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The Elitist defined- Warning Egos will be hurt


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
Link to original post: [drupal=1019]The Elitist defined- Warning Egos will be hurt[/drupal]


I truly think that it's time that we address something that people tend to ignore quite a bit. I think it's utter bull that people do, too. Elitists. To be one....people feel as if they have a right, but nobody has the right to be one. You don't earn the right to be an A-hole. Elitists are horrid people who feel that they are above everyone else for some reason. There's news for you...who cares about your "experience"? It doesn't give you the right to treat others badly. We'll go over the different kinds of Elitists, because I think people will be surprised to find out what I have to say about them.

The basic Elitist-We'll cover these first, although I pretty much did. these are people who feel they have the right to treat people however they wish because of their experience or their own victories. These are the ones that typically attack people who they feel are "Noobs" and instead of explaining things properly, they just trash them for no reason. Most of the time, these aren't top players, but rather players who might be ranked High in their state. Either that, or just really great players who aren't ranked yet.

The snobbish Elitist- Now these are different, not as bad as the previous kind, but still have their horrid ways about them. These usually fall under the category of top or well known players. These are the ones who aren't openly rude like the basic ones, but rather are outright cocky. These players also can't stand to lose and will either john about it, or talk down to the person that beat them, or someone else well known. In general, a nice person, but behind the scenes they are rather rude and backstabbing. It's a shame when the truth comes out in the open. Your favorite player may be like this

The inexperienced/scrub Elitist- These two kind of go hand-in-hand, but we'll cover the Scrub Elitist first. Scrub Elitists are those who have had the game for some time, and granted, know the game inside and out. HOWEVER, they refuse to learn anything advanced once they've found out that they aren't the best anymore. They consistently harass better players, and to be honest, Basic and Scrub Elitists create each other. Scrub Elitists are people who got their feelings hurt after running their mouths. They also use the terminology such as "Tourney or tournament ***s" and also gave birth to the phrase "Tiers are for Queers". These kinds of Elitists wish to leave character rankings up to individual preference and then force their ideas upon other people. They want to create their own Tier list, but lack sufficient proof to do so. They also give birth to the inexperienced Elitists. Now these are just those who follow the leadership of the Scrub Elitists and don't even have valid arguments to back up their statements. They just know that their friend beats people with this character, so he's the best. They truly have next to no knowledge of the game, and also get upset when you correct the terminologies that They or their Scrub elitists friends come up with for BASIC moves. That is, moves that already have names the creators gave them. They then use the excuse "Terminology doesn't measure skill". They are unwilling to learn, but rather take the easy way out. Both always have Johns for every time something happens and are usually just outrageous. These will also use other Scrubs/noobs who go to tournaments as reference as "I beat these guys who go to tournaments all the time". They like to exacerbate their victories and also swear on their life that they ***** them using items.

Scorned Elitists- This is really just a stepping stone to either a basic or inexperienced/scrub elitists. Their goals are different though. They are just set out to make people feel bad about themselves because they can't win. Either that, or they get reemed out needlessly by some other Elitists. These can be avoided if people would just get their heads out of their butts and be kind. Be forewarned: These Elitists are highly dangerous and will do anything to try and piss you off. There are many that roam the forums and just troll to no end. Then they act like they did nothing to try and piss you off more. They do it to get laughs, and attempt to make people quit. Especially those with more potential than them. Their frustration comes from not winning money like they want to. It also comes from watching somebody newer than them beat people that they couldn't or themselves.

"Experienced" Elitists- These, are really a combination of basic, scorned and snobbish. The biggest difference is that they are only well known because they've been around for so long. They throw their "experience" in people's faces whenever they get a chance. They shoot down ideas, don't bother to listen to what people say, and are overall jerks. Their As with Scorned Elitists, their motivation to hurt people is because they watch people get better than them. They feel because someone has done better than their "top ranked" players, they have to force that person to quit. When new people come back with victories, they dismiss it as lies, even though the person they beat sees it, and doesn't protest. They take it upon themselves to say that Experience outranks placement and don't give people who deserve their right to be ranked, a chance. These are the people who don't have a reason to be cocky, because they, themselves are good, but not THAT good. They are just ticking time bombs waiting to happen. They will also be nice to you at first, talk about you behind your back, and then plan an all out attack. They are the first to say "No Johns" When they themselves John like crazy. Probably the worst kind of Elitist.

