listed haven't been listed yet, let me know. I'll add them to the player finder.
I have a feeling this will be much closer than you think.
Jose huh? That would be so cool!!!