USB Controllers
Will this work with USB controllers? I've tried smash flash and smash flash 2. They both are horrendously suckish, and a big factor is the inability to use a USB controller. Knockback on random moves was way too high. Seriously, in Smash Flash, I would be fighting and owning, while taking 1 or 2 hits here and there. Then, suddenly, at 50%, my opponent throws out a jab and I go flying off the stage.
This looks a lot better though since it's NOT MADE WITH FLASH. And although I mostly disagree with a lot of random 3rd parties, I can understand the desire too, as long as it doesn't take up half the effing roster.
Anyway, I wish you guys the best. And it's cool to see the features you've already added like movesets as full as they are in official smash games, final smash gauge, and custom music.
Although, this is still miles away from taking me away from Project M.