OK, I have to double post cause no one else is. :embarrass
Right, I think we are having it at Dungy's on this Saturday the 17th and finishing on Monday the 19th. The main event will most likely be Saturday night with friendly matches, a low tier tournament and maybe a 2 vs 2 tournament. Bob is hot for some KI Gold, Goldeneye and Hangtime lovin.
I am hoping for 4 TVs so after the Smash tournament we should have 2 TVs for friendly matches, 1 for N64/other Gamecube multiplayer and 1 for watching DVDs or football.
Or whatever.
Who is going to be there:
As far as I know (and please correct me if I'm wrong) the following people will be there:
N30n (Majestic Horse)
It would be nice if the following people could come, but...
Pie Man
Moogle/Green Eyes
Anyine else is welcome to come (right, Dungy and Chooker...?).
Friday night: Dungy comes and picks up Len + Bob's TV, Gamecube and N64 + and other gear we can ram into his car. Dungy you need to tell us if this doesn't work so we can quickly organize another lift...but you doing that would be dandy. Bring Chooker so you don't get lonely, and you's can have some fun while up here for a while if you want. Len i spaying 10 bucks for the ride, and Me, Dino and Budge will cover a bit of the cost too. Monkey probably will...
Saturday afternoon: Monkey, Dino, Bob and Bowser go to Scottsdale (after dominating against Ringarooma) and the mighty Moe will take them into Launceston. Now cause Dungy (hopefully) took in Len + a good amount of gear, there should be enough room in Moe's car cause it doesn't have much storage space.
Sunday: Len is being picked up and going home.
Monday: Dino, Bowser and Monkey are being picked up and going home. So is Bob.
We don't know when Sloth and N30n are arriving, but we anticipate their arrival.
You have to pay anyone for petrol money, but we are pretty well sorted there already.
Everyone should bring about 5/10 bucks to cover coke/food and bring your own money for Pizza.
As ar as I can tell, we are not havng prize money but I think we will go 60/30/10 in KFC refresher towels.
Who is bringing what:
The house already has 2 tvs + Gamecube combos. I will be bring my Gamecube, N64 and TV. I'd like to see a 4th TV of 48cm + that can handle 60hz but if thats not possible than maybe a 32ish cm one will have to do as long as it can handle 60hz! As a possiblity I could take out the one in the downstairs loungeroom here, but that would mean 2 TVs in Dungy's car on Friday night. It's not impossible...
How about I list what everyone should bring:
Dino: DVD player.
Len: 2x controllers, SSBM, memory card/s.
Bowser: a good mood.
Monkey: nice stuff
Sloth: Some controllers. DS maybe. SSBM
N30n: Anything.
We need to decide who is bringing the 4th Gamecube, Len or Sloth.
Things to think about:
Dungy you need to confirm your availability/non availability for Friday night as soon as possible, mofo.
Having it up here in Bridport. If our transport options fall through and Sloth/N30n has a car then I think having it here (we have the room and facilites) is a fine possibility.
If anyone as any suggestions/ideas/questions/more things to think about post them now, we need to be fully organized in time!