Hey good points. It's all set now. I'm not changing it unless everyone gets here and b*tches at me in person. And even then I'm flashing you a bird first.
Well...actually, only one on the Non-Freeloaders list is a roommate of mine.
Actually...the date never once changed. It's been up since....Oct 24th. Not quite a month I know, but like you said, this is my first and I just picked the best date that didn't conflict with any smash tourney in the near NWest area.
As far as the cost changing....well....not to beat a dead horse...but how long before the tourney did you guys bail out on SF:E having to change the venue? Now I'm not using this as a shot, but more of an example of something that in the long scheme shouldn't matter. A differnt house? No big deal. 10/15 dollars? Sure some people are poor, and that's the only reason I'm trying to get a concenous.
Anyways, I think I've come to the conclusion that binx has a smash crush on the twins. That's why he's so bitter about you guys bailing. When he didn't even go.

[All in good fun. Flame me and I'll give you herpes.]
Really, I don't really hold any hate. In fact I plan on attending the next SF:E, work permiting. AS far as washington complaining about winning being a low pay out...well, that's assuming they're going to win, now isn't it?
Neato. I think the helping OoS'ers is a great idea. I personaly have decided I'm probably going to buy food instead. A few papa murphey's, some chips, carrot sticks. Pop and juice. Simple stuff, but no one will starve on my watch.
Anyways...I think I had an overall point but I forgot it..
Oh yeah, also...if you're status has change [confirmed to unconfirmed, or vice versa], let me know so I can update the first page. Also if anyone needs to get ahold of me, my numbers 971 222 4789. I guess I should probably put that on the first page as well.