Smash Legend
- Joined
- Feb 10, 2008
- Messages
- 13,297
- Switch FC
- SW-0654 7794 0698
Come on in!
[COLLAPSE="Rule Set"]Rule set borrowed from Kat:
- I am the mod of this game, July is the co-mod. Any questions, concerns, and actions for the game are to be directed to us.
- Please enjoy this game, and do not personally attack other players in a manner that is offensive.
- Inactivity in this game is not excusable by activity in other games.
- If you believe a simple mod mistake has occurred, please address this in-thread and in bold. If you believe a large moderation mistake has occurred, or you have a dispute, please contact me via PM or IM.
- In particular, if I post a vote count that does not accurately reflect your vote, it is your responsibility to correct me -- otherwise your vote may be treated as it appears in the vote count.
- You may make ONE BAW post after you have died. This may not contain game relevant information, and if it does, I will edit it out.
- No communication about this game is allowed with non-players or players who are dead, even if you yourself are dead. (And if you are dead, you may not discuss the game with anyone who is currently playing, even if you could while you were alive, unless your role specifically states otherwise).
- Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. If your role PM does allow you this power, you are to PM all conversations to the mod and the co-mod.
- Editing your posts is not allowed; multi-posting is fine and is encouraged in place of editing. Any and all edits will result in a MOD vote. MOD votes last until the end of the current Day phase.
- I reserve the right to deny anyone from signing up/replacing.
- You are not allowed to quote your role PM or quote a fake role PM. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.). If you are unsure if your paraphrase crosses the line, ask me via pm.
- You must confirm via PM. When confirming via pm to me, read your role pm and summarize it back to me.
- Do not post hidden text. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. Posting text with the intent to hide it from other players, e.g. by changing the text colour to resemble the page background, is not permitted.)
- Do not post in code.
- You must post in English.
- Hydras are allowed.
- Failure to send in your night action(s) will result in no action(s) being taken. Unless the action is compulsive; then it will be randomized.
- Any action which would be illegal to actually do is also illegal to fake (for example, posting a made-up PM that shows a Cop result of guilty/innocent).
- Do not use this (some color) color as it is the mod's color.
Voting and Lynching:
- Each Day you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command, e.g. Vote: Red Ryu.
- You can unvote, e.g. Unvote: Red Ryu, which removes your vote from the player you were voting. Unvotes are not necessary before changing votes, but are appreciated.
- No lynch is a viable lynch choice, e.g. Vote: No Lynch. A majority voting for this choice will end the Day with no player being lynched.
- The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a deadline is reached. If a deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be a no lynch.
- There will not be a twilight phase.
- No posts during Night. These posts are discouraged, and persistent Night posting will be on grounds for dismissal!
- Votes/Unvotes that reasonably follow the guidelines specified above, and are unambiguous with respect to player nicknames/abbreviations, will count.
Activity and Deadline:
- You are required to post at least once every 72 hours. You will be prodded otherwise. You will have 24 hours to respond to the prod, or be replaced. An accumulation of too many prods (3) will result in your replacement or a modkill, depending on the circumstances. If feasible, I will tell you if I'm considering replacing / modkilling. If you have a pre-planned absence, please notify me ahead of time and you will not be prodded. If your absence is for an unreasonable amount of time, you will be forcibly replaced regardless of advance notification. You will also be replaced if I have to prod you too many times and often.
- A single deadline extension will be granted if a majority of players request this, e.g. Request Deadline Extension. This extension will last only 24 hours, and applies to the whole game, not each day.
- Each day will last 10 real days.
- Each night will last 72 hours.
Game Specific:
- All roles are assigned entirely at random.
- Jesters, Survivors, Governors and Politicians are non-existent in this game.
- Modkills only end the Day if the player being killed is town-aligned. All other modkills will continue the game. In the event that a player is modkilled during twilight, the modkill will affect the next day phase (meaning that day would automatically end if the player is town and that day would continue as normal if otherwise).
- Town win condition: You win if all threats to the Restaurant are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.
- I reserve the right to change a rule at will, and even in extreme circumstances enforce it retroactively. If a strategy feels shady to you, you might want to take it up with me first.
- The setup is closed.
Play by the rules or get diarrhea. Have fun![/COLLAPSE]
[COLLAPSE="Sample Role PM"]
Name: July
You are Crunchy Taco. You hang out with your buddies the Hot Sauce Bros and Doritos Locos. Why, you are just a Taco. But you taste good. You are easy to choose from the menu. If I ever have problems getting food, I’ll just pick you. Keep beefin’.
You are a Vanilla Townie. You have no special abilities. You only have your voice and vote. You win if all threats to the Restaurant are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.[/COLLAPSE]
Eating in:
3. Red Ruy
6. Rajam
7. Kary
9. Dtj Glyphmoney
1. Ryker
2. Inferno3044
4. Vinyl.
5. BadWolf
8. soup
Ordered up:
No one yet