You know what's funny? The whole Corrin promotional thing seems to have worked with my brother
He loved playing as Corrin anf the first thing he asked me if I had his game, after explaining that the game had still not released, he asked if I would buy the game and if he could play it
It's really surprising because he never had much of an interest for FE
Guess Smash really is a gateway to new series
That's the idea
I did say I would do a "RNG thingy"
Alright then
Just want to let it clear you can choose any character
It won't matter much with items on
That makes it five
Gonna have to wait their answers
Two ready to go then
@Shadowwolflink and
@N3ON so they can make their choices
I mean, currently,
1 Real equals
0.256974 US Dollars
And I'm pretty sure there are countries that get it worse
Wanna get a 20$ canadian eshop card m8?

Just choose a Smash character and pray for the AI and RNG to work in your favor
This is why you should worry first about writing your story and then worry if it's going to be popular