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Team Alabama


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Brawl has been out for a while and is getting bigger day by day and I know we weren't the best in melee and the other states around us even though I knew we had the potential to be just as good or better. Anyway I seen an idea from another thread had and I wanted to try it and see how the rest of the Alabamaian Smasher community feel about it. Thief might can help out with this. I'll just have to chat with him.

TEAM ALABAMA with have a 6 man crew. 2 subs - these sub will be just as good as the rest of there fellow team members, but the subs just don't want be able to travel as much or can't travel much as the others(or other possiblities that i don't want to get to detailed in at this time). Also these subs can sub another crew member who don't want to crew battle or might not be able to team with another team member.

The way I wanted to do it (and this is were theif comes in) is have the top 12 players(u must place in the top 12 at least 3 times, we need to consistancy in the team) in the next 3 - 6TOURNEYS THAT THEIF has, I want these touneys to happen once a month if possible.These series of tourneys will also be considered as tryouts to. The reason is because majority of smashers in Alabama are Northern, but if someone from Montgomery or Birminham can help out and have a tourney in your location that will help alot with distance, for the deep Alabama Sourthen Smashers.


1. Must be able to travel out of city and state. Maybe even a 2-3 days stay where the tourney maybe be. We won't be Traveling to far. GA, MS, TN, for sure. We will discuss AR,FL, LA, SC, NC, TX. If you want to go farther than that then more power to ya, but my money don't go that far. Or team will just have to save. Or have a Team Pot for just such a distances, but thats another subject.

2. You have to be able to work together as a TEAM, NOT INDIVIDUALLY(Ii don't think i spelled that right). You'll have to help eachother out. All for one and one for all.

3. You'll have to be reliable not an liablity. Don't do this if you have drugs/school/parties(a hole lot) that will get in the way and cause trouble for the team. And every smasher has a life, hopefully just let the team know ahead of time bout 2 -3 weeks ahead of time even more time if possible. SCHOOL, JOBS COMES BEFORE SMASH AND GIRLFRIENDS(i put that one for me, couldn't go to couple of tourneys because my baby wanted me to stay. But thats were the subs come in).

4. NO BASHING YOUR TEAMMATE. Nothing is wrong with positive critizim, but no negativity of anykind, I seen it before and nothings good about it.

Thats all. I hope we can come together as a state and make something happen because I know we can. Just let me yes or no and a reason why if you don't mind.
One last thing the top 12 will fight in a mini tourney on hopefully in a 3-5 series. The top 6 in those series will be the team and 7th and 8th the subs. I know this won't happen over night but i hope i can happen none the less, but only can if you want it to. Please comment. Thanks :)


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Brawl has been out for a while and is getting bigger day by day and I know we weren't the best in melee and the other states around us even though I knew we had the potential to be just as good or better. Anyway I seen an idea from another thread had and I wanted to try it and see how the rest of the Alabamaian Smasher community feel about it. Thief might can help out with this. I'll just have to chat with him.

TEAM ALABAMA with have a 6 man crew. 2 subs - these sub will be just as good as the rest of there fellow team members, but the subs just don't want be able to travel as much or can't travel much as the others(or other possiblities that i don't want to get to detailed in at this time). Also these subs can sub another crew member who don't want to crew battle or might not be able to team with another team member.

The way I wanted to do it (and this is were theif comes in) is have the top 12 players(u must place in the top 12 at least 3 times, we need to consistancy in the team) in the next 3 - 6TOURNEYS THAT THEIF has, I want these touneys to happen once a month if possible.These series of tourneys will also be considered as tryouts to. The reason is because majority of smashers in Alabama are Northern, but if someone from Montgomery or Birminham can help out and have a tourney in your location that will help alot with distance, for the deep Alabama Sourthen Smashers.


1. Must be able to travel out of city and state. Maybe even a 2-3 days stay where the tourney maybe be. We won't be Traveling to far. GA, MS, TN, for sure. We will discuss AR,FL, LA, SC, NC, TX. If you want to go farther than that then more power to ya, but my money don't go that far. Or team will just have to save. Or have a Team Pot for just such a distances, but thats another subject.

2. You have to be able to work together as a TEAM, NOT INDIVIDUALLY(Ii don't think i spelled that right). You'll have to help eachother out. All for one and one for all.

3. You'll have to be reliable not an liablity. Don't do this if you have drugs/school/parties(a hole lot) that will get in the way and cause trouble for the team. And every smasher has a life, hopefully just let the team know ahead of time bout 2 -3 weeks ahead of time even more time if possible. SCHOOL, JOBS COMES BEFORE SMASH AND GIRLFRIENDS(i put that one for me, couldn't go to couple of tourneys because my baby wanted me to stay. But thats were the subs come in).

4. NO BASHING YOUR TEAMMATE. Nothing is wrong with positive critizim, but no negativity of anykind, I seen it before and nothings good about it.

