Game Title: Ivander's Race. Genre: Party Game. ESRB: TEEN - My title just sounds like a SJW Chris Hanson just waiting to happen.
Ivander's RPG weapon is Gunblade - Fitting considering that name was inspired by "Evander" which has something to do with archers.
Ivander is a Umbreon. - HELL YEAH!! MY favorite Eeveelution! Also a crazy cat person and Umbreon resembles my late cat...
Ivander as a Manga/Anime character is *, has * * hair, pink eyes, is *m tall and is loud. - ...Mother of.....Besides the pink eyes and being loud, that is scarily accurate that I actually had to withhold info. What's with me getting scarily accurate diagnostic results?
Ivander is 175% Tsundere. - Really?
Ivander is 25% Waifu Material. - That's rather surprising considering 2 of my traits and my Tsundere percentage are apparently big for waifu material. Must be the loudness and pink eyes.
Ivander is B Tier. - I know Robin is B Tier, can't remember about Shulk, but hey, rather fitting if both are B tier and even then, one is at least B Tier.
Ivander's anime last lines are: "Can we go home now?" - I laughed big time. Once again, so surprisingly accurate.
Ivander's FF Class is a Thief. - Nice, fitting with that name again. -
They have the extra command ability: Holy Breath. - I doubt that greatly. -
Their passive ability is Auto-Protect! - I'm fine with that.
If Ivander is a Godzilla Kaiju, Ivander is Jet Jaguar. - *thumbs up* Yes! Here's the link if you want to find out which Godzilla Kaiju you are.
Ivander...Your true form is that you're great in everything!. - Certainly not the first time I've heard this before, right Mom and Dad?
Ivander's Role in a Harem is the Tsundere. - Good lord, everyone is calling me a Tsundere today.
Ivander's Power is Self-Confidence. - Geez, I know you people work on giving me encouragement, but I am certainly not that self-confident. I swear, after that one fortune cookie, I've been getting a whole lot of these lately.
How edgy am I? Ivander has no emotional value. - There's that encouragement I was looking for.
Ivander's super hero name is Cameo Lance.
Ivander's Ideal Type is: A outgoing person who is taller than them and has green eyes and black hair. - Ooo...I don't know if it is possible for that someone to be that taller than me, but the rest actually sounds quite nice.
Ivander's weapon in RWBY will be a gladius combined with a boomerang. - I actually want to see that in action. That actually sounds cool.
Ivander's second weapon in RWBY will be a scythe combined with a semi-auto shotgun. - So apparently, myself in RWBY is a fan of curved weapons.
https://en.shindanmaker.com/418123 And yes, it's different from the first one.
Ivander used his/her special attack, Breaking Sonic Buster Divider! It's SUPER KAKKOII!!! - My special attack is dividing the sound barrier?
In anime, Ivander is a yandere assassin who saves humans. Now begins Ivander's funny story... - A Yandere Assassin who saves humans? How the hell does that even work and how is that more favorable than what is already happening to them? So my anime(according to a chart) is called Cowboy Sushi Fantasy and I am a Yandere assassin who saves humans? I cannot even begin to imagine what would come out of this. Doesn't help that my last anime lines are "
Can we go home now?" Any reason why?
Oh, here comes the fun stuff.
-Ivander x Lucina has a 51% chance of being a successful ship.
-Ivander x Palutena has a 61% chance of being a successful ship.
-Ivander x Samus has a 60% chance of being a successful ship.
-Ivander x Peach has a 32% chance of being a successful ship.
-Ivander x Zelda has a 29% chance of being a successful ship.
-Ivander x Sheik has a 62% chance of being a successful ship.
-Ivander x Robin(F) has a 51% chance of being a successful ship.
-Ivander x Wii Fit Trainer has a 29% chance of being a successful ship.
-Ivander x Rosalina has a 31% chance of being a successful ship.
Zelda loves you. - Well, that explains why Sheik is much higher than Zelda. You just can't show it as much as Zelda than you can as Sheik.