Oh hey BluePi. . .err
is back. How you been? Only seen you post like twice on GAF.
Not like you replied anyway
Welcome back Squall.
You seen the tagged post about Elite Beat Agents possibly coming to the NX? I would love to see them return with new music and minigames.
The one where they say "If the technology is there" or something along those lines?
As much as I would LOVE a new EBA, I wouldn't get my hopes up. I never do. But even then, he didn't sound too confident. Which breaks my heart. (Not as much as the Christmas level though)
Go get Bravely Second.
I need someone to talk to about it.
. . . but I will soon because my semester ends on monday. SO I should have it by the end of next week. . . Unless I buy the mega man collection and Fates instead. . .
And since I forgot to say, Litten is probably my favorite right now. As much as I love Grass types (all of them except treecko. Yes that means I love Meganium
@Zoroarking ), and as much as I love adorable bowties I can't like Owlet. Maybe it's just because I dislike flying types or because I'm mad it isn't water type so I can call it a moist owlette
. . .and now I leave again.