Here's a little moveset I've thrown together for Ray 01. I'll update it later with more.
Standard B: Gatling gun. He fires a series of small projectiles that would make fox jealous.
Side B: He uses his charge attack. This attack takes a little time to charge, but automatically breaks shields.
Up B: He uses the acrobat bomb to send himself high into the air. While it won't do damage (akin to its original appearance) You can perform a meteor smash if it is timed just right.
Down B: Reflector Pod. A pod is launched and will roam freely around the screen. If a player besides Ray 01 hits it, it will explode. For balancing issues, only 1 can be on screen at a time.
Final smash: Ray Legend. Ray transforms into the Ray Legend model for a brief period of time. His standard B is replaced by the X laser, which sends out 2 intertwining beams that do moderate damage.His smash attacks, strong, and standard attacks are boosted to near Giga-Bowser levels, and he is also increased to Sonic speed. HOWEVER, akin to its original appearance, your defenses go DOWN when using this, so most hits will send you flying. Do you play it safe an spam X-laser? Or go for the gold with smash attacks? It's up to you!