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The Blizzard General Support Thread


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009


Blizzard has left a huge impact on gaming through many of their series such as Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, and Overwatch. All of these would be great picks to represent PC gaming in general. The only Blizzard character I ever see brought up is Tracer from Overwatch. While she may be the most likely, I feel the other options always get looked over. I am going to focus on Warcraft and Starcraft in particular in this thread but Diablo would also be great.


Why Warcraft?

Warcraft has a pretty big legacy in the history of gaming. The Warcraft franchise has left a really big impact on gaming history. The original Real Time Strategy (RTS) games were very popular back in the 90's and directly influenced several other huge franchises such as League of Legends and Defense of the Ancients. Since then, the Warcraft franchise has gone on to become just as influential in the MMORPG world with World of Warcraft. This was one of the biggest PC games for quite a long time and revolutionized the MMORPG genre. The franchise has even had a massively successful digital trading card game in Hearthstone which again revolutionized these. Even though Magic the Gathering existed as a paper card game long before Hearthstone, Magic the Gathering: Arena draws direct inspiration from Hearthstone in many areas.

Why Illidan Stormrage?

I chose Illidan mostly because I love his design but he also plays a huge part in the games. There are several other great options for characters like Arthas, Thrall, Sylvanis, and many more. Illidan has a really unique look that would stand out from the rest of the Smash cast and has tons of really great moveset options. Illidan is a demonic night elf and one of the major antagonists in World of Warcraft. While Ultimate has done a really great job so far in increasing villain representation, I feel there is still a ways to go. In my opinion, Blizzard is one of the few companies where their villains are just as iconic as their heroes. Arthas, Illidan, Sarah Kerrigan, and Diablo would all make great characters in Smash. As a bonus, he also uses a really unique weapon and isn't just another sword user.

I haven't made a moveset for him yet but I would love to try if there is any interest in it. I've made several movesets before for other characters like Battletoads, Sarah Kerrigan, Sub-Zero, and more.

In Conclusion
I hope I've made a decent case for why I believe a Warcraft character deserves a spot in Smash, Illidan or otherwise. The two main problems I see are that Tracer is currently the most popular Blizzard request and the fact that Blizzard as a company has been very controversial in recent times. While Tracer may be more recent and currently popular, I don't think it is really fair to throw out any other Blizzard character from consideration. As for their controversial status, that is a bigger issue. I can't really defend their actions but that doesn't stop me from loving their worlds and characters. All I can say in defense is the speculation that the people creating the characters and games aren't the same as the top management that did these things, but I really don't know.

I will keep this opening post short and sweet for now and plan to update it in the future if there is any interest in this. Judging by my history of unpopular picks like Battletoads and Kerrigan and trying to make support threads around them, I don't really expect this to get much attention either but I thought I'd just give my opinion on this and try to make a case for one of my most wanted characters.


Starcraft is a science fiction real time franchise developed by Blizzard Entertainment. While the series is mostly known for being a PC game, the original game did release on the Nintendo 64 as Starcraft 64 in 2000. The franchise received a sequel in 2010 which spawned several expansions. It remains one of the most popular and influential games in its genre to this day.

Who is Sarah Kerrigan?

Prior to her infestation, Sarah Kerrigan began as a psychic terran soldier known as a ghost operative. During a mission, Kerrigan was abandoned by her superior, Arcturus Mengsk, when things began to look bad and was left to die. Instead, Kerrigan became infested by an alien insectoid race known as the Zerg and became one of them. In time, Kerrigan rose to become the leader of the entire Zerg race and swore revenge on the one who betrayed her.

Why should Kerrigan get in Smash?

Kerrigan is an iconic character that would offer a lot to a game like Smash Bros. For one, she is both a female and a villain, two things which Smash is still lacking. She is probably the most recognizable Blizzard character that is eligible for Smash since Warcraft, Overwatch, and Diablo have yet to appear on a Nintendo console. Finally, I believe Sarah Kerrigan is the best character to represent the RTS genre due to her ability to control the Zerg. RTS games are all about resource management and creating an army of units to crush the opponent's base. This is something I think Kerrigan can utilize in Smash. Starcraft also really meshes well with the Metroid universe and would make for some really cool interactions if there is any kind of story mode in this game.

Potential Moveset

Special Traits / Other:
Kerrigan would be the first true summoner character in Smash. All of her special attacks other than Psionic Shift summon various Zerg units to aid her in battle. In order to balance this, I decided to incorporate an element of resource management similar to her home series.

Vespian Gas - As the battle goes on, Kerrigan builds up resources that she can spend to use all of her special attacks minus Psionic Shift (which doesn’t cost anything since it is her recovery move). Being a simple attack, Zergling Rush attack uses the least amount of gas while the Hydralisk/Defiler/Mutalisk uses the most.

Weak Attacks:
A Combo – Chain Reaction
Kerrigan attacks with a flow of electricity. Like Megaman’s A combo, this is a projectile attack and deals no knockback. In multiplayer, the electricity can flow to other nearby enemies if they are close enough.

