Absolutely love the 20XX hack pack!
One suggestion I have for color overlays tho:
Could you replace 'Sheildstun' or add a feature, that's just for normal sheilding (waiting in sheild)?
I think that would make more sense/ give us a much better visual cue as to whether one was fast enough with their OOS option after sheildstun. If you see the color, you know you were too slow. The way it is now, it's hard for me to tell if I was normal sheilding inbetween the sheildstun and my OOS option.
I get you. I’m actually planning on revamping the color overlay system for the next release, and giving users the ability to create custom overlays.
1) Can choose any action state shared among all characters for the color to be applied to.
2) Can choose between a variety of different colors for each custom action state.
3) Can change the transparency value that is used for all these color overlays (to make it as noticeable as possible or more subtle).
I’ve been thinking about the framework for such a code for a while in my head now, and I know exactly what to do at this point. I just need to find time to code the system, which isn’t a straightforward activity because of the multiple details working in conjunction, inside and outside of match play, in order to get it working properly. I’d like to get to it this week.
I’m still debating on whether or not to have some preset action states (shieldstun, wait, fall, etc.) as options like there currently is. If I turned every action state option into the “choose a custom action state” type, then the system would technically be WAY more robust. It would just be cumbersome for the user to meddle through a list of a couple hundred action states to find the one they want. But the more I think about it, the more I think I’ll end up just going the route of all customs, and just putting some helpful notes in there for the user.