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Thank you for supporting Simon Belmont: Castlevania's Original Vampire Hunting Hero!


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Has Konami caught wind of any of the Simon tweets? Has anyone Tweeted at them? I think they retweeted some of the Snake tweets....
Konami favorited one of my Simon Belmont tweets but that's it.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2014
Addition made to Up Special on April 13th, 2015
I've just been speaking with Azure Warrior and he/she told me that it would be a good idea for me to share my ideas here. So I'm going to repost what I posted in my thread! *In Mario's voice* Here we Gooooo!

I'm voting for Simon Belmont for Smash Wii U and 3DS. Here's why:
- Very unique character using a whip for all A attacks. He would be slow and deliberate. All about spacing with the whip and projectiles
- He has an iconic history with Nintendo starting out on the NES
- He was part of the main cast of the Nintendo cartoon Captain N the Game Master alongside Mega Man and Pit
- If they include a stage, it could be amazing. Maybe a stage with transitions like Castle Seige. Mermen popping out of the water, Medusa heads, even Dracula himself in the same vein as Ridley, Yellow Devil, Metal Face...
- The music of the stage. Castlevania has an AMAZING soundtrack. Bloody Tears for example is an all time fav.

I think Simon Belmont would be an incredible addition to Smash. So much so that I've come up with an entire moveset for him and intro cinematic which all newcomers have gotten so far.

Allright here it is! First his intro cinematic:
Picture Dracula's castle from one of the NES Castlevania games. Luigi is inside with his Poltergust 3000 and a flash light cowering about the dark castle. As he proceeds his flashlight dies. He starts becoming very afraid. Then out of the shadows appear three skeletons. Luigi backs into a corner trembling. Then glass breaks and blue flames engulf the skeletons. Luigi looks up and lightning flashes. The figure of a man with a whip stands above him. Luigi karate chops his flash light and the power comes back on. He directs the flash light upwards and the man is gone. He turns around and in front of him to his surprise is Simon Belmont! Simon cracks his whip on the ground and the caption reads...
This I will leave up to all of you. I'm sure we can all come up with a great caption! Simon Belmont... whips into battle?

Now for the move set:

Neutral A: Whip Twirl
Simon twirls his leather whip like in Super Castlevania. He continues to twirl and ends it with a lash that knocks the opponent away.

Side tilt: Whip Lash
Simon lashes his whip in front of him. This is THE classic Simon Belmont attack. It's the attack you do when you press B in Castlevania for the NES. It has great range and like Marth the tip does the most damage and knockback. This applies to pretty much all of Simon's whip attacks.

Up tilt: Crescent Whip Lash
Similar to Link's Up tilt.

Down tilt: Crouching Whip Lash
Similar to the side tilt. This will be a great move since Simon can duck under some projectiles just like in the Castlevania games and he can use an attack that has long range! Probably the longest range crouching attack in the game!

Side Smash: Chain Whip Lash
Same as Side tilt except the whip becomes a chain whip. It reaches even further than the leather whip of the side tilt but like with most smashes it comes out slower. If the smash is fully charged the whip becomes the flame whip!

Up Smash: Chain Whip Lash Up
Simon lashes directly upwards like he can in Super Castlevania. This is a GREAT attack and can easily lead to star KOs. It has tremendous range above Simon, but you have to aim it just right since the hit box is pretty narrow. Similar to Palutena's I suppose but it comes out faster and the tipper is what does the best damage and knock back. Also becomes flame whip fully charged.

Down Smash: Whip Cracks
Simon cracks the leather whip twice on the ground. Once in front and then behind him. Similar to Link's down smash but perhaps better range but weaker in damage and knock back.

Dash Attack: Dashing Whip Lash
Same idea as side tilt except dashing. Less range than side tilt but comes out a little faster.

Neutral Aerial: Aerial Crescent Whip Lash
Same as Zero Suit Samus's neutral aerial. Perhaps play with the size of hitbox, damage, knockback etc.

Forward Aerial: Aerial Whip Lash
Aerial version of side tilt. Great way to get kills with aggressive edge guarding. Classic Castlevania goodness this move will be. Perhaps weaker knock back than side tilt so as to not make an overpowered move.

Up Aerial: Aerial Whip Lash Up
Aerial version of up smash. A whip lash directly upwards. Boy will this be a good move. Hard to hit with but man Star KO potential. Has to be a tipper for the good knock back though. All of Simon's whip lashes are going to come out fairly slowly so Simon doesn't become OP.

Back Aerial: Aerial Whip Lash Back
Same as Forward Aerial but better knockback and range.

