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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/WiiU - Stage Contest - Round 14 - Kid Icarus


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
Grades are in! Grades are in! The wait is over, but we're still waiting on Ridley (and a change to the thread title)!

[collapse=Ascended's grades]
samusrules93/Tallon IV
Popularity: 5/5
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 10/10
Total: 25/25
Comments: Congratulations on getting my first perfect score! (Although that doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, I am just a fellow forum member.) Metroid Prime is my second favorite Metroid game (Super being my first), and you've captured the spirit of the game perfectly! I love the concept of travelling stages like Delfino Plaza and Skyloft as they let the players re-experience the game that they loved so much. I also like the little touches you added to each section of the stage, and it is surprisingly very playable! Great job!

crazyal02/Artifact Temple
Popularity: 4/5
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 22/25
Comments: Yay! Another Prime stage! This was a great idea for a stage as it is the penultimate area of the game, and I really like how you incorporated the Chozo Statues into the stage. Nice job!

Popularity: 5/5
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 23/25
Comments: I always say that the best locations for a stage are the first and last areas of a game, as those are the most memorable to me. I see this stage and I immediately think of the Brinstar music (which doesn't even play there so I don't know why I think that). I love the idea of the doors and you even used the little flying things! Great job!

TheMarioAddict/Norfair Depths
Popularity: 4/5
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 8/10
Total: 20/25
Comments: This is a solid idea for a stage, but to me it feels like a recycled version of Brawl's Norfair. Although being a stage set in Norfair Depths there really isn't much else you can do besides lava. This isn't a bad stage, it just doesn't really do anything for me.

ryuu seika/The Bottle Ship
Popularity: 4/5
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 22/25
Comments: Another transitioning stage! I like that you've brought in the four main areas of Other M, and it sounds mostly playable. Not much else to say other than it's a nice all-around stage.
[collapse=BridgesWithTurtles' grades]
Tallon IV by samusrules93
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 8/10
Total: 21/25
Wow, this may be the most impressively comprehensive entry in the entire contest. Your dedication to creating a faithful Metroid stage is forewarned by your appropriate username. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the "tour the entire game" stages, as I much prefer to be immersed in a specific location throughout a battle, but Tallon IV is one of the better examples of such a stage, with its intent to show off the beautiful overworlds of Metroid Prime. I can't blame you for being unable to pick just one! Tallon IV largely succeeds in its goal of serving as a balanced Metroid stage. Certain layouts would make me doubtful of its popularity as a popular tournament pick, but I believe it'd likely be considered a counterpick, at least. What else can I more say? It's a pretty nifty retread through some great locations, and manages to be a generally balanced stage at that. Good work on this entry.

Artifact Temple by crazyal02
Creativity: 5/10
Playability: 6/10
Total: 16/25
Certainly a popular location from the game. I feel that Artifact Temple doesn't add much, unfortunately. It's a little different for a Metroid stage, but its features boil down to your typical enemy fair and a copy of the Halberd's laser. The stage is a constant uphill battle, with walls allowing for camping and unfair combos, and their absence being accompanied by a myriad of hazards. There isn't any point at which the stage gives the players breathing room, and I think such a phase is a crucial part of what makes the more gimmicky stages palatable.

Crateria by Kevandre
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 23/25
With a very unique vertical layout and radial platform placement, Crateria breathes a breath of fresh air into the Metroid series stage list. While certainly a ban-worthy stage in competitive play, your decision to keep this mostly neutral layout unhampered by hazards makes it a nice, fun balanced map for the casual environment. The functionality of the doors means that wall chains are discouraged here, while also preventing the stage from being a "walk-off" in the traditional sense. Crateria is quite a strong entry, and this is one of the entries I'd like to actually seen in the game.

Norfair Depths by TheMarioaddict
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 8/10
Total: 22/25
Your picture was quite clear, no worries. Norfair Depths is a clever subversion of the typical Metroid stage. Rising lava gives way to fallinglava in a surprisingly unique stage. You wouldn't think that simply changing the direction that the lava travels in would make much of a difference, but the gameplan here is quite different to its predecessor stages. Rather than taking to high ground to avoid the lava, players will have to duck underneath platforms to take cover from the pouring pyroclastic flow. The path that the lava travels cuts off players on either side platform from the rest of the stage, while those in the center find themselves boxed in. I can see this facilitating different playstyles in FFA games. Those who like to camp will likely try to section themselves off, while those who don't want to waste time when they could be fighting will likely head into the center. It's a very simple stage, but its unique layout and clever hazard serve to make it quite a unique arena.