Elitists are nothing but people who have their head stuck so far up their butts that they don't even realize how much of a jerk they're being. However, some Elitists go out of their way, NEVER missing an opportunity to bash on someone. I've got messages for them.

1.) Tourney ***s are better than you...even at the basic core of the game. They could play you without any advanced techniques and still win. Get over it.

2.) Tiers exist-face it. Now here's the part where you don't understand and READ what is being said here: Tier lists are based upon results in tournament, These people are in NO way saying that the character sucks and shouldn't be used. They also aren't telling you who you SHOULD use. Your defense is "You just have to work harder...blah, blah, blah." Okay, guess what? They do. You get your best defense for who you feel represents your character the best, and then put it up against a decent player. I guarantee you that your representative will lose. Why? Because a good player knows the game better. I can beat people who main a character with their own character. Oh and guess what? I don't even use advanced techniques to prove a point. The other thing is how can you go off and say that, when you yourselves are trying to create a Tier list? You try to force on other people that certain characters suck. Also, allow me to give you an example of you contradicting yourselves. "Tiers are for Queers!! Tiers don't exists...except Pichu, he sucks" Is that not, in effect, you trying to make people shy away from a character? If Pichu sucks so much, then how come people can win tournament matches with him? I was IN tournament with a Pichu and watched him **** our competition with his last stock. Oh and guess what? He put the time and work into Pichu. People make their own Tier lists because they flock to characters and say other ones suck. Actual Tier lists go based off of results. HOWEVER, we do point out character strengths as well as flaws so people know.

3.) For the record....get over it Marth > Roy. I play Roy, I <3 Roy, but Marth is the better character. When the game came out, I knew that. I got Marth, and when I got Roy, I thought he was cooler. But the truth came out when I actually played. The difference was I played with Roy all the time, and won. When I lost with him, I switched to Marth and won MUCH more easily. Even at low level play, before AT were brought into the light, Marth could be seen as the better character.

4.) Get your head out of your butt. You might be the better player, but that doesn't give you the right to look down on people. You might have more experience, so when you lose...be a real man and just accept defeat. Then look at what you did wrong and fix it. That's what "less experienced" players do.

5.) Stop feelin' yourself so much. People know more than you. If they give you advice, don't fight them. Take the friggin' advice. Someone else can see your flaws better than you can. If they correct you on a terminology....WHO CARES!? Stop being suck a prick and just deal with it. Thank them and move on. It doesn't hurt to show some humbleness every once in a while.

6.) Don't be such jerks. This goes with the last one. If you're gonna give advice, be nice about it. If they don't want to listen, screw them and just play on. Eventually they'll get the point.

7.) No johns means no johns. Don't tell someone No Johns, and then 5 minutes later turn right around and John like crazy yourself.

8.) Be helpful. Instead of getting frustrated with a less experienced player, help them out. Look for their strengths and potential and focus on that to help them. People swear that their communities are dying out...well help the new guys out to play. You want the competition, train it yourself.

Feel free to comment respectfully. Leave the Elitist attitude at the door. If you disagree, then do so, but try to use some fact with your opinion. what I have here is based upon observation and experience. It's not just opinion, it's fact-based.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
I really don't understand your post. You started an inflammatory thread to try to prevent people labeled as "elitist" to stop making inflammatory comments towards other people?


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
*sigh* It was said before, by quite a few people, that elitists have a right to be so. Or that elitists = truth, and the list goes on.

I kind of got upset about it, but at the same time, I get sick of some people who jump at any chance to trash on the people that are actually good. This is a post that targets BOTH people. In other words, the fact that there's this huge rivalry between these different types is a problem. They all just have their heads stuck so far up their butts they feel they're justified to say or treat whomever they want, HOWEVER they want. In other words, this is an ego-check. Why? Because the word "elitist" people throw around like a title they feel they should be proud of. However, most elitists (key word is most) are just pompous jerk offs that feel they own the world.