Down Aerial: Aerial Whip Lash Down
Oh BOY! Simon's super spike! This spike will be crazy and will garner legendary status! It's basically the inverse of the Up Aerial. A spike with crazy range, like Mega Man's hard knuckle. Hmm... yeah I forgot about Mega Man's hard knuckle. Well this will come out a little quicker I'd say with maybe slightly more range. But again it has to be a tipper to spike.

Z Aerial: Aerial Whip Ledge Grab
A tether recovery. As an attack similar to Zero Suit Samus's. Similar to forward aerial but faster with less range, damage and knock back.

Recovery attack:
Simon lashes his whip around him. What? It's a recovery attack!

Grab: Whip Snare
Simon does a forward whip lash like side tilt but grabs instead. This has shorter range than the side tilt and is a little slower. For pummeling Simon simply tightens the hold on the opponent. Each pummel is Simon tightening the whip.

Forward Throw: Whip Toss Forward
Simon hurls the opponent forwards with his whip, rolling them out of the snare.

Up Throw: Whip Toss Upward
Same as Forward throw except upward

Back Throw: Whip Toss Backward
Same as Forward throw except backward

Down Throw: Whip Slam
Simon slams the opponent into the ground with his whip.

Now we're getting to the specials. This is where it gets interesting. I propose that all of the sub weapons, which are Simon's specials for the most part, have an amount of uses which will be displayed besides Simon's portrait. Little Mac has his KO indicator, Simon will have the quantity of his weapons displayed. I think this would be a unique mechanic and would allow Simon's specials to be that much more powerful. Also, custom moves like Mega Man open up a world of unique subweapons to choose from, from all of the Castlevania games! =D

Neutral Special: Dagger 5 uses per stock
Simon throws a dagger forward. Comes out fairly fast, but once out, travels very quickly and across the whole map like Link's fully charged arrow. Doesn't travel as quickly as LInk's arrow though. And like Link's fully charged arrow it has good knockback and damage. So it will be like Link's fully charged arrow without having to fully charge and it will be a little slower.

Side Special: Axe 3 uses per stock
Simon throws the axe in a forward arc like in Castlevania. Comes out a bit slower than the dagger but is a completely unique move. No other move in Smash has this kind of movement pattern. A forward arc! Talk about anti air! Also the edge guarding utility! Good damage and a little knockback. And no Pac-Man's projectiles don't count, they're slow and have less of an arc... just watch Simon throw an axe in Castlevania and you'll understand.

Down Special: Holy Water 3 uses per stock
Simon tosses three vials of holy water onto the ground. This will be similar to Robin's side special but it will be three blue flames covering more area. If all three hit, you're looking at some good damage. This is also a good edge guarding tool. Unlike Robin's side special, the holy water vials fall continuously off the stage. Once they hit an opponent it's a beautiful opportunity for a down aerial spike. Hrmm... this may be OP even if Simon only has three uses... Let me know what you think!

Up Special: Orb Whip Swing
A Bat Orb from Super Castlevania appears out of the ether (nothingness) and Simon lashes his whip around it. He then begins to swing. You can swing back and forth for about 3 seconds before you must release. Since this move would be easy to gimp I propose that after Simon releases from the orb he can still Zair (tether recovery) onto the stage. Another unique quality for Simon! This would mean that the height of his jump from the release of the Orb Whip Swing will be fairly low to make this recovery balanced. One more unique property of the Orb Whip Swing. As all classic whip swings, it includes a kick! If Simon's legs make contact with an opponent while in the Orb Whip Swing it deals a little damage and knockback! This opens the possibility for some sweet combos like Up Special, release up special and then use Forward Aerial.
Addition made on: April 13th, 2015
I was thinking that when Simon lashes his whip around the Bat Orb it has a hit box like Ivysaur's up special in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I'm thinking it wouldn't be quite as powerful but this would give Simon an anti air attack when his axes run out. Also more combo potential as he can combo this into an up aerial or some other attack!

Final Smash: Stop Watch
Simon uses the stop watch and freezes all of the opponents on the screen. He then can take his leisure doing what he will to them or just spam taunts. = P Of course it won't last forever so...

Up Taunt:
Think Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara. You know how the heroes thrust their weapons upwards and say "HO!!!" I think it's from that game. Hey! It's the best I could come up with!

Side Taunt:
Those large flashings orbs at the ends of Castlevania levels appears. You can pick it up if you want.

Down Taunt:
Simon feints death and falls to the ground. The classic death sound effect from NES Castlevania plays.

As for movement speed I'm thinking he would run about as fast as Link does. His jumps would be a little floaty like in the Castlevania games. His fast fall speed would be decent. He certainly wouldn't be a very fast character. As I said earlier he is about spacing with whip and projectiles.

I'm looking forward to Simon's animations. Masahiro Sakurai and his team did such an amazing job with Mega Man for example. Mega Man looks and moves just like he does in his games! Simon should receive the same treatment. That good ol' funny crouching jump, his getting hurt animation, the works!

