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Social Swamp's Social Thread 3 - And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain...

Should we add a poll to the thread?

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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Yeah, what is Rogue One?

It looks kinda cliche compared to The Force Awakens.
You remember in the opening scrawl of Episode IV how it talked about the Rebel Alliance plot to steal the Death Star plans, but never showed it? This is that.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I think my date just cancelled to go to a powwow.

Aw hell...
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
So then I read through the "bad points of Smash" responses. . .

toxic communities
Not enough Mario characters
Bad design decisions regarding certain intangible moves such as the Mario Bros. invincible heads on their Usmashes, making these moves sometimes hard to punish. Also that it'd hide a hurt part of their hurtbox is a problem too, something like Mario covering all of his head? That's like 2/5 of his hurtbox.
The fanbase, honestly
No Wolf DLC in smash 4
Autistic fanbase
There are none
The community tend to overreact and be pretty hostile towards the game and other members/players
Some non-logical choices from the point of view of a fan.
Not many competitive stages; music choice gets boring because of that
There are too many characters that aren't unique. I'm not against the concept of clones, but I think that characters like Dark Pit and Ganondorf could've had movesets that more closely represent their characters.
singleplayer pushed to the side (Tournament mode is online only, lack of Target Test despite being a part of Smash Run), Miis not usable online, custom moves, Smash Tour, stage hazards can't be turned off, stage builder is barebones, difficulty system in singleplayer being outright punishing and not rewarding, no patch notes in a fighting game what the hell that's not how it works, what the is even classic mode seriously delet
The drama
I think it says something that I've struggled to find an answer to this question. The lack of Paper Mario representation! I wanted a Thousand-Year Door stage on the Wii U version so badly!
Not enough single player content to not get stale.
Almost no focus on the competitive scene.
The roster becoming homogenized (not as much difference between character sizes and weights as previous titles), the removal of Melee's perfect 3 shields system (regular, power and light shielding) that forced smart shielding, the removal of DACUS, not enough lagless/minimal lag landings, movement options get fewer and less exciting to play as/use past Melee, shield dropping has gotten harder each game for no good reason, too many overly complicated stages, Zelda sucks in each Smash game, and the vernal disappearance of aerial reliant characters and aerial combos being a thing only high and top tier characters have.
Newer games try (though fail) to limit the freedom of movement and skill ceiling. Community in-fighting.
Anyone who doesn't want to use items in a fight.
all the infighting within the community about what the best game is or how its meant to be played
Maybe the lack of Sakurai's acceptance of competitive feedback, even though these slight changes would barely affect gameplay for other groups.
The community has some issues. Competitive players are getting better over time playing nice, but people bash characters and series for no reason still. People are way too sensitive about characters getting in over their favorites.
Some characters not very viable, many stages have random hazards that can't be turned off
Some modes are pretty bad like Smash Tour
Tournament mode and other features not being in the online mode (For Fun with stocks or even coin matches, same with For Glory).
smash tour
Its imbalance in some fighters.
Smash tour
Don't try too hard
While in some regards great, the Stage builder overall is surprising lacking and hard to use.
Adventure Mode in Melee was too repetitive and the Smash Tour challenges can kiss my.
I dont really know any this is my favorite game.
Side content in Smash 4 is below par as are the stages
Too many fire emblem characters
Some characters are a little annoying like Fox and Bayonetta.