Forward Tilt – Kinetic Blast
A small short range explosion from her hand

Up Tilt – Razor Swarm
Kerrigan sends out several mini shockwaves diagonally upwards

Down Tilt
A low claw swipe

Running A
A running double claw swipe

Smash Attacks:
Forward Smash – Leaping Strike
Kerrigan lunges forward and stabs the opponent with her wings

Up Smash
Kerrigan thrusts her wings upward and stabs above her

Down Smash – Impaling Blades
Kerrigan slams the ground causing spikes to rise from the ground on both sides

Neutral B – Hydralisk /Defiler / Mutalisk
Similar to Dedede’s original side B that summoned Waddle Dees, Kerrigan summons one of a variety of Zerg units that wander along the battlefield and attack opponents. The hydralisk is the most basic of these. They travel along the ground and attack any opponent nearby. The defiler doesn’t actively attack but instead inflicts various status effects on anyone that gets too close with a cloud of poisonous gas. Finally, the mutalisk flies through the air and attacks any airborne opponents in its range.

Forward B (Grounded) – Zergling Rush
Kerrigan summons a pair of Zerglings to rise from the ground and charge forward for a bit before diving back into the ground.

Forward B (Aerial) – Scourge
If performed in the air, Kerrigan hatches a pair of Scourge who fly forward and explode into any opponent they touch.

Up B – Psionic Shift
Kerrigan surrounds herself in energy then dashes in the chosen direction, damaging anyone she touches

Down B - Lurker
Similar to Snake’s mine attack, Kerrigan summons a Lurker to burrow in the ground right next to her. Anyone who walks over this location is attacked with a rising spike attack for a short while. Like the Hydralisk, only one Lurker can be summoned at a time.

Kerrigan impales the opponent with her wings

Kerrigan grabs the opponent’s face and shocks it with energy

Forward Throw
Kerrigan kicks her opponent forward

Back Throw
A simple toss backward

Up Throw
Kerrigan throws her opponent upwards followed by a quick lightning attack

Down Throw
Kerrigan slams her opponent into the ground

Aerial Attacks:
Neutral A
Kerrigan surrounds herself with electric energy and attacks around her, much like Mewtwo

Forward A
A forward claw swipe

Back A
A backward thrust kick

Up A
A somersault kick

Down A – Quantum Ray
Shoots a beam of energy diagonally downward

Final Smash: Apocalypse
Kerrigan surrounds herself in a radius of energy. Any opponent that comes within range is struck by an explosion which triggers a cinematic cutscene. This scene mimics the final few seconds of the Betrayal on Kerrigan scene. After landing the initial strike, the opponent is transported to a ruined planet where he or she is surrounded by zergs on all sides. As they reach the target, the screen turns to black. It then returns to the normal battle screen and the opponent takes massive damage and knockback.


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Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
I've never played any Blizzard game, but you made a pretty cool General Thread here.
Thank you very much. It is a little surprising to see absolutely no support for Warcraft, Starcraft, or Diablo. I understand there might not be much overlap between Blizzard and Smash they do have a lot of really great and unique options for potential characters.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Dva, Lich King, Thrall, Kerrigan, and Sylvanas are ones I'd like to see someday.
Yeah, I would be really happy with any of these characters. I've never actually played Overwatch so I don't have much attachment to Dva but I always thought the game looked like a lot of fun.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Sakurai would hopefully opt for a classic character rather than the latest new sensation and put Warcraft in its rightful place as Blizzard's flagship franchise. Even now, Warcraft clings onto relevance with never-ending WoW expansions and Hearthstone anyway.

I would consider it between Arthas and Thrall for Blizzard's most iconic characters, but I'd accept Illidan regardless. Sylvanas is a highly divisive character among the fans, and I have unironically seen more support for Garithos than her at this point. I would prefer Arthas as the representative of Warcraft and think he could do plenty wit his undead abilities, but Illidan's heavyweight frame is certainly an interesting proposition.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I was a huge fan of Warcraft. Tho I couldn't get into WoW..

Also played Starcraft, but never really got into it.

Which is why, I would LOVE a Warcraft character.

Any Orc would be amazing. A hulking behemoth with a gigantic axe is a perfect fit.
Thrall maybe? Or Grom Hellscream.

Then there's Zuldjin. A lousy "hero" unit, but he's a cool axe throwing Troll, among my faves.

And Alleria the ranger. I'm a sucker for bowmen characters, and Alleria is a formidable elven ranger skilled with it.

Human characters would be a bit of a disappointment, IMO. The non-human species is where Warcraft truly thrives.




Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
I was a huge fan of Warcraft. Tho I couldn't get into WoW..

Also played Starcraft, but never really got into it.

Which is why, I would LOVE a Warcraft character.

Any Orc would be amazing. A hulking behemoth with a gigantic axe is a perfect fit.
Thrall maybe? Or Grom Hellscream.

Then there's Zuldjin. A lousy "hero" unit, but he's a cool axe throwing Troll, among my faves.

And Alleria the ranger. I'm a sucker for bowmen characters, and Alleria is a formidable elven ranger skilled with it.

Human characters would be a bit of a disappointment, IMO. The non-human species is where Warcraft truly thrives.


Yeah, any of the non human characters would be best. I think an Orc character is probably the most iconic choice for Warcraft, I just personally always loved Ilidan's design. I also never really played World of Warcraft but I was a big fan of Warcraft 3. I was never competitive with it and just did the campaign and messed around with Hero Arenas online but it was a lot of fun. I think Arthas/Lich King is also an amazing choice. The only thing about him is he was another human character so he is slightly less unique than an Orc or Ilidan but still would be awesome.
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