Well there you go! These are just my ideas. Please feel free to comment and offer your ideas including any changes you think would be prudent! I look forward to your responses!

Also, if you like what you've read and want to see Simon Belmont in Super Smash Bros. For Wii U and 3DS please vote for Simon here!
https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/us/ This link is for residents of North America! If you reside elsewhere please go to the official Smash Bros. page, choose your region and follow the links!

Finally, sign the Simon Belmont Petition! Only 31 signatures are needed before the petition's goal is reached! Then it will be sent to Sora and Masahiro Sakurai himself!
Wait! Oh darn the Petition is closed! WHY!?!?! Only 31 signatures needed! Nooooooooooooooooooooo! Hrmm... Maybe I should contact Mark Chang and ask if he'd be willing to open it again...

Well at least please vote for him on the official ballot if you want Simon in. And if you like these ideas, perhaps consider adding this link to the "Why should this character become a fighter?" portion of the ballot! By this link I mean and meant the link to this thread so that Nintendo could see our ideas such as the intro cinematic and move sets. You could also include the petition if you wanted to! Happy Smashing All!
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
I've just been speaking with Azure Warrior and he/she told me that it would be a good idea for me to share my ideas here. So I'm going to repost what I posted in my thread! *In Mario's voice* Here we Gooooo!

I'm voting for Simon Belmont for Smash Wii U and 3DS. Here's why:
- Very unique character using a whip for all A attacks. He would be slow and deliberate. All about spacing with the whip and projectiles
- He has an iconic history with Nintendo starting out on the NES
- He was part of the main cast of the Nintendo cartoon Captain N the Game Master alongside Mega Man and Pit
- If they include a stage, it could be amazing. Maybe a stage with transitions like Castle Seige. Mermen popping out of the water, Medusa heads, even Dracula himself in the same vein as Ridley, Yellow Devil, Metal Face...
- The music of the stage. Castlevania has an AMAZING soundtrack. Bloody Tears for example is an all time fav.

I think Simon Belmont would be an incredible addition to Smash. So much so that I've come up with an entire moveset for him and intro cinematic which all newcomers have gotten so far.

Allright here it is! First his intro cinematic:
Picture Dracula's castle from one of the NES Castlevania games. Luigi is inside with his Poltergust 3000 and a flash light cowering about the dark castle. As he proceeds his flashlight dies. He starts becoming very afraid. Then out of the shadows appear three skeletons. Luigi backs into a corner trembling. Then glass breaks and blue flames engulf the skeletons. Luigi looks up and lightning flashes. The figure of a man with a whip stands above him. Luigi karate chops his flash light and the power comes back on. He directs the flash light upwards and the man is gone. He turns around and in front of him to his surprise is Simon Belmont! Simon cracks his whip on the ground and the caption reads...
This I will leave up to all of you. I'm sure we can all come up with a great caption! Simon Belmont... whips into battle?

Now for the move set:

Neutral A: Whip Twirl
Simon twirls his leather whip like in Super Castlevania. He continues to twirl and ends it with a lash that knocks the opponent away.

Side tilt: Whip Lash
Simon lashes his whip in front of him. This is THE classic Simon Belmont attack. It's the attack you do when you press B in Castlevania for the NES. It has great range and like Marth the tip does the most damage and knockback. This applies to pretty much all of Simon's whip attacks.

Up tilt: Crescent Whip Lash
Similar to Link's Up tilt.

Down tilt: Crouching Whip Lash
Similar to the side tilt. This will be a great move since Simon can duck under some projectiles just like in the Castlevania games and he can use an attack that has long range! Probably the longest range crouching attack in the game!

Side Smash: Chain Whip Lash
Same as Side tilt except the whip becomes a chain whip. It reaches even further than the leather whip of the side tilt but like with most smashes it comes out slower. If the smash is fully charged the whip becomes the flame whip!

Up Smash: Chain Whip Lash Up
Simon lashes directly upwards like he can in Super Castlevania. This is a GREAT attack and can easily lead to star KOs. It has tremendous range above Simon, but you have to aim it just right since the hit box is pretty narrow. Similar to Palutena's I suppose but it comes out faster and the tipper is what does the best damage and knock back. Also becomes flame whip fully charged.

Down Smash: Whip Cracks
Simon cracks the leather whip twice on the ground. Once in front and then behind him. Similar to Link's down smash but perhaps better range but weaker in damage and knock back.

Dash Attack: Dashing Whip Lash
Same idea as side tilt except dashing. Less range than side tilt but comes out a little faster.

