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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Rookie
Dec 19, 2005
Prince George, B.C., Canada
Blunted_object10 said:
so we got a new player from Prince George BC.... got any realitives down here in Vancouver or something?

BC Smasher u got Msn or AIM or somethin?
Unfortunately no, all my relatives live up here in P.G. But next year I might be going to UBC so maybe one day I'll be able to smash with you guys. But that's a long ways off. And if any of you want you can add me on msn at matt_link22@hotmail.com


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
XD @ Disqualification. You should've used some Falco >.>

Anyway, I got Sonic Mega Collection, Animal Crossing: Wild World, $30 in store credit to Toys R Us, and $35 cash in total.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
It seems to me people regard Eric as a better smasher then me. I know I made that huge speil about how good he is on the tournament thread for Wally's. People need to understand that I'm still a little rusty and that the best of Adam is still to come ;). Tiep has gotten beter in 1v1's enough for me to believe that I need to figure out some new things with Falcon to beat him. Basically I think it comes down to CC's and Counter levels I dunno if Tiep agrees with me but that's what it is in my opinion.

As for Eric my Sheik beats him enough of the time and I don't even practice her I just whip her out in random team matches or singles in tournaments. She is STRICTLY my tournament char. That's why I do ok with her cuz nobody knows what to expect anymore. Anyways since I have such a big ego :chuckle: I am determined to make myself known as THE best or tied for best in B.C once again. Until then continue do regard me as you do, but I will make my last comeback b4 this game dies out.

Another thing... There is talk and something like this IS going to happen... about a BIG Canadian Tournament in Toronto. I was talking to this guy "Pheonixfire" and he's a big tourney hoster in Toronto. And he asked if Spring break or Early summer would work best for people. He is already planning something for spring break and said if we can get enough people over there we can call it the BIG CANADIAN TOURNEY and lots of people wil come. Either that or wait till early summer and he'll host another one in Toronto and we'll call that one the BIG CANADIAN TOURNEY. He wanted me to ask all the WC people about what would work best for them.

So first off I'd like to ask all of you. HOW MANY OF YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO GO TO TORONTO to participate in a HUGE smash tournament. and if so, what would work better for you? spring break? or early summer???


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Adam I have no doubt in my mind that you are a very good smasher. But I just think Eric is better. I just have absolutely no chance to beat him.

And for the Toronto thing I would think early summer would be better. I am also interested but it just depends on costs... money is always a problem and shelter.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
To beat Eric you have to play very smart and at the same time have the necessary techincal skills to do so. Basically u can't have only played this game for like less then a year and expect to beat eric. You gotta figure him out. We play so much so I guess it's why our sets are so close.
I'm seriously going to WD-40 my *** up and pwn j00 all.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Good to see some nice discussion going on here. All I can say is that if anyone is going to say something, we all gotta show it off next smashfest or tournament. I expect to see Adam back up to his same old self soon, John to improve more (you already have so much already!), Tiep's mindgames improve, Ryan's DI better improve..., everyone else too (don't want to ramble on).

So on another note. Who is thinking of going to Toronto. I doubt I will be allowed to, but hey I never know. If I do well in school and kinda earn my way there, then I could probably stay with my cousins there.


Smash Cadet
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Err that guy Calum was terrible.. he killed me at least once every game and whenever we took the lead I'd start attacking him... but yes Eric is amazing.

Calum doesn't even play.. he's just Eric and Adam's cousin.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
Victa we haven't played in a while. We should organize another smashfest and get victa and wilfred to come. Eric don't play the modesty game with me, we both know how it is...

Eric + Adam > everyone
Adam > Eric
Eric > Tiep
Tiep = Adam , yeah that's right, I said it Tiep :p
Eric > All but wait...
Adam > Eric oh snap!
Ryan > most people here
Victa = tiep, eric, adam

Victa plays weird and does he even float cancel? :psycho:

Ignore this it's just senseless ranting of me trying to put together stuff in my head :psycho: :psycho: :psycho:


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Vancouver, BC! ryan Ryan RYan RYAn RYAN!!!!!

you dont know what Float Cancel is???