Thats all. I hope we can come together as a state and make something happen because I know we can. Just let me yes or no and a reason why if you don't mind.
One last thing the top 12 will fight in a mini tourney on hopefully in a 3-5 series. The top 6 in those series will be the team and 7th and 8th the subs. I know this won't happen over night but i hope i can happen none the less, but only can if you want it to. Please comment. Thanks :)
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. You mean, state crews? Crews were never that big of a deal; we just gathered the best of whoever is around at the time. I know I'm not going to go to a tournament just for Crews.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2004
Huntsville, AL
Thief is moving to Las Vegas very soon. :x theONEjanitor is probably the one to contact about Alabama tournament hosting.

And... I second Reflex's "I'm not exactly sure what you're asking."


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. You mean, state crews? Crews were never that big of a deal; we just gathered the best of whoever is around at the time. I know I'm not going to go to a tournament just for Crews.
Thief is moving to Las Vegas very soon. :x theONEjanitor is probably the one to contact about Alabama tournament hosting.

And... I second Reflex's "I'm not exactly sure what you're asking."
I should explained it better than what i did, but i thought i got in detail with it, but i guess i didn't. Its pretty much what REflex said gather the best at the time and go to tourneys, ut the team are just going to for crew battles. But i didn't know thief was moving, sad to see him leave. But i'll get in contact with Janitor.

P.s Munkus good sh*t, I didn't what to go to far to play myself.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
LOL, yeah i know they were pretty d*mn good in melee. But new game, new playing field. So we will just have to see. But don't count Alabama out yet.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2006
Florence, AL
I am full force for this but the only way i could travel "RIGHT NOW" is to have a ride. I can travel to any state for any tournament but like i mentioned i need a ride :ohwell:.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
I am full force for this but the only way i could travel "RIGHT NOW" is to have a ride. I can travel to any state for any tournament but like i mentioned i need a ride :ohwell:.
I understand that for right now I have a car so, i know i can ride u around, but hope fully there will be a crew member with a car who lives closer to your area. If this happens of course.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 15, 2007
I'm guessing top 4 brawlers being, in no paticular order:

This being based off just reading the Alabama thread though/the last Alabama tourny. Moogle and Acid seem pretty good too. I have no idea for anyone else and these could be very wrong :X

Btw, I have summer now....so we should have lots of BHAM smash at my house as often as possible. ASSEMBLEEE.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
I'm guessing top 4 brawlers being, in no paticular order:

This being based off just reading the Alabama thread though/the last Alabama tourny. Moogle and Acid seem pretty good too. I have no idea for anyone else and these could be very wrong :X

Btw, I have summer now....so we should have lots of BHAM smash at my house as often as possible. ASSEMBLEEE.
YOU might be right, but there only one real way to find out, Bama tourneys. don't u agree.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Good vids, but aren't all of these hunstville, tuscaloosa and maybe b-ham smashers, correct me if im wrong and these vids do have relevance to them.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
I would love to have monthly Bama tournaments, I could host some on campus in Tuscaloosa. but I'm concerned about people attending, there are like less than ten serious smashers in the entire state. With the right advertising we can invite some of the locals though, but a lot of people around here have transportation problems, (including myself, but that should change by the end of the summer).

It would also be really dope to have an Alabama crew, previously we'd just have to be part of OOS crews at GA tournaments. I don't know if we need to make this whole initiation/testing process, but it would be nice to keep watch of our best players and start a crew

Best Current Alabama Brawlers that I know of from tourney results and having played them


i have no doubt ragnarock is good because he was sick at melee and was good with mindgames

I hesitate to put myself on there but I've been to three brawl tournaments, got 2nd place in a local tournament, and finished in the upper half of the other two


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2007
Birmingham, AL
I had intended on getting a crew started eventually, more local than the whole state, probably starting with just me, Poet, Janitor, Mslano (while he's around), Anomaly, and Cheap. I was going to start tossing the idea around to Poet at some point. I think if Alabama got fairly consistent with tournaments, we could develop a decently sized scene. Finding a reliable venue for tournaments is key, and I'd rather have tournaments in Birmingham than drive to Atlanta every month. Tuscaloosa isn't too far, but it doesn't seem nearly as central to all the Alabama players as Birmingham or Montgomery would be.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
We should work on securing a venue in Bham then. Don't you work at a Lan Center?
i think you can organize events at Hoover LIbrary too

munkus beaver

Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2007
Don't sell yourself short, Janitor. You took out George and Moogle, two of the toughest mofos around.

EDIT: And I think T-town or B-ham should certainly be our smash-hub just based on its location. B-ham preferably, since it's centralized even moreso than T-town.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
I would love to have monthly Bama tournaments, I could host some on campus in Tuscaloosa. but I'm concerned about people attending, there are like less than ten serious smashers in the entire state. With the right advertising we can invite some of the locals though, but a lot of people around here have transportation problems, (including myself, but that should change by the end of the summer).

It would also be really dope to have an Alabama crew, previously we'd just have to be part of OOS crews at GA tournaments. I don't know if we need to make this whole initiation/testing process, but it would be nice to keep watch of our best players and start a crew

Best Current Alabama Brawlers that I know of from tourney results and having played them


i have no doubt ragnarock is good because he was sick at melee and was good with mindgames

I hesitate to put myself on there but I've been to three brawl tournaments, got 2nd place in a local tournament, and finished in the upper half of the other two
Thanks for the props Janitor, your looks pretty good on the vids.But it woulb be nice to have biweeklies or monthlies some were in bama.