tech skill being not that important to know if a player it's better than other
well I'm not really a fan of the third party reps in smash I would like for it to stay completely Nintendo, i'm also not a fan of the competitive seen of smash, while I get people like to play competitively I think it's a bit over kill
The single player content hasn't been very fun since Melee, and some design aspects are rather silly like rage and vectoring.
Some poor choices
Quite simple
Zero Skill Spamus is op pls nerf
Balancing doesn't really account for the exploits that hardcore players find (we're getting there though), Smash Tour, CPU AI could be better, stupidly addicting.
When people don't know how to play but they play anyways
People are trying to find flaws in the game and call them features.
Mario, Toon Link, Pikachu, Fox, Falcon Overhyped Trash, and the fact that the single player was only enjoyable, but average at best.
Inherit disadvantage toward heavy/slow characters.
Fire Emblem characters were a bad decision.
How there's so much drama in the community (both competitive and casual).
The community sometimes and lack of some options in the games
that some characters are a lot stronger than others which means if you play a bad character you're gonna have a harder time getting placements/winning tournaments or games.
Its more dedicated fanbase, for the most part.
The fact that some highly-desired characters didn't make the cut this time, the online experience being highly fluctuating in quality and the fact that stock matches aren't the default setting for VS. mode.
Smash Tour, online play is still incredibly laggy, too many recycled stages from Melee/Brawl, Bayonetta's zero-death combo, Corrin's inclusion is the least-justified of all characters in the roster, For Glory does not match you with players of your skill level, For Fun is nothing but taunt/camp parties, Classic mode is way too chaotic, Classic mode does not let you try again if you die at harder difficulties, instead of just nerfing good characters, we should buff some of the bad ones so everyone can compete, foot-stooling is completely pointless, Target Smash is not a good replacement for Target Tests, interactions between Wii U and 3DS version are too minimal, Amiibo can't be used online or as partners in co-op single player modes, replays can only be uploaded to Youtube if they're under 3 minutes, and challenge hammers can only be used on certain challenges instead of on any challenge the player deems too hard.
The online, Smash Tour, no customs for DLC, and the costumes.
It's fanbase lol The series I feel always has some questionable decisions for each smash game, some more than others (Brawl was ughhh), but at least they try and fix them.
The massive gulf between the "top tier" characters and the rest of the cast which makes competitive play less interesting to watch.
Strange desitions with patches
Smash Wii U's stinker Single player, no 8-bit Mario trophy, Everything regarding Ridley, everything regarding Melee vs. _____, and Chibi-robo is not playable
Too much Fire Emblem! No adventure mode, poor single player experience in general, too much emphasis on mii costumes for dlc
No stage hazard toggle, you have to grind for customs, doesn't move fast enough
characters on the roster than nobody asked for
I can't really see a real bad point in the series as a whole.
The content available during DLC
The divide between the community and respect constantly falling.
Obvious misses with the single-player modes, could be better balance between competitive and casual design.
Has not fully embraced the more competitive aspects of the game, some content feels lacking or misses potential, Mii Swordfighter needs some Goddamn buffs.
Wish there were more modes besides fighting, like adventure co-op.
Lack of story mode in Smash 4; Smash Tour
The purist community, the control stick slamming controls litterally crippled me
In Smash 4: the modes; Smash Tour and the lack of story mode and Target Blast
The creators don't support the competitive scene as much as they should
Huge lack of content. Smash Tour. Wii U classic isn't good. AI can be silly. Miis and customs were handled TERRIBLY. Can't use them online, awkward to use, need to be unlocked and are awkward to unlock.
no Snake