[::[_]::] :p ultimate DS

Eric + Adam > everyone
Adam > Eric
Eric > TieP
Tiep = Adam , yeah that's right, I said it Tiep :p
Eric > All but wait...
Adam > Eric oh snap!
Ryan > most people here
Victa = tiep, eric, adam

Eric +Adork > Bob + Bill
Eric > Adam
Tiep > Eric
RYAN = RYAN , yeah thats right , i said it Adam..
Eric > All but wait....
:laugh: > Eric oh snap!
Ryan > VICTA :pPP
Victa = Victa DUHH hes not tiep


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
happy new year everyone!

We need to get a tournament to happen to kick off the new year...

Eric u should even try arranging something maybe within a few weeks cuz I'm hungry to play all the competition in greater Van again. Especially that Victa character :/

I could help u set it up too :p


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Happy New Years!

Yes a tourney to kick off the new year is a must!!!!
I need to play Troy, Tiep, and Victa at this tourney... cause I havent played them in a long long while.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Well I guess anytime in the next month? Because after then the homework really starts to leak in.

But definately not this saturday because I gotta go to science world 6:45 in the morning for I don't know how long. Maybe Firestorm knows? :cry:


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
So... Going off topic about this tourney and such... How was all your new years?

This was one of my worst I would have to say...
This is the reason........

If your GF invited one of her girl friend over for newyears and you don't know her friend at all.
When you finally meet her she doesn't say "Hi" she says "Playstation is lame" while your playing PSP.
Then later she gets pissed at you for standing there doing nothing but watching a friend play piano. She also got pissed at my friend playing the piano because he was playing Final fantasy music and she wanted something more hardcore even though the piano can't really go hardcore rock music...
We then start to play a board game(Cranium) which needs 2 person a team. While we take out the game she says... "I hate guys I don't want to play this game if im paired with you guys."
Then she talks crap about all the guys there and all guys in general...
Would you yell at her back even though she is your GF's friend... or would you just leave it alone and ignore it.
Oh and of course all the guys were feeling the exact same way towards her but said nothing...


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
xXx-NoobKing-xXx said:
Eric we shouldn't even ask that question anymore. We both know where it's gonna happen..
when is the question.... Eric next time I speak with u we can organize a date...
alright Adam

Too bad about your new years John...
My new years was pretty good.. we watched many movies like "Kicking and Screaming" and "Brothers Grimm." Then after we played a board game called "Things" were you comment on like "Things you would ask God" or something like that then 1 person reads them out and u guess which comment is which. Then After 12am my Cousin and I just played computer till like 3am.. :)


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
WTF John >_>; Anyway, you have a PSP and DS? =O We're at Science World 'til Noon on Saturday. Then we're at school until 6 or 7 every weekday for 6 weeks =(

But then we get to go to Portland =D Tiep knows. He went through this last year... but skipped half the time >_>


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Firestorm88 said:
WTF John >_>; Anyway, you have a PSP and DS? =O We're at Science World 'til Noon on Saturday. Then we're at school until 6 or 7 every weekday for 6 weeks =(

But then we get to go to Portland =D Tiep knows. He went through this last year... but skipped half the time >_>
I don't get what the starting part is for... is it because of all the people on trobotics?...
No I don't have a PSP and DS the PSP was my friends that he is lending me and I always had a DS.
OMG Thats insane... nightmare come true... staying at school past 3:30 and for 6 weeks in a row!


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
My new years was ok. I was drinking with friends and then they went to the bars where I got ID'd so I couldn't get in. (they were all at least 19 or had fake ID). so I came home early, like 10ish. Watched 2 hours of Star Wars the cartoon series which BTW is ****ING AWESOME!!! Had a few shots of Crown with my dad who coulnd't handle the stuff cuz he's not a drinker so I drank his too. Had a beer. I was buzzed and watching Star Wars... went to sleep and passed out.

