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The Greatest Games Ever Made


Smash Lord
Mar 2, 2007
My friend was arguing with me that assassin's creed deserves the best game of all time spot compared mario galaxy.

What do you guys think?


Sorry I worded my post wrong, I'll change it.
I wouldn't choose either of them, but would pick Galaxy waaaay before Creed..
Creed doesn't even deserve to RUN for the greatest game ever made.

Not saying it's a bad game, but just..no.

I've heard very very good things about Galaxy, though, so correct me if I'm wrong, I can just think of many other worthy games.


Smash Cadet
Apr 15, 2007
Cape Coral, FL
I love how any time you see a greatest/top/best game discussion it instantly becomes an arguement over OoT. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm a huge supporter for "Oot 4 best game ever", so I just think its hilarious to see the crappy reasons people say it's not.

Anyways although I think OoT is the greatest, Metroid Prime is extremly close.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2006
Dont have the time to do the analysis but...

Street Fighter II, and i dare ANYONE, AND I MEAN IT, ANYONE in this thread, to try and prove me how could it not deserve to be in the greatest games of all time list WITHOUT looking like a complete idiot who is illiterate when it comes to fighters, and games in general.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
I personally am going to have to go with Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess over OoT, despite how much I love OoT (I went back and beat it again last week, just because I felt it necessary). We often get nostalgic over OoT as it was one of the first truly amazing adventure games we played (and unfortunately one of the only truly great adventure games to ever come out) however there were some basic flaws in the game design. Many people here are defending the story when for the most part there was no story. It was just a quick series of events that instructed you to go to the next temple. And lets not forget that they decided to put in a help system that was more annoying than anything else in the world (HEY! LISTEN!!!) Twilight Princess may not have been as inovative as OoT but it was significantly more fleshed out. There was back story, there were secrets, there was Midna (dont pretend you didn't think Midna was awesome) and there was a cinematic flair to everything. It felt like OoT on a much more grand scale and directed by Peter Jackson!


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
Good lord, El Hp, please do us a favor and look at the title of this topic. I seem to remember that it's not entitled "Bash Zelda and list your favorite games." If you could stay on topic for one post, maybe we'd actually take your entries seriously.
I already added one game check previous post.

I love how any time you see a greatest/top/best game discussion it instantly becomes an arguement over OoT. I'm not being sarcastic, I'm a huge supporter for "Oot 4 best game ever", so I just think its hilarious to see the crappy reasons people say it's not.
I love how everytime OoT is criticized the fanboys come to tell how wrong you are and that no game will ever be better than their precious zelda.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Actually I'm neither fanboy nor fangirl, I just realize what a good, revolutionary game is when I see it. :)


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2007
Guanajuato, México
I'll have to say the greatest game of all times is undoubtfully Chrono Trigger, its just amazing, and the greatest game ever, at least the greatest RPG ever made.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2007
Dont have the time to do the analysis but...

Street Fighter II, and i dare ANYONE, AND I MEAN IT, ANYONE in this thread, to try and prove me how could it not deserve to be in the greatest games of all time list WITHOUT looking like a complete idiot who is illiterate when it comes to fighters, and games in general.
Well, since you dared me...

Just kidding... sort of.

Street Fighter is a classic, but, when looking back at it, it's not that great of a game. What makes Street Fighter a classic is that it revolutionized the industry, that it was great for it's time, and that it's paved the way for fighting games to become a big part of the gaming industry. In addition, it introduced advancemets in gameplay that both enhanced competitive play and all around amazing fights to be possible. Something that fighting games lovers like ourselves should all be thankful for.

For that, I will always thank SF2.

However, the game had problems. Generally due to issues dealing with responsiveness, priority, and control that were eventually fixed later in the series, but still plagued the game. Problems that would only come up today, in retrospect, but when playing the game when it first came out, were negligible or easily dealt with. In addition, SFII introduced the idea of fluididy as well as straight on fighting, a balance that was introduced in SFII, but perfected (and much better done) later on. Still, however, a case of todays perspective.

In any case, when I got the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, I rarely played Street Fighter 2, and instead played SF 3. The only reason I played SFII is because I found that my game had a Sound Test, and the SFII music is some of the best ever.


Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2007
Chrono Trigger

Game Length - 15 Hours to beat story, but I've played the game several times over(maybe 85 hours)
Region - Japan, Usa, Canada?
Critical Recognition - Everyone raves about the greatness of this game. Go onto any forum talking about chrono trigger, 95% will say how much they love it.
Popularity Over Time -People are still screaming for another sequel(Chrono Cross was good but wasn't enough)
Historical Significance - It set a standard for good RPGs I guess, not really much historical significance other than being the best looking SNES game out there.
Cultural Impact - Not much I can think of for this section. I'm sure it had significance but I don't know about anything specific myself.
Major Award Winner - Uhm...loads of "Best Games Ever" awards? I know Gamespot put Chrono Trigger on its best games ever list.

I think this is one of the greatest RPGs ever.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Lost forever to obscurity
Does it have to be a video game, because it only stipulates "greatest game", in which case I vote for chess (even though there are technically video games made for it, it was a board game long before).

In the categories listed:
Game Length: it has great replay value as it has been played for many centuries and is still being played. Region: it extends to the entire world, many from across the globe play in the tournaments run by the international organization FIDE.
Critical Recognition: this really doesn't apply as the game is so old. Modern views would probably say it's a classic that has so many deep aspects and is the standard for strategic-oriented games.
Popularity over time: it just gets bigger and bigger.
Historical Significance: Many, Many books, a few films, and various other media have been created dedicated to chess...not on the whole but many deeper aspects as well. Chess is the standard in which other strategic games are judged
Cultural Significance: many millions around the globe play regularly, and many more millions at least know the of the game through some means
Major award winner: Chess probably didn't get too many awards back when it was created due to the lack of any fast communications network, and in the present day all the praise is most likely from a GM so that one is a bit iffy

If not then I vote for starcraft...it's chess in real time. it has pretty much all the stats as chess listed above only it has more recognition through electronic media and hasn't been around as long....
maybe in a thousand years starcraft will be the new chess


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2007
I would have to say regardless of how much I hate it personally, Halo 2. It was well perceived by the public as well as it had new features that the other game lacked, it's single player, co-op, and multiplayer versus modes all equal in depth....
the end.
As a former fanatic of the Halo series, I can personally say that although Halo 2 and 3 were definitely better received than the first game, they pale in comparison to it. Sure they added online multiplayer, but the campaign, overall storyline, characters, etc. just went downhill. They just took each sequel, spit on them, wiped them off, and threw some shiny stickers on them and threw them back into the market saying "Here's our sequel! We promise story closure!" Obviously a good game and an end to the campaign never came.

The Halo series is why I'm currently such a big Call of Duty fan. Halo was great and is now crap, but Call of Duty started off horribly and has now ended amazingly. I traded my copy of Halo 3 in roughly two weeks after buying it. I don't know why I thought it would be any better than 2...I guess I was like a lot of other fans and just hoped Bungie would correct the mistake they released with 2.

The marketing strategy with 3 (the whole Believe stuff) was rather brilliant, however.

This is all, of course, IMO.


Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2007
People who rate games based on voice acting/graphics/size of female protagonists boobs, are not suitable for this topic. People who like OoT like it because its a game that was good, full of action, story, and good graphics for its time. Halo is another game that has made it big, but its not the greatest game ever. I think we should go for the "greatest game series" of all time.

If that is so, than these games win the contest in terms of sheer popularity:

Mario = 1st
Final Fantasy = 2nd
Halo = 3rd
Chrono Trigger/Cross = 4th
Zelda = 5th
Metroid = 6th
Sonic = 7th(It was big back then, but not so much now)

This is just my opinion. There are several games I'm sure I've missed/forgotten about. Whether you think Chrono Trigger is more popular than FF7, thats up for debate.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2007
Earthbound or MOTHER 3.
Flip a coin.
Their too awesome to choose one over the other.


Smash Cadet
Nov 28, 2007
It may surprise you,but the greatest game of all time(for me) is...
Yes,I know it's pretty recent...
In categories:
Game lenght:It's been almost a month and I finished the game,but i still love to play missions all over again...just like SMRPG or SM64.Besides,you can play as Luigi.
Critics:Many percieved the game as being one of the best platformers out there.
Popularity over time:I don't know why,but the game doesn't sells well.
And that's all I can say for it.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
greatest games of all time?

id say what makes a great game is outstanding achievement in atleast one major part of the game. whether it be sound design, story, visuals, gameplay, or more. lets face it, theres pretty much no game that nails every single aspect down, which is why we have to look for games that individually revolutionize each part.

Final Fantasy VII - For creating one of the most well-known game stories ever, and creating a true sense of immersion with being the first 3d epic RPG. Had the best character development of it's time, and to this day can still be considered some of the best character design even when compared to games being released recently. It also was one of the first games to effectively use CG cutscenes. Note effectively, which rules out any of the early PC or Sega CD games.