The Bottle Ship by ryuu seika
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 10/10
Total: 22/25
The Bottle Ship is a rather impressive entry, and I really love the detail and thought you put into it. It's a fun gimmick stage, but uses its gimmick adroitly, maximizing its entertainment value while also being as balanced as possible. It works wonderfully. Specifically, I like how the stage starts randomly, but will always follow a normal pattern afterward, which allows experienced players to be prepared for any and all changes. The fact that the stage returns to its starting phase between every "bonus" phase is also a nice touch, making the stage a piquant mix between crazy and serious.
[collapse=D-idara's grades]
Tallon IV by Phaazoid
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 10/10
TALLON MOTHER****IN' IV! The first area alone would give you full Popularity, then you add Phendrana Drifts and Magmoor Caverns to the mix, you've got one of the most recognizable and memorable stage settings ever! Now, I like the concept of Samus' Gunship touring you around the different parts of the planet and even taking a trip through space, seems like a mix between Lylat Cruise and Delfino Plaza, so the concept's not exactly new, especially with the new Skyloft stage, it has kinda become a stage archetype (Travel to the game's memorable locations on a flying platform), I'll give you some points because the concept of the ship picking you up and the different legal layouts do make it seem a little more interesting(Although Halberd already did the 'pick you up or leave you on the ground' thing before). The layouts, while being variable and unique, still feel legal and I don't think they'd interfere with the battle, overall a great stage.
Total: 23

Artifact Temple by crazyal02
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 6/10
It's the place you return the most and the location for one of Ridley's most memorable showdowns, so the Popularity's a no-brainer. Now, I really like stage hazards that depend heavily on the players, especially ones that reward careful strategies and luring your opponent towards traps, but the lasers aren't really new and I feel like the layout's a little bland and promotes cheap strategies a little too much, which takes me to Playability, and it's one of those strange cases where being too simple actually makes the stage less playable, like this, the stage promotes cheap techniques for both sides of the spectrum (Defensive and ofensive) and I think a slightly bigger layout with some raised platforms to not overcentralize the battle would've done wonders to both your creativity score and your playability score, I mean, yes, the statues are only rebuilt after 30 seconds, but I still feel like they control the match too much rather than being another technique you can use.
Total: 19

Crateria by Kevandre
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 9/10
Y CAN'T METROID CRAWL!? I always remember Crateria's ugly purple-brown soil and the countless morphball ragequits! Now, I love how diverse and unique the layouts, with odd platform placings, two moving platforms on the sides and a focus on both styles of vertical KOs! Walled stages usually only have upper blast zones, so this certainly feels refreshing, I can also see some awesome combos/saves by bumping into the Trippers from a Meteor Smash, also, the door mechanic taken straight from Metroid, pretty cool! It had already been used in Brawl's Norfair, but not like this, that one was obnoxious! Now, the stage seems a little big and you know how some people get about walled stages, but this seems almost perfectly playable!
Total: 23

Norfair Depths by TheMarioaddict
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 6/10
I would've given you 4 on Popularity because it's Ridley's hideout, but you described the aesthetics as a mix between Norfair and Brinstar Depths? NES Norfair has never been a memorable location, I think everyone thinks about the ancient volcano ruins when they think of Ridley's hideout. Now, although I should've given you lower Creativity because it's yet another Metroid stage with lava...I really like the concept of the lava flowing downwards and creating a kind of wall between sections of the stage, doesn't seem like it's been done before. Now, this one seems even worse than SSBB Norfair when it comes to playability, because at least Brawl's Norfair was a big wall of lava that came from one side at a time, I can't see the match going on very much when the lava's flowing.
Total: 18

The Bottle Ship by ryuu seika
Creativity: 7/10
Playability: 8/10
The Bottle Ship's a memorable location because it basically showcases the various enviroments the Metroid series has, although there are places on the series that pull this off so much better, the Bottle Ship still hits all the marks. Now, I feel a lot of Pokemon Stadium vibes from this, as you pointed out, and I think it sticks a little too close to the 'changing type' mechanic, although the stage warning you beforehand IS a nice touch. Now, there seem to be a couple of too-strong hazards (Icicles and Lava) but they don't seem THAT annoying.
Total: 19
[collapse=Zzuxon's grades]
Phaazoid- Tallon IV
Popularity: 5/5
Playability: 8/10
Creativity: 7/10
Very solid stage, looks like a blast to play on. As this, apparently is ALL of Metroid Prime 1, I must give a perfect popularity score. Good neutral layouts give a high playability score and the transition mechanic and certain layouts like Chozo Ruins and phendrana Drifts show that neutral doesn’t mean boring.