I think the whole thing is stupid and the fact is...the people that want to claim "elitists" are just jerks. Notice, there are different kinds of elitists. They exist everywhere, and not just in smash. People need to stop being "elitists" and throwing their weight around like they're the center of the universe. This is just taking a look in the mirror for some people. This isn't a flame or anything. Like I said, this is fact. THIS is truth. The problem is that people are guilty of it. Notice the type of people I've described. It covers the "scrubs" and "noobs" right on up to the "novice" and "pro-am" players. Then it even covers the "Pros".

Let's face it, there's Elitists in every group of people. In other words, people that honestly feel they are entitled to be jerks. That needs to stop, and that's what this post is about. I came making this post expecting to be criticized horridly for it. Over at AiB the the elitists came out and flamed me. Reason being? It described exactly what they did. They just further proved it. I'll probably become the most hated person on smashboards for this, but I don't really care. It's a truthful post. People that get upset have pride issues to work out. *shrugs*


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
ROFL, funny, =p. I honestly believe at one point...there was a good kind of elitist...someone who could help others understand the misconceptions of the game by using their own vast knowledge. Those that others respected because of their know-how, but at the same time, those people didn't abuse the power. They handled things with tact. Especially if a new idea came about that seemed a bit outlandish. *shrugs* There are a few people out there like that. There are also those who understand the game better than they play it. (they get trashed on a lot, too.)


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
I'm not good enough to be elitist lol
I honestly think that your "scrub elitist" is the kind I want to kill the most. I contemplate it all the time.
good stuff.


Smash Rookie
Jan 22, 2009
Pure speculation, but I think elitism in gaming is an overcompensation mechanism for those that just don't know how to have fun anymore. When they have no source of happiness, they do all in their power to destroy everyone else's source of happiness.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
There are also those who understand the game better than they play it. (they get trashed on a lot, too.)
This is certainly true, and can easily be compared to the situation of someone like a football or basketball coach. His team are obviously better at playing the game, but does that mean the coach doesn't know correct strategy and technique? No, the coach, in fact, has the vast knowledge to guide even the most talented of players, no matter how big their egos, and they are respected. Why can't people be the same in Smash? Just because someone doesn't consistently place in the top 3 in a Tournament, doesn't mean they can't be a shrewd and intelligent analyst.

Oh wait, what? STFU, lrn2play nub looooooooool roflcopterz you is teh suxx0rz h4xpwn gtfo!!!!1!1!!!1!1!one1!


Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
i don't understand. Mew2King's title on smash boards is Smash Elitist. So if this is the true definition of elitist , why is that his title. Does he really do these things, or is that just a smash world forums title?


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
LOL, Chain, thankfully, M2K doesn't do anything like that. Otherwise...I think someone would stop giving him rides to tournaments. This is actually talking about the self proclaimed elitist. Or the term that people tend to throw around so carelessly.

My last post pretty much described what an elitist should be. M2K...though at times does things jokingly, doesn't go around picking fights with someone who goes off and makes comments that are a bit off color. The same goes for Cactuar, PC, Azen, Mango, and a few other people I can think of off hand. They're amazing and people <3 and respect them for a reason. They help other people, and either ignore or deal tactfully with other types of elitists. (trash talking excluded of course, xD)

Edit: Also, I think that title is related to post count. Chibo has the same one


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
You know what...I had to take my own advice on that aspect, too, xD. I help train anyone that shows the interest instead of just complaining about them. (That is if they'll listen, xD). =p I would train you if I could, but you live so far away, xD. Then again...when it comes to Brawl, I think I need to be taught a few things myself. I rely on being cunning to win...nothing more, nothing less. The only AT in brawl I learned to do was Chaingrab with Peach and Glide toss.

Edit: I didn't do like heavy complaints like some people do. "Such and such game is dying...GOD..." I do however have a problem with lack of competition where I live. I just help people that want it.

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
i think that the Smash Elitist title you get is simply a misinterpretation, and should say something along the lines of Smash Elite

but Smash Elite sounds weird...idk what you would call an elite individual so they went with Elitist haha


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Most of your post just describes douchebags, not elitists. There is a very fine line between being an elitist and being an *******. I am an elitist in that I do feel my opinion on things ***related to smash*** should be listened to based on my experience with the game and my overall status as a player. I'm not an ******* about it, I just know where I stand and know that my information will generally be correct ***when the subject is smash***.