Neutral Aerial: Aerial Crescent Whip Lash
Same as Zero Suit Samus's neutral aerial. Perhaps play with the size of hitbox, damage, knockback etc.

Forward Aerial: Aerial Whip Lash
Aerial version of side tilt. Great way to get kills with aggressive edge guarding. Classic Castlevania goodness this move will be. Perhaps weaker knock back than side tilt so as to not make an overpowered move.

Up Aerial: Aerial Whip Lash Up
Aerial version of up smash. A whip lash directly upwards. Boy will this be a good move. Hard to hit with but man Star KO potential. Has to be a tipper for the good knock back though. All of Simon's whip lashes are going to come out fairly slowly so Simon doesn't become OP.

Back Aerial: Aerial Whip Lash Back
Same as Forward Aerial but better knockback and range.

Down Aerial: Aerial Whip Lash Down
Oh BOY! Simon's super spike! This spike will be crazy and will garner legendary status! It's basically the inverse of the Up Aerial. A spike with crazy range, like Mega Man's hard knuckle. Hmm... yeah I forgot about Mega Man's hard knuckle. Well this will come out a little quicker I'd say with maybe slightly more range. But again it has to be a tipper to spike.

Z Aerial: Aerial Whip Ledge Grab
A tether recovery. As an attack similar to Zero Suit Samus's. Similar to forward aerial but faster with less range, damage and knock back.

Recovery attack:
Simon lashes his whip around him. What? It's a recovery attack!

Grab: Whip Snare
Simon does a forward whip lash like side tilt but grabs instead. This has shorter range than the side tilt and is a little slower. For pummeling Simon simply tightens the hold on the opponent. Each pummel is Simon tightening the whip.

Forward Throw: Whip Toss Forward
Simon hurls the opponent forwards with his whip, rolling them out of the snare.

Up Throw: Whip Toss Upward
Same as Forward throw except upward

Back Throw: Whip Toss Backward
Same as Forward throw except backward

Down Throw: Whip Slam
Simon slams the opponent into the ground with his whip.

Now we're getting to the specials. This is where it gets interesting. I propose that all of the sub weapons, which are Simon's specials for the most part, have an amount of uses which will be displayed besides Simon's portrait. Little Mac has his KO indicator, Simon will have the quantity of his weapons displayed. I think this would be a unique mechanic and would allow Simon's specials to be that much more powerful. Also, custom moves like Mega Man open up a world of unique subweapons to choose from, from all of the Castlevania games! =D

Neutral Special: Dagger 5 uses per stock
Simon throws a dagger forward. Comes out fairly fast, but once out, travels very quickly and across the whole map like Link's fully charged arrow. Doesn't travel as quickly as LInk's arrow though. And like Link's fully charged arrow it has good knockback and damage. So it will be like Link's fully charged arrow without having to fully charge and it will be a little slower.

Side Special: Axe 3 uses per stock
Simon throws the axe in a forward arc like in Castlevania. Comes out a bit slower than the dagger but is a completely unique move. No other move in Smash has this kind of movement pattern. A forward arc! Talk about anti air! Also the edge guarding utility! Good damage and a little knockback. And no Pac-Man's projectiles don't count, they're slow and have less of an arc... just watch Simon throw an axe in Castlevania and you'll understand.

Down Special: Holy Water 3 uses per stock
Simon tosses three vials of holy water onto the ground. This will be similar to Robin's side special but it will be three blue flames covering more area. If all three hit, you're looking at some good damage. This is also a good edge guarding tool. Unlike Robin's side special, the holy water vials fall continuously off the stage. Once they hit an opponent it's a beautiful opportunity for a down aerial spike. Hrmm... this may be OP even if Simon only has three uses... Let me know what you think!

Up Special: Orb Whip Swing
A Bat Orb from Super Castlevania appears out of the ether (nothingness) and Simon lashes his whip around it. He then begins to swing. You can swing back and forth for about 3 seconds before you must release. Since this move would be easy to gimp I propose that after Simon releases from the orb he can still Zair (tether recovery) onto the stage. Another unique quality for Simon! This would mean that the height of his jump from the release of the Orb Whip Swing will be fairly low to make this recovery balanced. One more unique property of the Orb Whip Swing. As all classic whip swings, it includes a kick! If Simon's legs make contact with an opponent while in the Orb Whip Swing it deals a little damage and knockback! This opens the possibility for some sweet combos like Up Special, release up special and then use Forward Aerial.

Final Smash: Stop Watch
Simon uses the stop watch and freezes all of the opponents on the screen. He then can take his leisure doing what he will to them or just spam taunts. = P Of course it won't last forever so...

Up Taunt:
Think Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara. You know how the heroes thrust their weapons upwards and say "HO!!!" I think it's from that game. Hey! It's the best I could come up with!