Mario 64 - Revolutionized the platformer and brought it to 3D. Mario 64 was the first full 3D game that really set the standards for all 3d platformers to come. Even though it was already done, Mario 64 enhanced the idea of non-linear gameplay in an open environment.

Super Mario Bros. - Truly created the platformer. Nuff said.

Duck Hunt - Started the idea of playing games with non-conventional controllers and included interactivity with the TV, which pretty much started the path to the Wii.

Mortal Kombat - Started to show that games weren't just meant for kids to pass time and that they can have a dark violent side to them. It was one of the most effective and earliest games to not hold back, and put all the violent content they had in it. Helped greatly towards the launch of the ESRB.

Goldeneye 64 -Brought the FPS genre to the home console. Without Goldeneye we would have still eventually found FPS on the home console, but it would have taken a lot longer to start with many more attempts at trying to perfect the controls. Goldeneye was one of the first console FPS, and nailed the controls right away even without the use of a second analog stick. It also was one of the best titles to show off 4 player multiplayer and the power of the N64.

Gears of War - Where Goldeneye helped revolutionize the FPS, it wasn't until recently that the 3rd person shooter really stepped up. 3rd person shooters have been out for a long time but have always had problems with aiming, and any kind of tactical elements. Gears of War finally perfected what too many games tried and failed before it, a 3rd person cover system. Even after GoW came out, people still can't get it right, even though theres a perfect example in front of them. Pair that with some of the best graphics on the Xbox 360 and outstanding visual design, and you have a really great game. GoW also added many tweaks to controls such as active reloading.

The Secret of Monkey Island - Not only was it one of the earliest good adventure games which already gets it into this list, it was one of the earliest comedy game. Even to this day games struggle to be comedic, making you laugh as you play through them. Besides some standout titles such as the recent Super Paper Mario and The Simpsons, gamers are normally left to finding their own funny moments such as pausing SSBM while the characters are doing a funny pose. Monkey Island had great writing in a very casual and goofy style which came off as very funny.

Street Fighter II - this is without a doubt the king of 2d fighters. it's been practically forever, has been remade fixing several aspects of the game, is still being remade to this day now with beautiful hd graphics, and is still played competitively. not only did it really start the 2d fighter more than any other game, but it really gave the arcades the extreme boost in popularity that they needed.

Super Smash Bros. - You knew it was coming smashers, the original super smash bros. While we had SF2 revolutionizing the 2d fighter, oddly enough the 3d fighter wasnt as important. it was the multiplayer that smash bros. improved on more than anything else. there has never been a fully successful 4 player fighting game like smash. the closest thing you can say would be power stone on the dreamcast, but that game lacked the necessity known as team battle. couple that with being a fighting game based on simple attacks linked to form combos instead of having to remember tons of crazy button combinations, and you have a fighter unlike any other that has really helped push the industry. it also had one of the best commercials ever.

Halo 3 - uhhhh..... why did i put halo on this list!? ok ok, it's actually NOT for it's FPS. many ppl claim that halo revolutionized the FPS which makes no sense. and its not halo im putting on this list, its halo 3 for two main reasons. 1. it has helped get video games more recognized as a general medium like movies, music, or tv. the advertising for halo 3 was above and beyond. it was more than any other game ever. halo 3 the soda, halo 3 the combo meal, halo 3 the helmet, halo 3 the halo 3. but guess what, it showed. halo 3 is currently ranked as the biggest entertainment release of all time passing the previous record recently set by Spiderman 3. Besides being the greatest entertainment releases ever, it has some of the most content of any game ever. Between the website integration, forge, saved films and photos, single player, online co op, 8,000 forms of multiplayer, and even more, its a surprise that the game only cost $60. it has more content than any other game i can think of, that is of course, until super smash bros. brawl comes out (im not saying that being a fan of brawl, but brawl legitimately looks to have more content than halo 3)

Wii Sports - The final game on my list is one that has truly broken the barrier into the casual market. Plenty of games have been aimed at the casual gamer before this, such as Brain Age, and no matter how successful any of them are it's nothing compared to Wii Sports. Wii Sports has been featured in retirement homes, rehab clinics, and just about every family party ever. My family is having our annual christmas party tomorrow and guess what this years big thing is: two setups for Wii Sports. will it be amazing? yes. will everyone love it? yes. everyone loves wii sports. whether your 8 years old, a college drunk, a soccer mom, or 90 years old, you love wii sports. it took the casual market by storm, and it sold systems.

