Premise of the game:
Welcome to Survivor: SWF! The goal of this game is to be the remaining Sole Survivor. This game’s intent is to mimic the game show Survivor as much as possible for a forum game. Through immunity challenges, social interaction, and slight random chance, your goal is to find a way to be Sole Survivor!!
This is not a Mafia game, so read the rules even if it seems boring.
1.) Have fun and do not personally attack another player in an offensive manner. Considering the nature of the game, this rule may be a little relaxed, but if it seems someone is taking it very personal, I will step in.
2.) Once you have been voted out of the game, you are allowed to make one post that can contain anything
4.) Do not edit your posts. Double posting is fine in its place.
5.) I reserve the right to deny anyone from signing up.
6.) You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake.
7.) The use of non-English, invisible, hidden, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text is ALLOWED provided you explain it to the Mod.
8.) You may not quote logs of communication of any sort.
9.) I reserve the right to change any of these rules, but I will make an announcement in doing so and make sure everyone understands.
1) a) There are several implements in this game that depend on The Honor Code. We stress that when we start running this game then you follow all the rules and do not cheat. For instance, if there is an immunity challenge that is trivia-based, we don’t want you to google it; we want you to base it on your own knowledge. It’s not a game of “who can find the information online quickest” but rather challenging your own knowledge. Furthermore, you may not ask people irl for help either. This is based on you!
b) If it is found out you are cheating, it will be made publicly known, people will laugh at you because you are such a loser, and you will be blacklisted from any further Survivoresque games we may choose to run.
2) Communication.
a) You are allowed to talk out of game. However, a quicktopic has been created for each player. If you talk with someone, you MUST log the information into the quicktopic I’ve given you. Because each person must log the information, it should be replicates and we will be able to determine discrepancies. So honor the honor system! Furthermore, there will be an additional quicktopic created for those who are voted off the island. After you have been voted out, you will receive the link to that quicktopic, and thus are allowed to communicate with them and watch the game reveal.
I understand the logging into the quicktopic is a new concept. You must update your quicktopic every three days. If you do not, you will not be eligible for the d20 roll. It will also be made publicly known you did not log your conversations and that you are not eligible for the d20 roll. If you haven't talked to anyone, update your quicktopic saying "I have not talked to anyone."
Also the quicktopics will be made public at the end of the game for funsies.
Additionally, if I warn you three times about not logging your conversation, you will become inviable for MVP.
b) Every now and then, unannounced, I will roll a d20 for all players currently in the game.
c) every now and then, I will "turn off" your ability to communicate with other players. For instance, during challenges and tribal council I will announce if you cannot speak with other players. Until I "turn on" your ability to speak with others outside of game, you are not allowed to speak with them.
3) Initial Startup:
a) First off, we will have sign ups.
b) Once signups are completed, there will be a 48 hour time period for players to talk in thread and communicate with the mod privately concerning questions. You may ask questions inside and outside the thread, depending on whether or not you want your question public. However, keep side-talk to a minimum during this time.
c) You must make one post introducing yourself. You can say anything and it can be as long or short as you want it to be. I suggest that you include a way to contact yourself outside of SWF pming, such as your AIM or gmail, so people might contact you for possible alliances! We will include these introductory paragraphs in the opening post.
d) Furthermore, people will log a time they are available EST. If you are not EST, you are responsible for converting it! Once we do our best to find a common time, I will try to give a time period in which immunity challenges will occur. This must be completed within 24 hours of the announcement.
f) Once the 48 hours has passed, we will begin game play.
4) Gameplay
a) The game will begin with an immunity challenge. The type of challenges will vary. The immunity challenge will be announced 24 hours ahead of when it takes place.
b) The immunity challenge will take place, and the winner will be given immunity. After this, there will be a time period for players to talk about anything; they can argue who should be voted out for whatever reason they want, they can do idle conversation, whatever fancies your mind. However, note whatever you say will effect your gameplay!
c) After this given time period, tribal council will occur. All players will vote for who they want to be voted OFF the game, and naturally the person who has the immunity idol cannot be voted for. Players may no longer talk to each other outside of the game once tribal council begins until after the votes have been read out.