Side Taunt:
Those large flashings orbs at the ends of Castlevania levels appears. You can pick it up if you want.

Down Taunt:
Simon feints death and falls to the ground. The classic death sound effect from NES Castlevania plays.

As for movement speed I'm thinking he would run about as fast as Link does. His jumps would be a little floaty like in the Castlevania games. His fast fall speed would be decent. He certainly wouldn't be a very fast character. As I said earlier he is about spacing with whip and projectiles.

I'm looking forward to Simon's animations. Masahiro Sakurai and his team did such an amazing job with Mega Man for example. Mega Man looks and moves just like he does in his games! Simon should receive the same treatment. That good ol' funny crouching jump, his getting hurt animation, the works!

Well there you go! These are just my ideas. Please feel free to comment and offer your ideas including any changes you think would be prudent! I look forward to your responses!

Also, if you like what you've read and want to see Simon Belmont in Super Smash Bros. For Wii U and 3DS please vote for Simon here!
https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/us/ This link is for residents of North America! If you reside elsewhere please go to the official Smash Bros. page, choose your region and follow the links!

Finally, sign the Simon Belmont Petition! Only 31 signatures are needed before the petition's goal is reached! Then it will be sent to Sora and Masahiro Sakurai himself!
Wait! Oh darn the Petition is closed! WHY!?!?! Only 31 signatures needed! Nooooooooooooooooooooo! Hrmm... Maybe I should contact Mark Chang and ask if he'd be willing to open it again...

Well at least please vote for him on the official ballot if you want Simon in. And if you like these ideas, perhaps consider adding this link to the "Why should this character become a fighter?" portion of the ballot! By this link I mean and meant the link to this thread so that Nintendo could see our ideas such as the intro cinematic and move sets. You could also include the petition if you wanted to! Happy Smashing All!
You know, my favorite thing about the Simon Belmont support group is that almost everyone who joins immediately posts a move list.

His move set potential is just THAT obvious.


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
I could see him playable, but in my opinion, he needs an upcoming Castlevania game coming before I can see him as a notable competitor.
I would also accept a Captain N game, because Konami is doing things with Castlevania, but not with Simon.
Capcom has abandoned Mega Man in a ditch somewhere.
and unless Sakurai changes his mind about Uprising 2, Pit's not getting much action.

Similarly, if Simon was confirmed for Smash, I would want Captain N in the next one sooooooooooo much.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Which Simon would you prefer?

Castlevania 1, 2, 4, Mirror of Fate or Captain N?

I won't even mention Judgement.

I'd prefer a composite. The originals look a bit too much like Conan for my tastes.


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
Since it might be a long while before I can continue making my video, I'll leave the move set ideas I wanted to talk about.


I'd picture Simon to be the mid to long range fighter making use of his whip, it would default to the fully upgraded whip which looks more like a very long mace which would have a Marth like sweet spot at the head of it.

Standard jab combo: tap it once and you get a normal whip swing, tap it repeatedly or hold it down and Simon will spin the whip and will end with one last strike.

Dash attack: Richter's tackle where he shoulder thrusts while spinning the whip.

Forward tilt: he'd use the throwing dagger as a close range weapon and swipe enemies with it.

Down tilt: a single whip strike.

Up tilt: He'll swipe upwards with the throwing axe.

Forward Smash: Zero Suit Samus' Brawl forward smash which was a strong whip strike that had enough range to even attack from behind.

Up Smash: an upward whip strike similar to Zero Suit Samus only it won't lock you into the attack

Air attacks would all be nods to Simon's multi-directional whipping in Castlevania 4 so forward air is a forward whip strike, Bair wh

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Which Simon would you prefer?

Castlevania 1, 2, 4, Mirror of Fate or Captain N?

I won't even mention Judgement.

I'd prefer a composite. The originals look a bit too much like Conan for my tastes.
The red haired one that appeared in that old Konami fighter because it looks so original and has that cutting edge to it (Unlike that abomination from Castlevania Judgement).


Smash Ace
Apr 9, 2014
The red haired one that appeared in that old Konami fighter because it looks so original and has that cutting edge to it (Unlike that abomination from Castlevania Judgement).
That was the Castlevania Chronicles design, yeah I think that design could be cool. Personally I'd like the Castlevania 1 design with Castlevania 2 and 4 as alternate colors, and Castlevania Chroniclces Simon as an alternate costume.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2014
Well since we get 8 costumes I wouldn't mind seeing all of the above! Even his Captain N costume which would be hilarious. I don't suppose the Japanese or European audience would get it though. The Chronicles design is bad arse, the only thing though is he would be another pretty boy. We've got Link, Marth and Ike, Shulk, Pit, Robin to a point. Their faces all look so similar. If he had the Castlevania 1 design to his face he would be more unique I'd say. Yeah he looks a bit like Conan but Conan is cool! I loved the cartoon Conan the Adventurer as a kid! http://dvdmedia.ign.com/dvd/image/a...venturer-season-one-20110715002323796-000.jpg Another manly face like Captain Falcon except no helmet to obscure the manly eyes! :falconmelee:
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Just want to toss this out, if Ryu really is in as DLC, that means Snake can co-exist with other Konami reps.

