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Testing gah...

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2007
Houston, TXXX
I have already masturbated to the above picture 7 times.

Gabe I was playing Marth fighting a lvl 1 falcon.... JV 5 stocked him. I thought of you.

In all seriousness, takeurlife2... wanna MM at this upcoming tourney... lets say... $5? $10? I'm not that good... promise... =)


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Jeremy, you are correct. We are making judgements on vids, but on a TON of them. Possibly every vid that on youtube, google videos, etc. plus several live streams. But you're right that it's hard to make a fair assessment without the game. If you can gather your personal opinions on ALL of the stages and let us know how you feel, then please do so. It would only help us further. We need as much input as possble.

Once everyone in Houston has played, we can make a more accuarate decision.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Jeremy, you are correct. We are making judgements on vids, but on a TON of them. Possibly every vid that on youtube, google videos, etc. plus several live streams. But you're right that it's hard to make a fair assessment without the game. If you can gather your personal opinions on ALL of the stages and let us know how you feel, then please do so. It would only help us further. We need as much input as possble.

Once everyone in Houston has played, we can make a more accuarate decision.
Basically. I've played Brawl before, just not all of the stages. The thing is even though you have (don't worry, we WANT your input, and lots of it) a good solid list of bans/random/counterpicks was never made in a day or for the first tourny.

By making a list with VALID reasons and discussing it with everyone who has played brawl or even has an opinion, we can get the best list for this tourny. Isn't that a bit better than just you deciding on your own?

I agree, it is.

We're almost done with a rough draft that we want to discuss.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
you guys are going way too fast. the game hasn't even come out yet...
Nothing's set in stone Mouf, but if you're entering a tourny, do you want to get WarioWare as a stage and lose because of the stage?

As things develop so will the list.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Snap, maybe I should get my Capture Card to get some vids of brawl, unless its gametrailers that gives that quality. Nice doubles match but kinda hard to see. Can't wait to get some matches in, heh.

Alright, we've made a very rough first list that we can explain and have thoughts on. All starred stages were kind of "eh, we need more input but we have an opinion" so I tried to put those aside.

This list is not trying to be official and we want input.

Also: since jab-infinites exist we have two options. We can ban stages with walls OR find a way to ban the infinite. Also we have to decide if walled stages are legal for DOUBLES since you shouldn't be able to infinite. I say YES, they should be. But this is a singles list.


Final Destination
Kanto - While you CAN wall-infinite, the stage gives you a heads up + the fact that you could infinite here in Melee, though not as easily. Really avoidable though.
Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
Lylat Cruise
Luigi's Mansion
Delphino Plaza* - Not nearly as obstructive as Mute City, pretty calm stage.
Castle Siege - This could be argued in for random I think, but I do like it as counterpick.
Mario Circuit* - The cars aren't deadly and there are THREE indicators to when they are coming. I like this stage though because it would be a good nuetral towards characters with crappy recoveries without actually being counterpickish. Thoughts?


Skyworld - Tethered recoveries get the major shaft here.
Bridge of Eldin - Interesting stage, but the pit in the middle definitely makes it counterpick. Plus the events can be obstructive.
Battleship Halberd
Pictochat - Alright, for right now the stage is a quirky counterpick. While it is obstructive it isn't broken damage wise.
Rainbow Cruise - lol
Great Sea
Green Greens
Pokemon Stadium 2* - Pretty obstructive stage, but we want more input on what you guys think.
Port Town* - Cars are REALLY powerful. Thoughts?
Yoshi's Island (Melee) * - Banned for walkoff edges and shine in Melee. In brawl the pit could cause issues for Ness/Lucas and tethered recoveries, plus walkoff edges. Thoughts?
Jungle Japes* - Swimming changes this slightly, but it ***** people before so...
Green Hill* - The random pits.
Spear Pillar - Termina Bay syndrome
Frigate Orpheon** - Jeremy, when this stage turns upside down, do you need to up + B to stay on? Thoughts?