best post ever. im amazing.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2007
I'm dissapionted in all of you.
Not a single mention of MOTHER, you should be ASHAMED.
Lol, Just Kidding :p


Smash Ace
Aug 28, 2006
I'm sorry but I have to say Super Mario Bros.
Joke answer: S.O.S. for SNES


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2007
california... knows how to party
If you are not saying either Tetris or Super Mario Bros. 1, then you don't know what you are talking about.
wtf im tired of people over glorifying tetris... go play tetris and then go play Resident Evil or something and tell me you enjoyed tetris more... sure maybe it was the best game for its time but ide like to think we have evolved a little passed that

Tank McCannon

Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2007
Canfield OH
wtf im tired of people over glorifying tetris... go play tetris and then go play Resident Evil or something and tell me you enjoyed tetris more... sure maybe it was the best game for its time but ide like to think we have evolved a little passed that
Estion, you need to look at what the game did, and not just the game itself.

Tetris, for instance, is THE foundation of ALL puzzle games. Nearly all puzzle games created today wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Tetris. It really showed how something so simple can also have a lot of depth.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2007
My faves are Donkey Kong Country 2, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, Starcraft, Smash Bros Melee and Animal Crossing for the Gamecube. Not the greatest games ever made, but I like them.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Sanford, FL
Super Mario brothers, the original, is the best game of all time, IGN agrees, and so do many others. Mario!!1


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2005
Pickering, Ontario
Ok, so I read the Metroid Prime responses and was severely disappointed and I decided to write it up again. This is why Metroid Prime deserves a spot among the best:

Game Length- Metroid Prime had a solid game length. For the average player it offered 20 - 30 hours. If said average player wanted to complete the game 100% it could offer around 40 hours at times. This length is very flexible though as if one wanted to they could beat the game in a matter of around 10 hours.

Critical Recognition- Metroid Prime gained much critical acclaim. Some examples are these:

Famitsu - 33/40
IGN - 9.8/10
Gamespot - 9.7/10
Gamespy - 96/100
EGM - 10/10
Nintendo Power - 5/5
Edge - 9/10
Game Rankings - 96/100 (based on 96 reviews)
Metacritic - 97/100 (based on 70 reviews)

As you can tell it is critically one of the best games ever. But critics don't set a games greatness, they are just a part of the process.

Historical Significance- Some claim it has little but that is far from truth. Here are my points:

1. Metroid Prime Spawned a very popular series. Though the second title lacked the same spark as the first Prime 3, which wouldn't exist without the first Prime, has done so well that it has even outsold Bioshock, which had a better review.

2. Primes gameplay and HUDs have inspired other games. Some examples of these games are Geist and Star Wars: Republic Commando.

3. Revived a dead series in a new light. This is not often seen, and if it is its usually a rehash of something old. They took an old 2D series and made it fresh and new in 3D. Hard to do in todays picky society.

4. Put Retro Studios on the map. Now this isn't much to boast about but really, would you have heard about retro if this game wasn't made by them? And with the quality of work they put into it Ill always trust this company now.

5. Defined the 'First Person Adventure'. Not many games help define a genre anymore. This one did. With its well balanced mix of shooting and puzzle solving as well as some just plan out exploration this game set the bar for other 'First Person Adventures'. As the president of retro stated "We didn’t want to make just another first person shooter." Never been truer words.

Cultural Impact- Doom was one of the games that started the speed running craze and community. This game pushed that community forward even more. Nuff said.

Major Award Winner-

2002 Game of the Year runner-up (IGN)
Editors Choice (IGN)
2002 Game of the Year (Gamespot)
Editors Choice (Gamespot)
2002 Game of the Year (Gamespy)
Platinum Award (EGM)
Game of the Year 2002 (EGM)
Game of the Year 2002 (EGM)
Editors Choice (Edge)
2002 Game of the Year (Edge)
6th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards - Console First-Person Action
2003 Game Developers Conference - Game of the Year, Excellence in Level Design
24th in IGN's Top 100
29th in Gamefaqs User Poll (out of 100)
10th in Nintendo Power's "Top 200 Nintendo Games Ever"
GameSpy chose it as the third best GameCube title of all time
IGN placed it first in a similar list to Gamespy

Popularity Over Time- Granted it has died out a bit but the speed runners will always play it and its always mentioned in greatest games lists and when someone thinks modern metroid they think of the Prime Saga.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2007
My faves are Donkey Kong Country 2, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, Starcraft, Smash Bros Melee and Animal Crossing for the Gamecube.
That game does not get NEARLY enough credit. It was my personal favorite Zelda game until Twilight Princess.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2007
Superman 64...oh...wait....
but srsly, if in the implausible hypothetical situation some sort of AGI(American Game Institute) made some list of the top 100 video games of all time someday, I think Brawl would land in at #1


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Don't want this thread to die...

