So I posted this in the General Thread and forgot to share it here? My bad guys!
"The hated boss who beats you down, and beats you down, and never lets up... Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here!"
Seriously, a Pokemon 'villain' for the Pokemon Trainer? Its ya Boi, Guzma and Golisopod leave an impression! *Cue Splash Screen*
Golisopod would be the fighter, while Guzma squats in the background and just watches on. Every now and then he could say things like "Yeah, hit em!" "Why are you running?"
Up Taunt: The exclamation mark appears above Golisopod's head, looks around nervously/scared and toughens up when Guzma hypes him back up "Yo you got this!"
Side Taunt: Golisopod stands tall and does the Team Skull pose and Guzma gets up "Yeah yeah like that!"
Down Taunt: Golisopod and Guzma throw up there hands in unison and throw gang signs around "Ready for a beat down!?"
Neutral Special: X-Scissor - This move acts like Cloud's Cross Slash, but is more simplified. Swings its glowing red claws upward with one arm at a time. Then it brings them back down with an X slash (Red highlights for the move )
Side Special: First Impression - Golisopod acts bashful and sweet and slowly looks away from the opponent, but quickly lunges at them with a quick claw strike! This move makes me think of Greninja's Substitute move. The longer you hold the button, the further and harder you hit the opponent.
Down Special: Payback - This move is a counter (Another heavy with a counter). Golisopod puts up his claw arms like a shield and when he is hit, he throws his claws outward and stomps the ground releasing dark energy around him. (Could also be Struggle Bug, but IDK)
Up Special: Liquidation - This move acts like Foxes up special, but with less distance to travel. Water generates around Golisopod and he launches himself head first in the desired direction. There is slow down if he hits a wall or the ground.
Final Smash: Savage Spin-Out - Guzma does the Buginium Z pose and says "Time for some pain!" And Golispod spews a string of webs around himself and all who are caught in it are put in a cutscene. The fighters caught are wrapped in a web that is being held by Golisopod. Golisopod proceeds to throw the fighters about, slamming them into the ground and spins them around before he pulls the web closer and slashes right through the webbing, launching the fighters. While that is going on, Guzma says his catchphrase in the background "He'll beat you down and beat you down and will never let up!"
Let me know what you all think!