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The Falco Match-up Guide: This time it's in-date (Session 1: Snake)


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
The Falco Match-up Guide

Alright, so far on the falco boards we have had two match-up threads, both of which have died. In my opinion, for the sake of all competitive falco players it is essential we have a match-up thread which will be updated frequently - by frequently I mean more than once a week if possible. We'll take each character one step at a time, and of course discussion about the match-up is more than welcomed. I will make changes if necessary. I'll try to make this guide as detailed as possible, as well as making it as organised as possible. But in order for this thread to work, I will need you guys, as competitive falco players, to contribute your ideas and opinions. So, without further adieu, here are the match-ups!


1. Snake - currently discussing (Discussion thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=5391240)


Difficulty: 5:5 (neutral)

What to expect:

  • At the start of the match a smart snake player will crawl to avoid your lasers.
  • Watch out for the mortar slide - it will shut down your space and he will proceed to powerful tilts or jabs.
  • Grenades. Firstly he can break out of falco's CG if the CG isn't timed correctly. These are also useful for camping and forcing falco to approach. Snake players will also cook their nades so they explode on impact, even against your reflector. Also be cautious of the grenade strip.
  • His ftilt and utilt has GODLY range, not to mention their amazing speed-killing-power ratio. Ftilt has the power of a smash with the speed of a tilt, dealing 21% damage when fresh; although this move probably won't be killing you often because it gets so stale. Snake's utilt can kill at 95% without DI on Final Destination (I think), and snake WILL be saving this move for the kill.
  • If you don't pay attention to where Snake places the C4 and mine, you have a much lesser chance of winning.
  • His techchase game is put to good use with the dthrow, especially against a predictable opponent.

The Strategy:

At the start of the match, most Snakes will expect you to fire away with your SHDL. Which is probably a good idea. So now Snake will either start camping with grenades to force you to approach, or crawl to mortarslide. To counter the grenades just continue SHDL'ing, it will shut them down. As for the crawl, you have no choice but to approach. Now you could try an IAP but he will easily hit you out of it with a dtilt. I suggest either using a SH dair. If he shields then DI back ASAP otherwise you will be grabbed and *****. by DI'ing back hopefully you will achieve the 'sourspot' of the dair which would be enough to push snake out of his grab range. Of course, then is the time of the match to get the grab yourself for the 40% to spike which could potentially kill him. If you do get the CG, make sure you time it right so he doesn't pull out a nade, and expect him to come back with a cypher close to the stage. Then grab him, but don't attack or throw. This way he will be forced to use his C4 for an extra cypher. Even if he uses his cypher away from the edge after the intial CG he will still be forced to use the cypher. Anyway, after he uses his second cypher spike him for the kill - just remember when he has super-armour so that you ensure you get the KO.

Ok if after 40% you don't get a grab then now is the time to be very defensive. Backflip lasers and SHDL's are good, followed by unexpected IAP's. If possible, try to keep snake in the air because that's where his weakness is. Falco's bair is great for approaching and for sending snake off the stage at higher percents. Don't bother using usmash for the kill - snake is too heavy. If you can get a nair autocancel it to either a jab combo or an ftilt. If you choose the jab combo remember to follow up ASAP with a shine. Remember that spacing is super-important, in fact so important I cannot stress how important it is in this match-up to win. If snake chooses to camp, shine all of his projectiles (nades and nikita). However if he perfectly cooks the grenade you have to shield it - same goes for nikita if he aims it above you then drops it. Also note that DLX will still work at around 50-60% I think, so use it if you have the chance because you aren't going to be killing with the usmash unless snake is at like 160%+. Of course watch out for Snake's spacing game too - he has his incredibly powerful jab combo and ftilt to send you off the edge. If he ever puts down a mine, use your shine at the correct distance to detonate it. Even better, if snake is close but not quite within the mine's proximity, shine him into it :). At this percentage you should be using well-spaced damage rackers. I also find that dsmash out of spotdodge or shield works wonders on punishing a careless snake.

Unfortunately Falco's recovery is easily gimpable. Snake has two edgeguarding tools - his mortars and the nikita. Try to sweetspot at all costs, from which you can then follow up with the following: ledge-hopped phantasm (from which you can follow up with a bair to send him out), ledge-hopped double lasers (if snake retreats), ledge-hop shine (will help against mortars especially, not to mention good spacing), and get-up attack to laser-lock (sorry slashtalon, I got this off your video. But anyway only use this if he snake is in the middle of using his mortar edgeguarding, otherwise you'll get sheild-grabbed. Oh and DON'T use this over 100%, because you have double the chance of getting shield-grabbed:) also remember that snake can tech or airdodge the hit if he is tumbling.)
Anyway snake can easily intercept falco's phantasm with a sh nair or dair if we don't sweetspot. But yeh also be cautious of that when you use ledge-hopped phantasms as well.

Overall, this match DEPENDS on your ability to space, your unpredictability, a strong laser game so long as snake doesn't crouch, your awareness of the mine and C4 and your edgeguarding will also play a key role against snake's (IMO) poors recovery. The CG helps significantly if you can pull it off for quick kills to ease off the pressure.



  • Final Destination - Great for your laser game. The lip can also gimp snake's recovery nicely.
  • Smashville: For the same reasons as Final Destination (excluding the lip). However, watch out for the floating platform because Snake loves to place his C4 on it.
  • Jungle Japes - This stage is incredible for quick kills. If you dair snake into the water he will die as early as 30%. This stage is also awesome because it BOOSTS your laser game, and is perfect for your phantasms.

Ban These Stages!

  • Corneria - The low ceiling on this stage is just asking for falco to be killed earlier by Snake's utilt. This stage doesn't help falco's lasers or CG at all either.
  • Brinstar - Getting a gimp kill will be tricky with the lava...
  • Norfair - Again, the lava doesn't help out with our spike. Not to mention the platforms are way too short to even perform 2 CG's.


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
Can I suggest you make your match up discussion to resemble the marth boards' match up index. It is so much more organized. They have one main thread (sticky) with the ratio and links to the discussion.
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