crazyal02 - Artifact temple
Popularity: 4/5
Playability: 6/10
Creativity: 9/10
Total: 19/25
Comments: This location sounds important, but I’ve never played this game, though I’d like to. Playability is interesting. Could you have anything resembling a normal match here? Absolutely not. However, your stage does introduce its own unique brand of Strategy. Have a positive playability. Obviously, the stage is very creative. It has a hazard that contributes to strategy rather than detracting from it. A good stage overall.

Kevandre - Crateria
Popularity: 5/5
Playability: 5/10
Creativity: 8/10
Total: 18/10
Comments: As this appears to be Super Metroid’s closest thing to a hub world, 5/5 popularity. The extreme difficulty in performing horizontal KOs meant a large playability deduction, but I wouldn’t give it a bad score, comparing it to Mario Bros. Very interesting and creative layout, like how you incorporate the little tunnels.

TheMarioaddict - Norfair Depths
Playability: 6/10
Total: 19/25
Comments: Honestly not sure how popular this location is, I’ll give it Benefit of the doubt. Doesn’t look to unplayable, so a slightly positive playability rating. Creativity is the best part here, the way you turned the classic metroid lava/acid trope on its head is genius.

ryuu seika - The Bottle Ship
Popularity: 5/5
Playability: 6/10
Creativity: 7/10
Total: 18/25
Comments: Yet another hub world! It is hub mania this round it seems. Not a tremendous amount to say here. The transition method is interesting, a few nice layouts, just a solid stage all around.

Total Scores:
  • samusrules93/Phaazon: 89
  • crazyal02: 76
  • Kevandre: 87
  • TheMarioaddict: 79
  • ryuu seika: 81
This game's winner is...

Phaazoid's stage, Tallon IV!

Name of Stage: Tallon IV
Game of Origin: Metroid Prime 1
Description: There've been a lot of transforming/changing scenery stages that have remained at a neutral level of playability this game around, it seems. This will be one of those.

I'm a Metroid Prime fanboy, and specifically Prime 1 is one of my favorite games in the series. There are many great and varied biomes on the planet. This stage would explore them, using Samus' ship as a medium. Lets start with it, as you will be spending the travel time there, so moreso than anywhere else.
Personally, I prefer this variation, and you didn't have the newer one yet, so I think it's fitting.

This picture gives a good estimate of it's size as well, but I think for the purposes of smash it should be lengthened a little, to make for a more forgiving arena. Think about the length of battlefield, and less bumpy. You'd view it directly from the front.

Now, for when you are at the landing sites, I am imagining the ship drops you off, as to not get in the way of the fight. It functions similar to the pilotwings plane swapping, it does a barrel roll and loses solidity. You could have some great scenery as you fly, as well. You'd get some great shots of space, fly by frigate orpheon every once in awhile. Sometimes you skim closer to the planet, over dense forest, part of the space pirate's complex, or some tundra.

But that's just the transition. The interesting part is where you touch down. Here are some of the locations I've scoped out.

Tallon Overworld
Whenever I reminisce about Metroid Prime 1, and I think back to the initial landing on Tallon IV, this is the opening scene I remember that draws you into the planet.

Expand that, it has great resolution. Anyways, I can't imagine any other place to represent the tallon overworld than this initial landing site. I figure it'd have a slightly raised platform in the middle, about half the height of pikachu. It would be centered evenly on the stage, and be about as big as battlefield. The stage itself would have waterfalls on the sides so that it wouldn't be walk off. (they'd go into large pools of water, where you could fall off, and there wouldn't be wall behind them) The stage would in total be 1.5 times the size of FD. Large, but you gotta fit all that scenery in.

Imagine this as the general view. You can also see the broken up ground, to see what I meant about the raised platform.
but with the beauty of that last image, of course xD

No hazards.

When the ship comes to pick you up, it'd come and land in the center, just like you see in this screenshot. You'd then have precious seconds to climb on top before it left you behind.