Jab-infinite Banned:

Mushroomy Kingdom
The Summit* - You can't actually infinite here forever. I kind of want it as a counterpick, RocketTrainer says otherwise. Thoughts?


WarioWare - This stage can KO you at 50% for not keeping up with its demands. VERY OVERLY obstructive.
Rumble Falls - IC mountain much? Same problems.
New Pork City - Camping much? Fourside meets temple.
Shadow Moses Island - WALLS. Infinites + no horizontal kills without killing the walls. I stuck it in just banned because it goes beyond counterpick.
Temple - lol
Donkey Kong Arcade - The top can't be dropped through, leads to issues.
Mario Bros. - Enemies, walk off edges, really crazy stage.
Flat Zone 2 - Lol. Not as bad as Flat Zone, but still.
Big Blue - rofl
Norfair* - While the lava-wave isn't THAT common, slower characters tend to get the shaft. Honestly it wouldn't be a big deal to make this a counterpick stage.
Electroplankton* - Weird stage. thoughts?


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2006
Houston, Texas
takeyourlife: Welcome to the Houston scene! I will money match you and all of your friends for five dollars each if you are not... dare I say, afraid? BWAHAHA (TGMROFL)

Seriously though, if you wanna mm, I'm down.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Green Hill* - The random pits.
Green hill should not be on random; Its walk-off, + the pits you mention.
Case in point, the end of this match:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-oA1ccSQ5o cough that is, in the end of this match...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAfRbi0stZY
Having the stage randomly decide it wants to kill you is bad. And walk offs means that people could camp the very edge of the stage and just kill with backthrows (or in DK's case, carry you right next to the blast zone and toss you into it)

I think the Frigate is a bad choice for neutral too, since it has the flip. (makes little sense to keep the Halberd out of neutral for a little damage from the laser when the Frigate's flip is potentially lethal at any percent)

Eh, i suppose Delfino would be alright as a neutral.
If Delfino does get put as neutral, I think Castle Siege should too. The only real difference between them is that Siege's 1st/3rd transformations have edges, and it lacks the Plaza's chance that the platform could take off without you on it.

Pokemon Stadium 2* - Pretty obstructive stage, but we want more input on what you guys think.
Stadium 2 is weird, but I think it should be kept as a counterpick. The ice/conveyer belts might give an advantage to chars with multi jumps, but thats what counterpicks are supposed to do, right?

The Summit is actually in the water more than half of the time, so i don't think the lack of ledges would hurt tether-ers too much. And once again, counterpick, etc.

I say we give the Spear Pillar a shot too. It might end up like Termina, but with the random lasers blaring through the tunnel and the animal's lasers getting semi nerfed, it might not.

And i've honestly no clue what to think about the Electroplankton stage, especially since i've never played a match there. Counterpick???


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2005
Magnolia, Tx
Jeremy is there a way i could possibly come over and play you brawl. I kinda would like to get my *** handed at that. Oh and we can also do our MM if you want?

Have you decided if you wanted me to play pikachu or not


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2006
Houston Tx.
I think that castle siege should be put as a neutral stage, it sort of like pokemon stadium. The stage changes but into nothing that will cause a character any disadvantage..

As for shadow moses island i think it should be banned. i agree with seth, with walls like that it will be real hard to kill someone at decent percentage. That would put most, if not all characters at a disadvantage.

So far this is all I got, i would look more into this when i have time......

Oh, i'll be attending ceaser's tourny, along with the usual people if they want to go that is...

Get ready to get owned ceasar ; p


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
beaumont, dallas, tx
lol all these homies wanna give me thier money

not gonna lie if you guys have been doing tourneys then you will probably win, ive only been in 1 beaumont one, other than that i play my friends


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Yea, then u are gonna lose badly. but no worries! just show up and have fun!!!!


