My pitch in question:
Next to Ninten's % counter, there will be another number next to it (at the top right or something) displaying 'PP' aka Psychic Points.
Whenever Ninten uses a special move, it uses a small amount of PP, making the counter go down. Once the counter hits Zero he can no longer use any Special moves. The PP counter regenerates over time and while Ninten takes and deals damage.
Standard Special: Defence Down, Defence Up, Offence Up and Quick Up
Has a few similarities to Shulk's Neutral B, in that you can scroll through any of the aforementioned PSI abilities and choose one to be activated, with each PSI ability have a small 'cool down' period between each use. Best part is that unlike Shulk's Neutral B, Ninten can have up to two PSI abilities stacked on top of each other. Example: You can have Defence Up and Offence Up active, but if you the moment you use Quick Up, the effects from Defence Up disappear instantly.
Defence Down: Make the opponents closest to Ninten take more knockback from moves and items. Uses 3 PP for each opponent affected.
Defence Up: Ninten takes less knockback from moves and items. Uses 3 PP for each use.
Offence Up: Ninten's moves have increased knockback and damage. Uses 6 PP for each use.
Quick Up: Increase Ninten's run, walk and move speeds*. Uses 3 PP for each use.
Since they are stackable, the amount of seconds of they last for are 10, with the same amount assigned for cooldown.
*Yes, that does mean he gets slightly better frame data
Side Special: Hypnosis
Basically what you said. Uses 5 PP.
Up Special: Teleport
Again, basically what you said. Uses 3 PP.
Down Special: Healing
A move that charges and uses PP over time. Stage 1 uses 3, stage 2 uses 5 and stage 3 and 4 both use 6.
Should Ninten get max charge with healing it will activate Super healing. In stock battles he will gain one extra stock, in time he will gain an extra point and he will gain 500 coins in coin battle. Takes 2 and a half minutes to get maximum charge and uses 36 PP.
Final Smash: PK Beam and Life Up.
Originally used to be PK Beam, but I like you idea so much that I included it. Ninten launches a large beam in front of him that launches them into a cinematic FS. Any opponents that got hit are teleported on top of R•7038XX before launching a massive beam that destroys R•7038XX and deals massive damage and knockback to opponents. It also simultaneously heals him as well like in your one.