Deleted member
Well, actually Taunt Parties do all three of those... and guess what? We still do! To stop the Single-Player ban, just jab your buddy, SDs? Didn't need to do that anyway! Idleness? Simply throw out a random attack an continue enjoying yourself!I'm pretty sure in the first reveal video showing off smash4, sakurai made mention of the report system and how ONE of the reasons he put it in, was due to taunt parties. We know for a fact in the another smash direct, that he most certainly put some other automatic measures in place to stop players from targeting a single player, stop people from repeatedly self destructing intentionally, and to stop players going idle. The underlined part being something that taunt parties try to do when one person isn't on board, that person has every right to report em for this should the automatic system not catch it and kick the player(s) responsible.
I don't want to go in FFA for glory, because surprise!, there are no items there and it's strictly final destination. Sometimes I just want a goofy FFA match will all items on against random players. when I'm forced to sift through a bunch of dumb taunt parties that I DO NOT FIND FUN NOR DO A LOT OF OTHER PLAYERS, it gets annoying, in this case I have every right to get each and every one of these taunt partiers banned, more so if they try to gang up on me.
Well then, that's your fault! If you want to play a chaotic, every-man-for-himself, match, just go do it with your friends! But let us fun-lovers have fun!