The lack of stage-hazard on/off switching.
Worthless stage editor, a lot of functions like customizing are user unfriendly.
Could use more innovation when it comes to single-player and co-op.
The fanbase can be pretty vile
Too much competitive player that don't enjoy the game fully.
Incredibly toxic fanbase.
Lemme see, if I have to nitpick... The roster, amazing as it is, could always be a little larger. In Smash for, the single-player experience took a bit of a hit (Smash Tour is nowhere near a sufficient replacement for Subspace Emissary, hell even Melee's adventure mode would've been better. Break the Targets would have also been nice), though I've still happily racked up hundreds of hours in it. The system of drops for customs could have used some work (the possibility for duplicate pick-ups is awful, and grinding for the last couple of hats was a horrible experience). The fanbase can be fairly awful sometimes. Additionally, the games don't print me free money... Please add that in Smash 5, Sakurai :p.
Smash Tour, Classic Wii U, Smash Wii U not having new stages for some series and vice-versa for Smash 3DS.
None in particular in my opinion, though it could use a bit more fine tuning in the balancing department, but all fighters do, and a perfect balance is not expected or realistically achievable.
the community consists of entitled whiners
The fanbase is awful
If you're running, I wish that momentum would be retained when you jump, as it was in Melee. Making the gameplay a smidgen or two faster overall would be appreciated, too. I don't believe custom moves were handled well, either. They shouldn't require so much to obtain.
Occasionally baffling menu design, little customization comp. to possibilities
Too much focus on randomness - at least let us turn off stage hazards or sell duplicate custom moves
Some stupid characters (Corrin, Cloud)
Melee sucks.
Divided community
At this point clones are unnecessary. The fanbase is a little much at times. Smash 4 was announced too early. Putting Smash 4 on both systems sacrificed the integrity of the Wii U version.
The unwanted characters
bad series balance, clones, modes
the community
If I may be honest, I cannot think of a legitimate complaint I have of the Smash series as a whole. I can think of issues other people would have with the series, such as the lack of series representation for their favorites series (and on the other side, how they may think certain series are "over-represented"), the fact that the game isn't perfectly balanced on a competitive level, or other such complaints that many people would have legitimate reasons to have. But none of those really apply to me. I tried phrasing this question as "What reason would I have to not recommend Smash to a new player", and I still could not answer that question. I guess I'm just too optimistic to see the negative side of Smash.
Bayonetta Haters
NaCl, the devided community, the shrinking of Project M (It wasn't even in this poll! Sheesh!)
Smash Tour
The community can come across as elitist at times, and the developers seem to mainly focus on what's popular in Japan (understandably, but it can get annoying)
No adventure mode, weird things with the edge
Mostly pet peeves of mine (Crouch Cancelling in melee, Tripping, Rage and other gimmicky stuff)
So much of the community can't handle all of this discussion. Everyone's so busy jumping to conclusions that it gets hard to figure out the actual best courses of action.
Olimar. Lack of Wolf. Lack of Subspace Emisary.
The community, while it means well, can get very toxic very quickly. Also, some franchises definitely get the short end of the stick when it comes to content. Metroid and especially Donkey Kong in particular suffered from that this go around.
Sm4sh gets boring pretty quickly if you don't play with others.
Nothing really have evolves in regards to modifying characters, stages, battles, etc.
Some characters are busted and are also very easy to control, leading to some frustrating matchups.
The lack of good single-player outside of Brawl's Subspace Emissary.
The 3DS and Wii U games not having an adventure mode, questionable character choices, features being removed or added at Sakurai's random whims. The questionable way the ballot was conducted in general.
Good single player