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
beaumont, dallas, tx
thats why i cant wait for brawl. neverending scource of different people to play =)

and ya, me and my buds might get owned for a bit, but its all good fun.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
I pretty much agree with you Sethlon. One thing though. If the Frigate's turning (I never experienced this, nor have seen it) only requires a double jump for people, I don't see it being bad at all, especially since most spikes are dairs and most dairs make you fall extra quickly now.

However if it does force up + B, definite counterpick.

When I first saw Delphino I thought "lol counterpick!" but when I played delphino... It really differs from Mute in alot of ways. The rising platform is longer (and has platforms on it) and the water doesn't really act like pits. If you're swimming as far as I can tell you can't get spiked through it. I guess we'll see how it goes?

Thanks for the input so far, really appreciated.

Edit: If that video wasn't enough for any of you to hate Rumble falls (mm, forced going up with platforms you can't go up through + walkoff edges), don't forget you can get infinited against the wall as the stage scrolls.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2007
in the most infamous city ever*HOUSTON*
I pretty much agree with you Sethlon. One thing though. If the Frigate's turning (I never experienced this, nor have seen it) only requires a double jump for people, I don't see it being bad at all, especially since most spikes are dairs and most dairs make you fall extra quickly now.

However if it does force up + B, definite counterpick.

When I first saw Delphino I thought "lol counterpick!" but when I played delphino... It really differs from Mute in alot of ways. The rising platform is longer (and has platforms on it) and the water doesn't really act like pits. If you're swimming as far as I can tell you can't get spiked through it. I guess we'll see how it goes?

Thanks for the input so far, really appreciated.

Edit: If that video wasn't enough for any of you to hate Rumble falls (mm, forced going up with platforms you can't go up through + walkoff edges), don't forget you can get infinited against the wall as the stage scrolls.
hey...wats up gea havent heard from ya in a while ya back in houston yet?


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Yeah man, I'm back. Came back at around Christmas and have been hangin out since.

Edit: I have a fair amount of free time. SMAAAASH.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I just got finished with seeing stage by stage the SSE mode(about 28, more are coming).......and all i can say is.....................EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No joke, the cut scenes alone make this game by far the coolest game ever.

by the way, ZS is hot.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
I just got finished with seeing stage by stage the SSE mode(about 28, more are coming).......and all i can say is.....................EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No joke, the cut scenes alone make this game by far the coolest game ever.

by the way, ZS is hot.
ROFL, go get married already.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
I have more information regarding the Gamestop tournament I mentioned earlier. Details are as follows:

-The tournament will be co-sponsored by Nintendo and Gamestop. The prizes are unknown at this point, but since it's being sponsored by Nintendo, expect some good stuff. ;)

-I assume it will be for Brawl, but the manager wasn't sure when I asked. Rumors of this tournament originally came attached with the claim that there would be Brawl demos coming soon...

-The tournament will be held on March 8. If there's a Gamestop near you, ask to see if they're holding one.

-Every store that is having a Midnight Release is REQUIRED to have a Smash tournament. However, most malls WILL NOT HAVE ONE, unless they have permission from the mall or from the higher ups in Gamestop's corporation.

-Rule set is unknown at this point. Let's hope it's not crappy...

-Winners of the the store tournaments will be invited to the district tournament that will be held in Missouri City. This tournament will be held the following weekend. Winners of the district tournament will then go on to the regional championships held in downtown Houston. This means you will be competing against people from Louisiana and (I believe) Arizona (or maybe it was Oklahoma...) and the rest of Texas in regional.

-The top eight regional champions will be flown to California for the Grand Championships in LA which will take place in April.

I highly suggest that most of Houston spread out as much as possible so that everyone can take a different store championship without any problems. If not, then...try finding a store that is isolated so you can have guaranteed victory. ;)

I'll update as I have more info to come...also, register for Trashday if you plan on going. Link: Trashday thread

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
I have more information regarding the Gamestop tournament I mentioned earlier. Details are as follows:

-The tournament will be co-sponsored by Nintendo and Gamestop. The prizes are unknown at this point, but since it's being sponsored by Nintendo, expect some good stuff. ;)

-I assume it will be for Brawl, but the manager wasn't sure when I asked. Rumors of this tournament originally came attached with the claim that there would be Brawl demos coming soon...