The definition of an elitist player has been thrown around with negative connotation, and I feel that usage is incorrect. You are talking about people are *******s regardless of the subject being smash, and who more than likely act that way in the real world as well.

I'll probably add more to this thread later but I've gotta run for now...


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
i think that the Smash Elitist title you get is simply a misinterpretation, and should say something along the lines of Smash Elite

but Smash Elite sounds weird...idk what you would call an elite individual so they went with Elitist haha
I think you're right, lol.

Most of your post just describes douchebags, not elitists. There is a very fine line between being an elitist and being an *******. I am an elitist in that I do feel my opinion on things ***related to smash*** should be listened to based on my experience with the game and my overall status as a player. I'm not an ******* about it, I just know where I stand and know that my information will generally be correct ***when the subject is smash***.

The definition of an elitist player has been thrown around with negative connotation, and I feel that usage is incorrect. You are talking about people are *******s regardless of the subject being smash, and who more than likely act that way in the real world as well.

I'll probably add more to this thread later but I've gotta run for now...
Well Cactuar, you fall into that category of what an elitist SHOULD be. The sad truth is that elitists, for the most part, have gone in the direction of what I described in my initial post. I respect what you say and take it very seriously. Same goes for M2K and some other smashers. Sometimes it can be a bit harsh sounding (but given with really good advice) but you guys are amazing. When Reik flat out told me my DI was practically non-existent, I worked on my DI. He said it straightforward, but in that case, it needed to be said that way.

Now, onto to more about what you say, xD. You hit the nail on the head, you're not an utter jerk off about it, and thus when you command respect, you get it. **when it comes to smash** There are those out there that command respect and do it in such a way that just piss people off. Sadly, my green brother, the number of bad elitists outweigh the number of good elitists. Though, I'm not going to disagree with the fact that you're right...they are Jerk offs.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Sounds like scrubs, douches, and ***** to me. Like cactuar said elitist means a person that is really good at what the do at a high caliber, but unfortunately most elitists in the past have been really mean so eveybody avoids them.

Shinigami Cooper

Smash Rookie
Nov 10, 2008
Yeah....I don't mean to be dense or whatever but, can't some people just be good players and nice people? O.o


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Good post, anyone that is an aspiring tournament goer in Smash should listen to this advice. This goes for a lot of things in real life too.

As much as it sucks to listen to people talk like they own everything, I believe it's kinda part of humans to do that kinda stuff. You just have to want and earn your respect, you don't get it by being a jerk and demanding it.

So everyone should say "I love you and respect your opinions." right now. All for love and respect say I! =D


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
I gotta honestly say, I've been getting much more positive responses from this than I did at AiB. Even Cactuar's post was different, because at least he's willing to bring something to the table. Although...I have a feeling I'll probably agree with him in some way >_<.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
I've noticed quite a bit of elitism, but it's really only bad in the debate hall and in the creative minds section, because those are the places where people submit their work and thoughts to the criticism of others. That and brawl-haters, because they have tradition on their side (or whatever -.-). I was at a debate event IRL and one of my friends brought brawl, a Wii, and a TV. He was charging people a quarter for a 3-stock round. He has a smashboards account, and he plays a mean Ike. Somewhere in the middle of us playing, some random kid came up and starts ranting about how great melee is, and how terrible brawl was. We kind of ignored him.... to do that IRL to people you don't even know is just whack...

I was hoping you'd say something like "an elitist is someone who treats the SUBjective as if it were OBjective", which is sort of the way I define it. You seem a little rant-ish.


