Just because most people can't disprove the leak 100% doesn't always mean that it's correct. Most people couldn't really disprove the Grinch leak either, and no one came out to ever take credit for it.
Yeah I get that, but there's a huge difference between the Grinch Leak and the CacoMallow post. The Grinch Leak only gained attention due to a procession of conveniences. On it's own merits, it's as believable as a random 4chan post, that is to say not at all. But then there was the weird green discoloration on the banner art around where Isaac would be on the mural according to the Grinch Leak, there was that Wendy's video that had that new healing item that looked like a Golden Sun icon, when people looked into it the company they found they took down their information. Before we knew it, this post became bigger than anyone would've expected.
Meanwhile, the CacoMallow post only has itself to go off of. No coincidental timing, no wild conspiracy theories, nothing but an image and two videos. It's practically night and day compared to the Grinch Leak, which honestly leaves me baffled as to why people keep comparing the two.
When a leak is dubious at best, it's better to take it with a huge grain of salt.
It's funny that you say that it, because a lot of the arguments I've heard against this post actually use the fact that it looks as convincing as it is as a point against it, because somebody could've taken a lot of time to make it look real. And to their credit, the CacoMallow post hats look really good, almost official, which is why I say that this isn't a case of people having to prove it's legit per se, rather it's a case of the people needing to prove it wrong.
Besides as people mentioned Cacodemon could come with any Bethesda rep and Mallow/Smithy is pretty vague is it Mallow OR Smithy, or Mallow AND Smithy.
It's Mallow AND Smithy,
confirmed it with the guy himself.
The costumes leak doesn't even have all the costumes either. Sans was revealed at the same time, and this implies that the Mallow/Smithy stuff was done way before the SNK costumes too, which I highly doubt. For all we know, this person could have had some legit information and then mixed it up with some false bits to troll fans kinda like that Dante leaker.
Sans is owned by one guy, and that guy happens to be Sakurai's friend. If he asked Sakurai to put Sans in Smash as a costume, the only people Sakurai would've most likely needed to communicate with is Toby, his 3D modelers, and the couple people at most who compile and edit the presentations. How likely do you think it is that any insiders would've heard about it? I'd imagine they'd all be as tight-lipped as possible, lest they lose their jobs, so I'm not suprised Sans isn't on the list.
Nintendo has always taken videos of leaks that are real down so far, they did it with ESRB, they did it with pokemon, they did it when Ultimate leaked. Guess what, they didn't take down the video of the Rayman "leak" that everyone thought was true, and they didn't take down the CacoMallow leak.
Aside from them potentially taking down the video of the KOS-MOS mod, which may or may not be fake; they have NEVER taken down videos of Smash mods in a noticeable manner.
But those three leaks were massive, though. The ESRB Leak had actual gameplay of Smash 4 3DS, the Pokemon Leaks had a deluge of actual gameplay and images both from in-game and from the strategy guides, and when Ultimate leaked it was the real deal game in full. Of course they'd be taken down in those cases, it's so obviously 100% legit that Nintendo couldn't just ignore it. The CacoMallow post is incredibly small scale in comparison, it only shows off a couple of random costumes, it doesn't spoil anything too major and can be safely ignored for the most part.
And really, I think that may explain why they didn't take any of the videos down. I mean, if the videos were legit and they took it down, that would only lead people into believing it was legit, because why else would they have taken it down? Because they're mods? Then what about all of the other Ultimate mods? Why weren't those taken down? Some of those videos have over hundreds of thousands of views on them, so why are they still up? So when you think about it, leaving the video up and not doing anything is the best route they can take, because it allows people to easily dismiss it as fake and forget about it, which is what's largely happened outside of some more devoted Smash fans. Hell, your post is proof of that.
Not saying that Geno or Doomguy can't be in, but it's better to assume that the Cacodemon/Mallow leak was fake, rather than going in with the expectation that Geno and Doomguy are happening 100%.
I'm not saying that Doomguy and Geno are 100%, though. I'm just speculating and arguing for why I believe they may be real, because they very much look legit.
The Grinch Leak didn't deprive me of hope for the future, that was all Sakurai. Even if the Grinch Leak never happen wouldn't have changed the reception of that last Smash Bros Direct. Ending it on an obligation, putting many fan requested characters six feet under with Assist Trophies & Mii Costume, saying that they couldn't add in that many new characters but proudly devoted a good amount of development time into making Piranha Plant playable then charging for it, the stupid Rex Mii Costume, it was really bad. If anything the Grinch Leak taught me to stop getting invested in leaked materials.
Fair enough, but the Grinch Leak did have an effect on people, namely getting their hopes up too high and tricking them into thinking something was happening when it wasn't.
lol, seriously?
This post convinced me that the Cacomallow leak is 100% fake.
They imported that hat in the game's engine and it looks perfect, there's even a screenshot in this very post.
I don't buy the clipping thing; I worked with 3D modeling and I did some mods myself, I know that something that minor can be worked around easily.
And by the way, they look like the mii's hair more than a clipping artifact, and apparently the clipping only happens in that place, if it was a real problem it would have happend everywhere a surface intersects another.
Honestly, this is Grinch 2.0 and I'm not buying it. Thanks for giving me enough evidence that it's fake. (sorry if the post sounds a bit rude, but really, this is facepalm-worthy).
I agree that the mod looks nice, but just because something
can be faked isn't evidence that it
is faked. The Mii in that screenshot doesn't have hair, that's clearly part of it's hat, but regardless if it is or isn't, that's still a major problem with the model. For clarity's sake, that model was made to be passed off as the one in the CacoMallow post in an attempt to disprove it. The fact that an error like that is present means that it failed it's purpose.
And as for this being Grinch Leak 2.0, I get the feeling you forgot why that fake leak got as big as it did. The Grinch Leak only gained attention due to a procession of conveniences. On it's own merits, it's as believable as a random 4chan post, that is to say not at all. But then there was the weird green discoloration on the banner art around where Isaac would be on the mural according to the Grinch Leak, there was that Wendy's video that had that new healing item that looked like a Golden Sun icon, when people looked into it the company they found they took down their information. Before we knew it, this post became bigger than anyone would've expected.
Meanwhile, the CacoMallow post only has itself to go off of. No coincidental timing, no wild conspiracy theories, nothing but an image and two videos. It's practically night and day compared to the Grinch Leak, which honestly leaves me baffled as to why people keep comparing the two.
Not only it's fake, but looking very closely at the original hat and the "recreation", they are perfectly identical, they have the same polygon/vertex shapes, only deformed a bit (or maybe even just misplaced/moved the pivot point) to give the illusion of not fitting well the Mii's head.
Basically, the person who "recreated" the hat is the same person who did the fake leak.
The inner black section of the hat on the recreation on the right does not at all match the CacoMallow post. The CacoMallow!Hat clearly shows it curving down and around the face, whereas the recreation on the right does not.