JOHN: About your predicament. First off if I was there u would have gotten a kick out of me mouthing off that *****, I'm good with words and know how to deal with *****y *****es. My girlfreind wouldn't put me in a situation with one of her friends that has that kind of attitude and is like what u described, let alone HAVE any friends like that. I'm just basing this on what I read in ur post. Now I don't know how sensitive ur GF is to some things. Like if u started coming up with snappy comebacks for everything her friend was saying.

"Playstation is lame" :

Take note of something she's interested in as quick as u can. Such as what she's wearing or an accessory or item she has with her. this is a REALLY good time to implement ur knowledge of clothing lines and brand names as well if u happen to know that stuff.

Comeback: "Don't alot of sluts shop at Lasensa?" (obviously if u can tell she's wearing that name brand.)
"Those earings make your ears look big"
"ur lame" (my personal favorite, but too blunt and to the point ;))

u have to know her ahead of time sort of to come up with a snappy, appropriate, effective, and RELAVENT comeback. So it's not always easy.

She got pissed at your for doing nothing but watching a friend play piano, u would say: "It's better then watching u flap your gums" OR try the more polite side "Did u have something else in mind?"

She got pissed about ur friend only playing FF music u would say: "He'd be glad to let u play stuff u want to hear" OR be more intense about it "Here's the piano, play some rock music, come on, play it, Oh, oh u can't play piano? OHHHHH, then STFU YOU STUPID ANNOYING ****!!!"

The whole her talking **** about guys and not wanting to be paired up with a guy and guys in general. At this point I would have taken enough **** from her to say something like this... :" Ok all you've been doing tonite is *****ing to me and my friends just becuase we don't have the same interests as u and quite frankly we're sick and tired of it. So why don't you just keep your thoughts and opinions about guys and all that crap we've been hearing about to yourself ok? Because nobody here cares or wants to hear what u have to say about it and your just being a total ***** right now!" (u can take out the ***** part but I myself would leave it in)

I hope I didn't go too far with any of this and I hope u actually find some of it relevant and helpful John ^_^ oh and BTW Fox ditto's again and Fox vs Falcon cuz I have a feeling u could have done better u only won like 1 match out of our 3 sets :p


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2004
Tokyo, Japan
I used to think 6:30 weekdays were bad too. But after BCIT .. *shudders*
Some school days, classes don't end until 5:20. At which point, if you want to get your work done, you WILL stay back and work with your classmates until as lates as 1 or 2 AM. Speaking of school.. and smash.. are there any long weekends in January? I can't think of any, but it would be best for me, for smashing.

Also, Adam. lol, Sounds like I would've wanted to be there if you were there with her too :p


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2004
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Aside from all this drama (sorry to John, hope it works out), I was looking at my agenda for school in January. Nothing really too good going on, only a Pro D day on the 25th, that's about it for any type of break possible. I guess there can't be a long weekend since we got a 2 week holiday already. Maybe on a weekend where nobody is busy (haha, unlikely). Anyway, hope to play some people I haven't played in a while (more priority than others) and everyone else too, but it never seems to come to that at smashfests. I say - call matches here right now!

Firestorm88 - friendlies of course, haven't played yet
Eric - haven't played in a while eh?
Adam - same
John - same
Tiep - almost the same
Everyone from Burnaby


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
Well Firestorm and I have a long weekend... Our ProD day is on on Friday 27th of January.
I doubt firestorm could go if we have a smashfest though, he usually cant.

And everything Adam said... HAHAHA That would be like going overboard... If I said all that I would think she would be crying non-stop then the parents there would hate me which isn't good. Always gotta get along with the parents :chuckle:
Yea a rematch would be good... I wasnt playing my best that day cause I was still sick a bit, and I think I suicided a few times...


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Vancouver, BC! ryan Ryan RYan RYAn RYAN!!!!!
If You Can Read This Next Thing You Are Gay

01011001010011110101010101010010001000000100011101000001010110010000110100001010 <-------------------------------------------THAT

So is there a date for the tourney????

i dont think it has to be a long weekend just do it on likke a saturday....
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