As much as I want this topic to succeed, I'd rather see it closed then any more useless bickering going on...it's turning into a "My game is better than yours"

Please remember this isn't "I think this game is crap." or "This game's so much better!". This is meant to be an intelligent, please let me say it again, intelligent discussion of the greatest video games in the industry. Quite frankly, we don't care what your favorite game is or if another one is better in your opinion. Yes, we are most likely going to get submissions of games that are usually submitted to Greatest Games of All Time lists, but there's obviously a reason why they are in so many lists. If you think something is a diamond in the rough, tell us why! (and read the part about posting intellectually before you do.) Hopefully if we can evolve to that point, it'd be nice to get a SWF's Top 10 Greatest Games of All Time out of this. To me, that seems unlikely at this point, but it'd be pretty impressive.

If you'd like to submit something, please just do it the way Metroid Prime and Ocarina of Time have been submitted...for all our sakes.
*Look at bolded Red*
Do any of you mods think this is still possible? I think this would be a great thing if one of you/Me/someone else could create a layout properly...this includes intelligent posting, no n00bs, etc. I think this would be great!

I bumped this because I feel it deserves longer span(mostly for my suggestion above)..this is a good thread for the most part.


Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2008
Reno, NV
I can't believe it hasn't been brought up yet! You wish to celebrate a shooter game? Here we go.

"It's equal to a religious phenomenon!" - Microsoft Campus


When the Union Aerospace Corporation toys with technology it cannot hope to understand, it accidentally opens a gateway to hell itself, releasing a horde of demons onto Mars' moons of Phobos and Deimos. Later, Earth itself gets invaded, and it is up to a nameless space marine to save the planet from total destruction.

Historical Significance:

Perhaps one of the most successful shooting games of the 90s, Doom was one of the most celebrated first person shooters in the industry. Presenting 3D graphics, Doom was the first real look into modern day shooters. It defined the first person shooter category (which at Doom's release didn't even have a name).

For years following the release of Doom and Doom 2, any shooter games that were released were shunned as being a "Doom Clone." Many good shooters, and obviously quite a few bad ones, never succeeded simply because the market was so loyal to ID Software's Doom. Doom's legacy has endured even to today, as Doom 3 and the Doom movie came out on the market. Also, Doom WADs (custom made maps and stages) are still being made by the fan base that still supports the classic early games.

The term "Doom Clone" was used to describe First Person Shooters, but the term slowly faded away and disappeared completely by about 2000, giving the term a 6 year usage, making it one of the longest lasting genres for a video game.

Awards Received:

1994 - Game of the Year (PC Gamer)
1994 - Game of the Year (Computer Gaming World)
1994 - Award for Technical Excellence (PC Magazine)
1994 - Best Action Adventure Game (Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences)
1995 - Doom is used featuring Bill Gates shooting Zombies to announce Windows 95
2001 - Best Game of All Time (Gamespy)
2004 - Most Influential Game of All Time (PC Gamer)
2004 - Second Best Game of All Time (PC Gamer)


Smash Cadet
Feb 16, 2008
Super Smash Bros Brawl. DUH!

Other than that, I have to go with:

It has one, if not, the best soundtrack so far. This platform just makes the previous 3D Mario series look bad.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
*this isn't what I had in mind for bumping this*

But, anyway, would you guys read the first post. Your all saying Brawl(which I can par with but one of you need the format), the above says Mario Galaxy..WHY!? Music and beating the last Mario isn't a format. Not mad, just follow the rules.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Final Fantasy 7 is deff in the running
But my vote goes to eathbound.
It just had quirkey gameplay
and a great story,
but is often overlooked due to how diffrent it is from traditional RPG games


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Though I hate this game, World of Warcraft is one of the greatest games of all time, according to the OP's judging rules.

Other than that, Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy 7, Super Mario 64, and as for breaking into society... Wii Sports. Have you seen how many new gamers this game has pulled in with its simple-yet-fun style?
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