I had intended on getting a crew started eventually, more local than the whole state, probably starting with just me, Poet, Janitor, Mslano (while he's around), Anomaly, and Cheap. I was going to start tossing the idea around to Poet at some point. I think if Alabama got fairly consistent with tournaments, we could develop a decently sized scene. Finding a reliable venue for tournaments is key, and I'd rather have tournaments in Birmingham than drive to Atlanta every month. Tuscaloosa isn't too far, but it doesn't seem nearly as central to all the Alabama players as Birmingham or Montgomery would be.
Your right B-Ham or Montgomery would be perfect hopefully. I thinks so.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 24, 2005
Kent, OH
The scene is kind of already in place. Everyone is friends we get together when we can and people play tournaments when they can. It's not like coming out and saying people need to be closer knit when everyone is so far apart really helps accomplish something that already works. Everyone in Alabama does their thing whether or not it's their "lifestyle". People already practice online together because it's less laggy. The idea of a crew as a unifying of alabama is great in theory, but everyone is so decentralized because we don't have high population density like other states. The most prominent crews are Memphis, Atlanta, and Columbus (which has auburn really close by). As for huntsville having the highest consistency of smashers (i think?) it's because we've had a competitive group since like 05. It takes time when you don't have alot of people close by. Yes I realize it sucks because mobile may not have alot of people on the boards, but your best bet is like panhandle people. I'm not/going to argue anything, I'm just putting in my two cents.


Apr 10, 2008
I would love to have monthly Bama tournaments, I could host some on campus in Tuscaloosa. but I'm concerned about people attending, there are like less than ten serious smashers in the entire state.
I'd come to every one of them. :)


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
Truth be told, I've never participated in an tournaments. I'd like to say whether or not I could but honestly I'm pretty ignorant on what I would have to do really. I'm sure it would be difficult to head out of state or really any furthur than Auburn in my cruddy car, but getting the time off of work could be done with plenty of notification.
Anyways, I'm here to stay on the forums one way or another, and I'll certainly see what I can do, I'd like to do some tournys =D. I'm finally fighting some serious brawlers on the forum, so far I feel like I've had at least a 2/3 win ratio on each person I fought though. The competetion is as rough as imagined, I'd really like to see just how tough the tourny foes are.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
The scene is kind of already in place. Everyone is friends we get together when we can and people play tournaments when they can. It's not like coming out and saying people need to be closer knit when everyone is so far apart really helps accomplish something that already works. Everyone in Alabama does their thing whether or not it's their "lifestyle". People already practice online together because it's less laggy. The idea of a crew as a unifying of alabama is great in theory, but everyone is so decentralized because we don't have high population density like other states. The most prominent crews are Memphis, Atlanta, and Columbus (which has auburn really close by). As for huntsville having the highest consistency of smashers (i think?) it's because we've had a competitive group since like 05. It takes time when you don't have alot of people close by. Yes I realize it sucks because mobile may not have alot of people on the boards, but your best bet is like panhandle people. I'm not/going to argue anything, I'm just putting in my two cents.
I see what u saying coach, and mobile does have smashers not as much as you guys, but they are so hard to find, its like finding a needle in a hay stack. And the people in mobile aren't as competitive as u guys are, so it sucks I all ready have to drive 1 hour away to gulf shores to get practice, and I do have 3 other guys to play, but u can't get good fighting the same 3 peole over and over again and you'll get used to the way they play(that has happened) and that ain't good especailly if u were trying to go to tourneys. I went thur h*ll in melee because i was the only person in mobile who still played, it was horrible so the onlt way i could get better if i went to gulf shores every other week, or go to tourneys as often as possible. practicing against LV 1 got borine i only could play maybe 20 min before turning to cpu off. But in Brawl i can play online. I just need a router, but im afraid of the lag and i think it would mess up the experince so that why i don't play online. But maybe that some thing i need to get over.

p.s Theres's nothing to argue about anyways. Everybody in alabama get along with eachother anyways.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
If Rag pick me up the night before a tourney and I help pay for gas I'll come to these brawl tournies.

Rag Biweekly this week will be Brawl and Melee singles. U coming again buddy? I also forgot to give u my number after the tourney I'll PM it to you.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Yes, i should come with out a problem, but i might have to stay the night this time since u guys sre having melee and brawl. I'm expecting the tourney to last most of the day at least 6 hours and we both now the tourney isn't gonna start on time. Can we stay the night that night because we wont be able to make it make back home.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2006
The Land of Magical Deserts.
Yes, i should come with out a problem, but i might have to stay the night this time since u guys sre having melee and brawl. I'm expecting the tourney to last most of the day at least 6 hours and we both now the tourney isn't gonna start on time. Can we stay the night that night because we wont be able to make it make back home.
Yeah that's fine Mr Rag sir. we have to play in Brawl this time I want to play that aggressive Olimar.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
O u'll play it alright, I want to play that Wario and that Luigi of yours too. And Mario. I've been praticing with snake too.
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