-The tournament will be held on March 8. If there's a Gamestop near you, ask to see if they're holding one.

-Every store that is having a Midnight Release is REQUIRED to have a Smash tournament. However, most malls WILL NOT HAVE ONE, unless they have permission from the mall or from the higher ups in Gamestop's corporation.

-Rule set is unknown at this point. Let's hope it's not crappy...

-Winners of the the store tournaments will be invited to the district tournament that will be held in Missouri City. This tournament will be held the following weekend. Winners of the district tournament will then go on to the regional championships held in downtown Houston. This means you will be competing against people from Louisiana and (I believe) Arizona (or maybe it was Oklahoma...) and the rest of Texas in regional.

-The top eight regional champions will be flown to California for the Grand Championships in LA which will take place in April.

I highly suggest that most of Houston spread out as much as possible so that everyone can take a different store championship without any problems. If not, then...try finding a store that is isolated so you can have guaranteed victory. ;)

I'll update as I have more info to come...
This was very helpful, thanks abunch.

since jab-infinites exist we have two options. We can ban stages with walls OR find a way to ban the infinite. Also we have to decide if walled stages are legal for DOUBLES since you shouldn't be able to infinite. I say YES, they should be.
I think its plain and simple. Lets only play FD and Battle Field. In japan they only played those two in melee... Make FD and Battle Feild Random with everything else either banned or counterpickable...that how I feel.

Seriously though, if you wanna mm, I'm down.
Ill money match you in melee... my falco your anything. 5$?

Jeremy is there a way i could possibly come over and play you brawl. I kinda would like to get my *** handed at that. Oh and we can also do our MM if you want?

Have you decided if you wanted me to play pikachu or not
This isn't directed at you directly gabe, this is to everyone. I got love for you gabe. Anywho:

Guys I know alot of you have been askin to come over or whatever but for the next 2 weeks Ima be hella busy.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
I think its plain and simple. Lets only play FD and Battle Field. In japan they only played those two in melee... Make FD and Battle Feild Random with everything else either banned or counterpickable...that how I feel.
Is this sarcasm? If so, ignore the rest of my post.

For starts, the Japanese also played Dreamland 64 on random, and the Japanese are also known for having rulesets like "you can't change characters." and there are 0 counterpicks.

They are also currently behind America in skill with Melee. They can own us in other games, but not Melee. That is America's probably one videogame we dominate utterly globally.

It isn't like FD was even fair in Melee. ICs and Falco alone show it was a slanted stage towards some characters. It is used as a counterpick for many matchups. Yoshi's Story was actually Marth's Story, FoD favored a few characters and gimped others, etc.

There is no such thing as a real "nuetral" stage. By having a large and varied random while still adhering to what makes a random stage worth being on random, you water down the chances of getting an unfavorable matchup. I think with a larger stagepool we can avoid stupid things like "1/2 the stages being pro-Marth, unless you're against spacies then its 2."

So uhh... assuming that wasn't sarcasm, elaborate some?


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
What Gea said is 100% true. FD and falco(lasers)/IC(chain grabs) is truly the best examples u can give. At one point, the japanese thought chain grabbing was unfair and did not use it. With those examples known.........No wonder they are beind the USA.

I recommend just enjoying the game ANYWAY you want untill you go to a tourney setting, then just abide by the rules they set up untill SWF rules are made. By the way, if any of you havnt checked, there is a thread in the brawl Disc thread and it shows MANY advanced techs(for those of you that are crying cause everything is gone). some of these advace techs are truly groud breaking.