#VoteBomber #VoteBelmont


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2014
I can't believe that Ryu might be getting in. I just don't see him as a very unique character.
Neutral Special: Hadoken AKA Samus' Neutral Special, AKA Mega Man's Side Smash, AKA Lucario's Aura Sphere, AKA Mewtwo's Shadow Ball...
Up Special: Shoryuken AKA Marth's Dolphin Slash AKA Mega Man's Up tilt AKA Mario's Up Special!
Down Special: Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku AKA Dr. Mario's Down Special AKA Luigi's Down Special AKA Mega Man's dash attack...
Side Special: That spinning side kick they talked about in the Ryu vs. Scorpian Deathbattle. Finally a semi unique move. Perhaps it would be like a faster Falcon Punch.

His A attacks and Aerials could be kind of interesting. Don't get me wrong, I love Ryu as a character. I grew up with all the Street Fighter games, including playing the original 1987 Street Fighter game in the arcades. I loved the animated movie, Street Fighter II V series (amazing anime). So seeing him in Smash just for feels alone would be fantastic. BUT, I don't think he'd be very unique. Whereas Simon Belmont would bring something totally new to the table. A long range melee whip fighter with limited sub weapon special moves. A whip swing kick... I mean come on!

I kind of hope this is a joke on the development team's part. The estimate I'm seeing is that after Lucas is released in June, Wolf will be released next around September or so. Then after Wolf we'll be getting three new characters. One slot will go to a Nintendo character, the next to an Indie character and the last slot to a third party character. What I'm predicting is:

Nintendo character: Inkling. A VERY unique character, promote new IP, no need to make another Amiibo but they probably will. They could make it so she/he paints the stage with her/his attacks. And where there is paint she/he can transform into a squid. But the paint fades so they have to keep on spraying the stage. Specials can be all the different weapons, and with custom moves you could probably get all the weapons in there.

Indie character: Shovel Knight. I haven't played Shovel Knight yet (I know, I know, I'm planning to eventually) but apparently it's an amazing game. He has that unique pogo stick ability and other unique moves I'm sure. From what I've seen I think he's the best choice from the Indie category. The Guacamelee guy could be interesting too though.

Third party character: Now this is the big ?. If Ryu takes this slot, I will be SO PISSED. *Sigh* again I like Ryu! He's an absolutely classic video game character. Every fighting gamer, heck almost every gamer, otaku, comic aficionado knows HADOKEN! SHORYUKEN! BUT HE'S NOT UNIQUE! He'll be boring to play as aside from well, "Look I'm playing as Ryu in Smash Bros! =D" I believe Simon Belmont would be the best choice. Smash 4 already has something going for it that few fighters if any can boast. It has playable characters from most of the major Japanese video game companies. Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, Namco. I didn't mention Monolith Soft since the company doesn't have the same kind of history as the previously mentioned do but it's still a great company. If you add Konami again... man... Smash Bros becomes just an absolute love story to video games. Sure they could bring Snake back... and Snake was a really cool character in Brawl... if they however want to try something new and some one who in my opinion had and has more relevance to Nintendo than Snake...

than vote for Simon Belmont! :colorful:


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Might as well post this in all the appropriate support threads. #StrongerTogether



Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Which Simon would you prefer?

Castlevania 1, 2, 4, Mirror of Fate or Captain N?

I won't even mention Judgement.

I'd prefer a composite. The originals look a bit too much like Conan for my tastes.
Why settle for composite when you can have them all as alts?

Default - Castlevania (NES) - the Conan look :awesome:
Alt 1 - Simon's Quest (NES) - my favorite color combo (red, black, and white)
Alt 2 - Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
Alt 3 - Castlevania Chronicles (PS1)
Alt 4 - Mirror of Fate (3DS)
Alt 5 - Haunted Castle (arcade)
Alt 6 - Vampire Killer (MSX) - it is like the default one but in pink and black instead of all brown
Alt 7 - Castlevania Judgment (Wii)

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
With Ryu possibly joining the roster soon, I think I can get behind having both Solid Snake back and to have Simon Belmont as the Konami newcomer. Having both of Konami's iconic IP's (Metal Gear and Castlevania) in Smash be exciting and legendary to every gamer on the planet. What really needs to happen is that we need to push him harder in order to compete with the other third parties.


