Im' totally agree with Galeon's first post,
Lucas is fun to play but he is not a competitive character , He is Bad . It's sad but true.
Lucas seems amazing ( powerful smashes, Nice AT ...) and luckily not many people have matchup experience against him...
In réality , He has a lot of cons
_very bad match up
_he's grab game SUCKS
_Lucas's kill moves are not that good ( early kills is very difficult against good player, lucas's smashes are useless)
_Many of his tricks are PUNISHABLE ( It's easy to hit lucas in his lag)
_Honestly , Even if he has good option while recovering , I dont think he is difficult to gimp
_Sorry,but lucas's spacing = fail ( Galeon, i agree , Mr.shield is a problem for lucas, especially DDD, Snake,Olimar,etc.... defensive characters )
maybe We suck ,
but lucas can't win a high level tournaments...
Oh well, sorry my english sucks too XD