In case of a tie, both players with the most votes on then will state their case of why they should stay. Then, the remaining players will revote, choosing between either one of these people. If there is another retie, the player who the most total votes from previous councils will be voted out.
5) Immunity Challenge:
a) In a sense, the immunity challenges are “live.” I will set a time for when immunity challenges will occur, and it is up to you to be looking at the thread if you wish to participate. Technically, you don’t have to participate in the immunity challenges, but that is probably where half the fun comes from in this game! Furthermore, don’t think you have to win immunity to win the game. A lot of people have won actual Survivor without ever winning immunity!
b) After the time has been set, the theme of the immunity challenge will be given, along with what the immunity challenge is.
c) The immunity challenge rules will also be posted. Because the immunity challenges will be varying, then what occurs will also be varying.
Example immunity challenge!
“The next immunity challenge will occur at 6:00pm!”
6:00pm rolls about....
“Okay, gang. The theme of this immunity challenge is Name That Lyric! The first to five points will be given the immunity idol! Please ask questions within the next five minutes!”
Questions will be asked. Five minutes will pass. The immunity challenge will begin.
“First lyric: I’m never going to give you up, I’m never going to let you down.”
Whoever guesses the lyric first or 5 minutes has passed will either be given a point or the question will be forfeited.
Someone reaches 5 points. “Good job Player X! You have been given the immunity idol! The tribal council will occur at 6:00pm EST tomorrow! Goodnight!”
6) Jury.
a) Once we are down to 9 players, after that if you are voted off YOU REMAIN IN THE GAME. Once there are two players, the 7 players will vote for who they WANT to win. There will be a tribal council that is actually a Jury Council. I will inform you more details when we reach this stage.
The first 6 people voted off will no longer have anything to do with this game, unless if they want to keep up with it which they are free to do. I will create a quicktopic for them and they can talk amongst those 6. They cannot talk with those remaining in the game.
Once it is down to 9, every one person will continue to play in the game. Once you are voted out during that time, you will move on to a "jury." The jury will consist of 7 people, and those 7 people will vote for the winner of the game, which are the two remaining players. The jury will also have a quicktopic created for them, and the jury can talk amongst themselves, but no longer with anyone in the game, and not with the 6 voted out before them.
a) There will be no replacements. Once you are in this game, it is a commitment. You are expected to play through the game, as in the end you vote for someone to win. Therefore if you join this game, please be respectful of others and the efforts they put into this game just as much as you. Just because you don’t do well in challenges doesn’t mean you can’t succeed in the game. If you are not enjoying yourself and wish to quit the game, please inform me asap so I can simply modkill you rather than you cancer up the game.
b) Always be on the lookout for something hidden that might help you out.
c) This is the first Survivor game run in this way that I know of. Because of this, instant judgment calls may be made and given the experience I've had with this type of game (ie, none) it may not turn out fairly. I will try to give my utmost fair ruling in all cases and try to remain neutral in all arguments/discussions, but try to be patient with me. If there is an issue, PM me first.
d) McFox will be helping me Mod, but we will be doing it from this account (he'll help me with challenges, etc but may not necessarily post.) This is because hydra accounts don't come with much PM space.
DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME IF YOU ARE GOING TO QUIT IN THE MIDDLE. IT WILL SERIOUSLY EFFECT HOW THE GAME PLAYS OUT! Sorry, but if you decide to play this game and are voted out after there are 9 people left, you are still effectively playing and must read the thread to make your final decision.
1) Delvro
2) Swiss
3) Meta-Kirby
4) J
5) Cello Marl
6) Sir Bedevere
7) X1-12
8) -Joey-
9) Zen
10) Nabe
11) Tandora
12) Kirbyoshi
13) Riddle
14) Ryunnosuke
15) Vanderzant
To sign up, you may send me a pm here, on aim (maylingchan) or post here in this thread!
Introductory Posts.
Sir Bedevere