Smash Master
That's Phantabulous!!!
- A Phantasm Guide-
- A Phantasm Guide-
The Falco Phantasm is Falco's Side Special. It's a unique special because it's better than Fox's. Seriously it is. It can spike and it is a bit longer than foxes. It's also faster. Fox really sucks with the illusion. But this guide is here to help people out with phantasm stuff they did not already know.
This is also my first "guide" so it will be a bit messy.
Frame Data
Before anything I'll like to remind you Falco is airborne on Frame 6 when Falco jumps:
Airborne - Frame 6
Phantasm -First Hit box on Frame 17
Immediate Aerial Phantasm - First hits on Frame 23 (Math status)
Phantasm's Different Lenghts
Phantasm can be cancel on a very specific point upon start up. You input the "Special Button" right before the *Sh-iing* sound and visual, the very shiny time right before Falco moves. Also it's very hard to do it consistantly so just practice them enough so that you can force a few when you need to.Video:
(Skip to 2:25 to begin seeing all the lengths)
There are four standard lengths for the phantasm:
Long (Standard/No cancel)Frame 1-16 - Start-up.
Frame 17 - "Ping" noise. Hit box comes out. Press B to cancel at shortest possible distance.
Frame 18 - Press B to cancel at middle distance.
Frame 19 - Press B to cancel at longest distance.
Frame 20-54 - Cool down.
Frame 55 - Other actions can be performed if the Phantasm was canceled at any distance.
Frame 56-57 - Cool down for uncanceled Phantasm.
Frame 58 - Other actions can be universally performed.
Perfect IAP
Frame 1-6 - Jump animation.
Frame 7-22 - Start-up.
Frame 23 - "Ping" noise. Hit box comes out. Press B to cancel at shortest possible distance.
Frame 24 - Press B to cancel at mid distance.
Frame 25 - Press B to cancel at longest distance.
Frame 26-43 - Cool down.
Frame 44 - Other actions can be performed if the Phantasm was canceled at the shortest possible distance.
Frame 45 - Other actions can be performed if the Phantasm was canceled at mid distance.
Frame 46 - Other actions can be performed if the Phantasm was canceled at the longest distance.
Frame 47-50 - Cool down for uncanceled Phantasm.
Frame 51 - Other actions can be universally performed.
Mid (Cancel frame 17)
Short (Cancel frame 18)
No Distance (Cancel frame 19)
The input for these cancels is 1 frame away from the next. The timing is strict!
Glitches and Advance Techniques
Mad glitches yo!Phantasm Phakeout
Reverse Edge Phantasm
*I am not done, yet*
All credit goes to the Falco Boards (Since we discuss this all the time no one remembers it all..>_>)