First since we don't know much about the spider man world i wanna throw some actors to a face to make things easier.Tom Holland is still Spiderman,and for a spiderman movie i think its best to try and stay with young and fresh actors.Not that older actors can't work.But for my idea to work,i think if your going for a highschool setting might as well go all out.Now Tom Holland is Spiderman,Logan Leeman as Harry Osborn,and i just roll with me here. Belle Thorn as Mary Jane.I know bizarre choice,but with her request to be featured in Comic book movies,her above average acting skills,and appearance she could make a decent mary jane if done right.
TL:DR Tom Holland/Spider-Man ,Logan Leeman/Harry Osborn,Belle Thorn/Mary Jane
Now why are 3 these characters important.Well you know how there's literally 1 good villian in the MCU,Loki,and true while there are some other ones that people might remember Ronan and Ultron for example,none of them stand out.Will in my mind i think a Harry Osbron/Green Goblin would be perfect.Now i know everybody is sick of the goblin.But really the goblin is such an iconic villian that he would have to appear again.In my head i think if they span his character arc for 3 movies it can work and make him a really sympathetic villain.
Now for this movie to work with my head-cannon a few things need to happen.
1.Norman most be sick and near death
2.Peter most be spending a lot of time at stark industries and the daily bulge
3.Mary Jane,Harry,and Peter are all close friends,despite different levels of popularity,they have close bonds(remember that)
4.Mary Jane is a black belt in karate,or has some way to defend herself.
Now number 4 isn't the most important thing in the world,but i feel that Peter after fighting in civil war would want his friends to have some sort of protection just in case things get scary.So he begs MJ and Harry to take martial arts and MMA respectively. Number 3 is also important because it needs to be clear that they are friends,that when the break up comes up down-the-line its heartbreaking.Now number and number 2 blend in with one another.Peter's been spending a lot of time with tony stark for both combat and technological training. Tony says "Im working on something for you,Something groundbreaking" .And yes its the "Iron Spider" we get a little flash at the blue prints.And been working a lot at the daily bulge.So he cant spend as much time with his friends.Than you Mary Jane to focus on homecoming to spend time with either of them.Its Harry,by himself,with no-one but a giant house and a dying father.He's lonely and a bit anger that his friends can't be bothered to spend time with him and his father,but he gets over this and understands they have a life.Of course make this a B plot make the vulture your A-plot.
TL;DR Peter and tony are working on Project:Iron Spider,while Mary Jane is working on homecoming,making Harry feel abounded by his friends
Spider-man 2:Hail To The King
If you cant tell by the title,i want the second movie to have Kingpin as a villain.I know he's a villain in DareDevil but seeing as they share one big universe,i dont see why its not its possible.Besides this is gonna be a bit of a villian team up flick.Because Kingpin hired a mercenary or top-guard named Felicia Hardy.Yes Black cat,played by Chloë Grace Moretz better known as Hot-Girl.So Kingpin is out of jail and trying to make his way back to the top,how do you do that,will you kill the biggest hero in the city and steal the biggest product in the world.Now he hasnt the muscle or goons to do both of these so he hires the world class cat-Bulgar and skilled martial artist to handle his work.Her job to kill spider-man and steal the cure to Harry's dad's illness.Once again their are somethings i want to happen.
- Black Cat and Mary Jane fight,and mary jane puts of a decent fight.
- Spiderman breaks the cure by accident.
- Norman dies and Harry blames Spider-man
- Black Cat becomes an ally
The first one to show that Mary Jane is more than just a damsel in distress and can handle her own.And for the 2nd one i mean black cat and spidey fight and in the struggle the cure is broken and Harry sees spiderman fleeing the scene.With not enough time to make a new one,norman dies but not before telling him,that he was working on suit of armor to show to some investors. A green robotic suit,in a shape of a goblin.Harry vows to get revenge on spiderman and goes to work on making "improvements" to the suit.Also black cat becomes an ally and shows up in like avengers 4 or 5 or something.Keep her around though.
TL:DR Norman dies,Black cat ally,Harry works on green goblin suit
Spider-man 3: Friend or Foe
Everythign has lead up to this.Harry's friends being to busy for him,the town hero "killing" his father,his bulit up emotional state.Leads him to attack Spidey.And cause Peter to have a struggle,does he give up his identity or does he fight his broken friend.Eventually he does give up his identity but this just makes harry madder.Eventually the two make up at the end of the movie.But not before we have a "Iron spider" vs "Green Goblin fight.
- Iron Spider vs Green Goblin.Please
- Lot of flashbacks,try to make Harry seem like the victim as much as possible
- Have Mary jane play a very important role in this