Gea, who do you really like in brawl.....?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Rockettrainer, do you have any idea what time the tourneys start or a time they should start around on March 8th?
This is all the info I have. A specific time hasn't been set. Also, I'm not even sure they'll let us use Gamecube controllers. Unless someone here actually WORKS at Gamestop and has more info...then yeah, this is all I know. ;)

But for the most part, if you reserved Brawl in a mall, check to make sure they're doing a midnight release. You'll be disappointed. The one where I reserved my game at is, so I'm happy about this.

Also, is anyone bringing Brawl to the Feb tourney? It'd be cool if someone did...plz? <_<


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Gea, who do you really like in brawl.....?
From who I've gotten to play:

Diddy definitely. Loved him from the getgo. Pika is WAY fun as well. But i have around six characters I'm interested in getting good with, and those are Diddy, Pika, ROB, GW, Luigi, and DK.

Fox is also way fun to play as, if you ask me. ZSS is as well.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
If you're swimming as far as I can tell you can't get spiked through it.
Yeah, I've seen someone swimming take a full on falcon dair, and they barely went anywhere.

Heres a vid of the Frigate in action:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBoyuYtpXEE

The flip doesn't seem like it'd be too dangerous once we get used to it, but i still think that with the flip and the platforms moving around its just too awkward a stage to have as a neutral.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Yeah, I've seen someone swimming take a full on falcon dair, and they barely went anywhere.

Heres a vid of the Frigate in action:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBoyuYtpXEE

The flip doesn't seem like it'd be too dangerous once we get used to it, but i still think that with the flip and the platforms moving around its just too awkward a stage to have as a neutral.
Hmm... actually I didn't see the platforms like that (post flip) till now. I'll concede to the point that *right now* it is probably too messy for randoms, but might I remind you that Randall has somewhat of the same effects.

Sethlon, I'm interested in what you think about Mario Circuit on random. That's a way "wtf? that's on random? stage" but the thing is...

As far as anyone can tell right now it benefits no one. Mid ceiling, mid sides, walkoff edges but you can't camp them because of the cars, cars prevent spamming and running. Cars don't really KO...

Originally in Melee alot of weird stages were on random. Not because they were peaceful, unobstructive stages, but because they gave *no one* the advantage (or so it was thought).

EDIT: Also we need to place Distant planet somewhere. If you didn't know the bulborb is a one hit KO if you fall in its mouth. Definitely not random...

Guys, call your gamestop now!


(get the hell away, roy)

Rofl, why should you get that one? Also, why callsies like that? There aren't enough **** gamestops to go around. I could just be a *****, show up and take it. ;o


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
I just got back from gamestop. brawl demo.....next friday.
Sweetness...I can't wait. Good thing I live about one block away from a gamestop. And good thing I don't have to worry about anyone taking my Gamestop, nobody lives close enough, so I'll hopefully take it (if I can make it back to Houston before it starts). Haha, if worse comes to worst, I'll have my sister enter the tourney for me, and I'll just step in when I get back. She can actually kinda hold her own.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Hmm... actually I didn't see the platforms like that (post flip) till now. I'll concede to the point that *right now* it is probably too messy for randoms, but might I remind you that Randall has somewhat of the same effects.

Sethlon, I'm interested in what you think about Mario Circuit on random. That's a way "wtf? that's on random? stage" but the thing is...

As far as anyone can tell right now it benefits no one. Mid ceiling, mid sides, walkoff edges but you can't camp them because of the cars, cars prevent spamming and running. Cars don't really KO...

Originally in Melee alot of weird stages were on random. Not because they were peaceful, unobstructive stages, but because they gave *no one* the advantage (or so it was thought).

EDIT: Also we need to place Distant planet somewhere. If you didn't know the bulborb is a one hit KO if you fall in its mouth. Definitely not random...

Rofl, why should you get that one? Also, why callsies like that? There aren't enough **** gamestops to go around. I could just be a *****, show up and take it. ;o
Jakes petty good. u may not beat him. the prizes wont be good anyway. they never are.
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