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
With Ryu possibly joining the roster soon, I think I can get behind having both Solid Snake back and to have Simon Belmont as the Konami newcomer. Having both of Konami's iconic IP's (Metal Gear and Castlevania) in Smash be exciting and legendary to every gamer on the planet. What really needs to happen is that we need to push him harder in order to compete with the other third parties.
Yeah Simon Belmont is certainly iconic enough to get in there as well, not to mention being tied to the big N more than Snake. He's also one of my ballot votes along with K.rool, Krystal and Isaac.


Smash Rookie
Jun 19, 2014
Wa~y Over There
I'm personally to scared to vote, for own personal reasons that may be rather laughable, but I'd be game if Simon were to join.
Despite that, may I still be added to the Support List?

Thinking about, I'm not sure how much he can beat Snake in the level of wants, not that I have anything against Snake.
But I know the Belmont's got a pretty good knowing around gamers, right?

Nixon Corral

Southland Scion
Jan 16, 2014
Atlanta, GA
I'm a pretty big fan of Simon. Definitely on the short list of characters I'm whittling down to before I vote. Glad to see a strong contingent of other folks interested in him. He just seems so appropriate in the company of Mega Man, Sonic, and Mario.

Would love to see a Richter costume as well, if possible.
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Smash Rookie
Apr 10, 2015
Simon should be a beast, but only at a cretin range. LIke if you get too close simon cant hit you with his A moves. You have to be in a certain sweet spot where simon can tear you apart. Also the costumes should be; simon from c1, simon form c2, trevor from c3, richter, and simon from cjudgment


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2014
parent's basment
I used to be a big fan of the ds games because of the metroid way of exploration but that's not simon was about it was liner and I did play a rom of the classic one I got my ass kicked on the first floor >_>. but I did have him on my wish list way back in the day but now it kind of faded I have not kept up with the Castlevainia IP for quite some time Is simon belmot in any current gen Castlevainias?

Deleted member

I never viewed Simon as a highly likely addition to the roster, especially now, but I would be thrilled to see him in Smash alongside other Castlevania-related content including stage(s), trophies, and music remixes. It's a shame that his inclusion has a very slim chance of happening.

Is simon belmot in any current gen Castlevainias?
Simon's most recent appearance was in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate for 3DS in 2013, so yes.
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Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
Which Simon would you prefer?

Castlevania 1, 2, 4, Mirror of Fate or Captain N?

I won't even mention Judgement.

I'd prefer a composite. The originals look a bit too much like Conan for my tastes.
Captain N right down to taunting to seem like a cowardly braggart.

I'm biased, I'll admit it.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Bloody Tears, Vampire Killer, and Simon's Theme (Super Castlevania IV) are must include tracks if Simon were to join the battle. Though I wouldn't mind some tracks like Mad Forest, A Castlevania Boss Medley, Dracula's Theme, or any other track from the franchise (As long as they aren't anything from Castlevania Judgement).


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2014
I would REALLY like to see Simon Belmont in Smash.

When I was a kid, I played Mario, Zelda, Megaman and Castlevania (among many others) on Nintendo, and I didn't know some were owned by Nintendo and others were made by different companies. To me when I think of classic Nintendo games, Castlevania is ALWAYS one of the first to come to mind.

If Simon Belmont came to Smash, and brought a stage with him, it would give us not only an awesome new character, but it'd give us a whole new theme never seen in a Smash game.

Can you imagine Smashing with the song Iron Blue Intention in the background?! OMG, I would just die... If you don't know exactly what song it is, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NSDcpoj4TU. (Although, this is a Simon Belmont thread, so you should all know... If you don't, SHAAAAME.)


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
I would REALLY like to see Simon Belmont in Smash.

When I was a kid, I played Mario, Zelda, Megaman and Castlevania (among many others) on Nintendo, and I didn't know some were owned by Nintendo and others were made by different companies. To me when I think of classic Nintendo games, Castlevania is ALWAYS one of the first to come to mind.

If Simon Belmont came to Smash, and brought a stage with him, it would give us not only an awesome new character, but it'd give us a whole new theme never seen in a Smash game.

Can you imagine Smashing with the song Iron Blue Intention in the background?! OMG, I would just die... If you don't know exactly what song it is, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NSDcpoj4TU. (Although, this is a Simon Belmont thread, so you should all know... If you don't, SHAAAAME.)
This can't work cause this game was never on a Nintendo system....

But man would a stage based on Symphony of the Night's castle (where at halfway through time, or someone losing half their lives in stock, it flips upside down) would be sweet.

I'd also accept a stage based on Portrait of Ruin, because people will think it's dedicated to Mario 64 until Medusa Heads that aren't from Kid Icarus start appearing.