I think I've shifted into a state of mourning on the inside.
I am absolutely shocked that Dark Pit is only mentioned once and Corrin only twice.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014

This was one of those quizzes where it's completely obvious who you'll get after two questions because every answer is inherently tied to a specific character.

Toon Link is actually my favourite in the game though.
Last edited:

Deleted member

I miss this show. To be honest, i miss Shifty Look in general........

Deleted member

Before the topic of politics becomes irrelevant, let me just have some time to rant on things here
The problem is how both "left" and "right" are extremely corrupt and hypocrite, some politicians from the right even organized events against the current government corruption despite being currently investigated themselves

The left isn't that good either with more corruption shenanigans and the two biggest politic figures having outright mocked the people in a recorded phone conversation, even worse, there are people who protect them despite evidence piling up with the only argument you'll see from them is pointing fingers at the right(and making stupid memes to "prove their point") while the right itself just ignores the corruption on its side

Also, we have our Trump too
Instead of building a wall, he'll invest money in hunting down homossexuals

Tl;dr everyone is a bunch of hypocrites and I need to move to Canada ASAP

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
You know what the next 3D Mario game should have;

Time Travel


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Has nothing to do with politics:

here is what appears to be pokemon go footage. Looks choppy, but makes sense.

And the pokemon anime is really pushing Ash and serena:

In the Next episode, ash is sick, this happens, and then Serena dons Ash's clothes and fights with Pikachu against another pikachu.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
And the pokemon anime is really pushing Ash and serena:

In the Next episode, ash is sick, this happens, and then Serena dons Ash's clothes and fights with Pikachu against another pikachu.
You know out of context that looks really suggestive not gonna lie.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Made a joking roster with the results of reading what people wanted instead for DLC (It's clearly a joke because Kid Icarus is completely removed and Fire Emblem is. . .LOL.)

I might make something proper of the results, but pretty much all of the super heavy requested stuff is a case of "tell me something I don't know" except Layton who's third party and I haven't the slightest personal investment in, and all the stuff that appears just once I pretty much just noticed appearing only once.

Also a ton of complaints were about too many third party characters, so I didn't bother putting any of the third party DLC in there, but then even more third party characters ended up on the roster anyway.

Thank you for yet again for being such a broken base, you lovable scoundrels.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
You know out of context that looks really suggestive not gonna lie.
That's what I was thinking! It is surprising that that is how they scene is conveyed.

the differences the XY anime has to the others is interesting. I like it for that reason, and it has some solid parts to it.


Goddess of Storms
Jan 2, 2014
Soul Realm
encyclopedia dramatica is for edgy tweens who make fun of the mentally disabled


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Before the topic of politics becomes irrelevant, let me just have some time to rant on things here
The problem is how both "left" and "right" are extremely corrupt and hypocrite, some politicians from the right even organized events against the current government corruption despite being currently investigated themselves

The left isn't that good either with more corruption shenanigans and the two biggest politic figures having outright mocked the people in a recorded phone conversation, even worse, there are people who protect them despite evidence piling up with the only argument you'll see from them is pointing fingers at the right(and making stupid memes to "prove their point") while the right itself just ignores the corruption on its side

Also, we have our Trump too
Instead of building a wall, he'll invest money in hunting down homossexuals

Tl;dr everyone is a bunch of hypocrites and I need to move to Canada ASAP
Assuming Canadians are any better...


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I found it......It might not be the original upload.
The final song I heard from SilvaGunner survives :')
A page right out of history indeed.
FalKoopa FalKoopa isn't it glorious?
It's my favourite of the Flintstones remixes, along with UN Owen was Grand Dad. :laugh:


Deleted member

Here's the thing. I want to see it be a reality for one reason. I want to see it burn. If a teaser trailer alone caused THAT much criticism, think of what an entire episode would do! It'd be the laughing stock of TV history!
I'd prefer to just pretend it was all a really bad nightmare
The kind of when you wake up, you feel relieved, that'd be cool
Assuming Canadians are any better...
I don't have any doubts on it tbh

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
oyeah, because of political party called D66, foreigners can't have gay marriage in the Netherlands. Most of the important people in politics and pretty much every civilian are outraged by this. What makes this better is how one of the people in that party is a meme in a group of friends


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Has nothing to do with politics:

here is what appears to be pokemon go footage. Looks choppy, but makes sense.

And the pokemon anime is really pushing Ash and serena:

In the Next episode, ash is sick, this happens, and then Serena dons Ash's clothes and fights with Pikachu against another pikachu.
There's no way this wasn't intentional.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
So I guess move to North Korea if you want to avoid the mess, then? :troll:
Remember, Big Brother is watching you. They say Kim Jong-un was born in 1983 or 1984... if it's the latter, it would be a rather incredible co-incidence.

Really though, that country decides what dress you wear, what emotions you show, how you cut your hair, what food you ea-- oh wait, they don't have food. I'm surprised that it has survived so long.

Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I also heard their president, Pingu, is extremely racist against americans, and about some misuse of tax fish
Well if he is racist against Americans then it's a good thing i'm not a Native American, and am actually European.

Hell, let's all leave and just give the Native Americans their land back. Everyone wins!

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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I thought Antarctica was a monarchy ruled by Emperor Penguins.

I heard the leopard seal minorities were being persecuted.

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