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
It might come off as a bit of a rant, but I'm not just doing a one-sided thing. Also, sometimes you need to be descriptive in order to get your point across. People tend to nit pick if you leave things out. Which...I tried my best to not leave things out. I gotta say, and I'm not sure if it's in this post or in something else I did but I agree with you about Brawl haters. HOWEVER, Melee haters are just as bad, if not even more annoying. I hate how there are people who go off on a tangent about how bad Brawl is whenever something goes wrong or they see something that just shouldn't be happening. Brawl people, however, just take any opportunity to just brow beat anything about Melee. The worst part is...they've gotten worst. "You'd NEVER see anything like THAT in brawl because brawl is an even game" and so on and so forth. Never ceases. "Come play Brawl if you want a REAL game" or my favorite "I hope they don't ruin brawl like they did melee". Uncalled for to say the least. There are MUCH more things they say...which I won't because I don't use that kind of language. However, they tend to just bring up stuff when it doesn't even matter. Brawl elitists created Melee elitists in all fair reality. Everyone was on Brawl, but then when some people started to not like it, the Brawl people began to egg the Melee people on. I'm not saying either side is right, because Melee elitists brought the debate to another level with their consistent bashing. It's just gotten to a much worst subject.

This Melee vs. Brawl thing won't start here, though. Even though that does fall into some form of elitist attitude. The bad kind, Cactuar, the bad kind. Neither side is right. you play what you like. It's as simple as that.


Jul 17, 2008
The thing that bothers me the most is when I "used" to play Brawl online on that horrid AllisBrawl.com, I get the same beginning comment before starting a game against an elitist, "Good Luck and Have Fun!". If anything, that comment right there grinds my balls to submission. And when I actually get around to versing them, what do you know, it's another Metaknight/Snake/R.O.B./etc. It's all BS and I pretty much gave up Brawl at that point. Not that fact that I cannot beat them, it's just the Brawl fanbase is extremely horrid.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
I really enjoyed the read, but as it's already been stated, you're focusing on the "elitist gone bad" version. You should probably mention that just because someone knows they are better than most of the other people at a tourney, doesn't neccesarily mean they are a douchebag. Just most of them hahaha. The line between each version is a little blurry as well, but then again people never fall into VERY specific categories.

Overall, good stuff.

Sgt. Baker

Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Very good post there. I've experienced some of that elitism from people here :( But it's ok lol. I got over it :)

IMO, I think there is one importawnt thing that many people forget here- it's just a game guys :p

Now I'm not trying to crumble any foundations here but when all is said and done, or if you're in some stupid argument- remember that this is just a game (a fun game though). So what if you're the greatest Smasher alive- can you do anything else? Or hey, you suck at Melee/Brawl....but you're an All-Star Quarterback and/or Valevictorian!

So really, sit back, relax, have fun playing a game. But if you can get some money out of the deal- do i up XD

P.S. I'm sleepy- I'll fix this up later if I must lol


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Heh, I wish I could get people to help me. I'm surprised people get all ansey when people try to help them.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2007
Very good post there. I've experienced some of that elitism from people here :( But it's ok lol. I got over it :)

IMO, I think there is one importawnt thing that many people forget here- it's just a game guys :p
Exactly what i was going to say


Smash Rookie
Jan 28, 2009
Wow, you had a lot to get off your chest there. I haven't been to many tournaments, just 2 Melee tourneys that were a few years ago. I haven't met this sort of person irl, but I'm sure they exist. It is an issue of attitude, right?

The key word is respect. Respect others, don't be rude or nasty to one another. Elitists exist in every sort of hobby. The best you can do is beat them and show class and respect while doing it.


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
I love how when people can't think of something to say...they refer to human error, (or technology, in this case) as their defense. It's like....a teacher that doesn't like you and wants to keep you from getting an "A" on your report.

You: "Wait what...? I didn't get an A?"
Teacher: "You printed it size 10 Arial. I'd have perferred size 14 Times new Roman"

Some sort of ******** nonsense like that.

Edit: That was in reference to my last post.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
I don't know if it has been answered already since my head hurts and I don't want to read all the posts but since you asked why they have "Smash Elitist" as their title I'll tell you. It has nothing to do with their post count the SBR gives those "special titles" to people who have a great "influence in the Smash community as a whole."

Hope that answers your question.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
Good topic.

I remember I was Brawling these guys on GameFAQs, and they were complete jerks, even after they won. I remember gettung three-stocked by the one dude's kirby, and they started talking about how they weren't surprised I didn't run away crying. and afterward, they blamed their rude behavior on me.
So I got a friend, and we killed them 60% of the time in teams. Issue solved.
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