And I'd really like a sequel to that multiplayer 6 person Castlevania game to come out for Wii U or 3DS
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Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
This can't work cause this game was never on a Nintendo system....

But man would a stage based on Symphony of the Night's castle (where at halfway through time, or someone losing half their lives in stock, it flips upside down) would be sweet.

I'd also accept a stage based on Portrait of Ruin, because people will think it's dedicated to Mario 64 until Medusa Heads that aren't from Kid Icarus start appearing.

And I'd really like a sequel to that multiplayer 6 person Castlevania game to come out for Wii U or 3DS
You can always make a stage based on Aria of sorrow castle, That game was a hit on the Advance, no inverted castle though...

Catslevania Harmony of despair was an actually amazing idea with horrendous execution.. much like Judgement sadly ._. I would love a second part of either of those games ( or one that is both) if it's done by a semi-competent team and director at least :c

Frankly.. now that im' reading the konami rumors.. is either.
A) the most complex viral marketing strategy ever and we realize everything was just a marketing campaign (one can dream)
B) Konami finally collapsed into itself.

Since it's looking more like B, i'm really losing all hope of having Snake, Simon Belmont or even bomberman in smash :c

If only Sony could buy metal gear and silent hill, and nintendo could buy castlevania and bomberman :c but looks like the only way we are going to see those games are in slot machines ._. Sucks when your fav japanese franchises are Castlevania and Silent Hill T.T


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
Hey guys.

Sign me up as a supporter for Simon's inclusion. Despite having only played Super Castlevania IV on the Wii U VC, I would absolutely love it if he became a playable character in this series. He and Black Mage are some of the few remaining "legendary" newcomers that I can think of at this point that deserve it.


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Bloody Tears, Vampire Killer, and Simon's Theme (Super Castlevania IV) are must include tracks if Simon were to join the battle. Though I wouldn't mind some tracks like Mad Forest, A Castlevania Boss Medley, Dracula's Theme, or any other track from the franchise (As long as they aren't anything from Castlevania Judgement).
Judgement was a terrible game but there's really nothing wrong with it's music. I thought the remixes where actually pretty appropriate for a fighting game, actually.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Judgement was a terrible game but there's really nothing wrong with it's music. I thought the remixes where actually pretty appropriate for a fighting game, actually.
Not going to lie, I do actually agree with you on the remixes sounding appropriate for a fighting game given that they were made to suit a heated atmosphere. The Mad Forest and Tears remixes were no doubt some of the few memorable things from the game since they were well done like any Castlevania arrangement would be. You know it's such a shame when the music is the best part of a terribad game, just like a certain Sonic title. :smirk:



Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
Don't know if I've posted here before, I thought I had but maybe not. I totally support Simon Belmont, it'd be awesome to have another classic game character, especially one that helped define a genre (lets get both parts of metroidvania in here). Classic whip attacks and the return of Sheiks old side B would be so awesome.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC

Looks like the Quarter Guy, a fellow Castlevania fan, got our back. It's good to see at least one major YouTuber realize how good of a choice Simon Belmont would be. But if there is one thing I'll have to disagree with, it's the idea of him being Light the Vampire Killer for his default costume (I would take Conan the Barbarian or the red haired goth over that form).

Edit: Would've been nice if @Lilfut were here to discuss with us while the ballot is still open.
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Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
I think Simon Belmont would be a great character for Smash Bros. He is one of the many classic NES heroes and Castlevania has a long history on Nintendo consoles, with some of the games still being exclusive to the Nintendo consoles.

Also, I think it would be cool if there was a Castlevania Retro Medley like there is for Mega Man.
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Deleted member

Despite how unlikely he is, Simon Belmont is my MOST wanted character for super smash bros. I actually made an entire moveset for him.

The great Speedwagon will always want Simon Belmont to join the battle.

Deleted member

Well, do share them with us!
I would, but i have to:
1.Decide which version of the moveset i should post.
2.Scan the imgae.
3.Upload it somewhere (uploads are not avaliable on the character threads apparently)

It would take a while. Plus, this thread is deader than disco and almost nobody would see it outside of you and me.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I would, but i have to:
1.Decide which version of the moveset i should post.
2.Scan the imgae.
3.Upload it somewhere (uploads are not avaliable on the character threads apparently)

It would take a while. Plus, this thread is deader than disco and almost nobody would see it outside of you and me.
Yeah, it is disheartening to see this thread inactive. Everyone are always on the DLC Character thread, the K. Rool thread, or the Social thread.

Still, post whatever you have.

Deleted member

Yeah, it is disheartening to see this thread inactive. Everyone are always on the DLC Character thread, the K. Rool thread, or the Social thread.

Still, post whatever you have.
I will try my best, but i make no promises.
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