Chozo Ruins
A great example of the Chozo architecture in the game, this iconic room was a center point in the ruins that had to be passed through many times. I almost chose the main plaza instead, but hell, this is a transition stage, maybe it goes there too.

It's hard to find a decent screenshot of this area, but I found one that at least gives some context.

I apologize for the potato quality, Prime 1 is over 10 years old. I did find one more shot of a different angle, but in much better quality

Anyways, This shot kind of gives you an idea of the size of base of the tree, at the very least. You can see there are platforms in this area, giving you a place to walk over water, or acid (depends on where you are in the story). There are also platforms coming off of the tree itself, allowing you to scale it in game.

For the smash stage, I imagine the great tree would be in the background of the stage, with a few of these platforms over the water be the main playable area, as well as 2 different platforms a bit higher up, connected to the tree. I'm not much of an artist, but I've sketched how I imagine the layout of these platforms, at least.

I could throw in all kinds of hazards, but I prefer a more neutral Metroid stage for once, honestly, and the core of my idea is the beauty of the planet, so I'll leave it how it is. Going along with this theme, you would fight here after the water had been purified, to make the area look nicer. Unlike in the game, however, you can fall to your death between the platforms.

Here's my mockup:

When the ship comes to get you back, it will land on the middle platform.

Phendrana Drifts
The next location is one of my favorites in the game, the Phendrana Drifts. Many people know of it because of its memorable music. Here's a good reference image of both the Drifts themselves, and the specific area I'd like us to land

I've drawn another poor mock-up of the general platform layout, just to get a better idea of where you can stand. This stage would have walk-off edges, and this would be the scene. The river would be a place you could fall to your death (no water physics from brawl, just a fall....)

Once again, a little basic, but nice. A couple of sheegoths could walk around in the background, maybe some of the bat things could fly around too, but no actual hazards.

When the ship comes around, it will land on the right of the stage, right next to the river.

Magmoor Caverns
Another great location, this one is a little harder to access. I imagine a transition where the ship flies into the maw of an open cave, the background goes dark, and the ship flies downwards for a small while, before discovering the caverns.
Here's a great piece of fan art of the caverns that I love that showcase a processing facility that was down there, which would be in the background of this set piece.

Here's a better view of the area you'd actually be fighting

It's basically a cavern, with some platforms over lava, maybe a few pillars and gas things in the background. The lava would be fall-through, like a normal hole, not like in brinstar. I imagine a generic platform layout over lava here, maybe a large unbroken one, about the size of FD.

If there's anywhere to have a hazard on this stage, it would be in the caverns here. However, I'm going to stick by my theme of a neutral Metroid stage, and my stance will remain unbroken.

When the Ship comes to pick you up, it lands directly in the middle of the stage.

Phaazon mines
Another great area of Tallon IV, the mines. It was even harder to not add a stage-hazard element here than in magmoor, xD

Here is a great screenshot that shows off the beauty of the place
The electric blue coloring is rampant in the phaazon veins, it's an amazing sight. The place I've chosen to transform into our landing site is here (this isn't far below the surface at all, it shouldn't be to hard to find a way to fly in)
Instead of treating the phaazon like a stage hazard, it should line the walls of the stage, only there to further draw you into the scenery. There could be some metroids and phaazoids flying along in the background as well.

I'm not going to draw the stage, because it is simple. Think Gerudo valley from the 3DS to start, two platforms with a chasm in the middle, but they are slightly further apart, and there is no bridge to gap it. Each side would be roughly 3/4 the size of battlefield, and it would not be walk off. The phaazon would line the walls of the pit in the middle, and the vein would continue far into the background, overlooking the research facility seen here. (sadly hard to find a good picture of this)

When the ship comes to get you, it would hover directly over the center cavern, trapping anyone under it in there. if you were hanging on the ledge when it lands, you'd be unable to get up. This is the closest thing this stage has to a hazard, haha.

Gimmicks/Hazards: I've addressed these throughout

Unlockable?: I think this would make a great starter stage for metroid
Extra: I think a Metroid Prime 1 medley would be in order here, as well as a version of phendrana drifts (Metroid Metal does a good cover). There's a lot of good music from Prime to choose from.

Congratulations to the winner. Your stage will be added to the Hall of Fame. Additional congrats on confusing me while I was tallying the grades by changing your username partway through the contest. Almost all of the stages this round were above average in quality. It's definitely my favorite round in quite a while. Keep up the good work, bounty hunters!
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
Curses, second to last! I will instead choose to interpret this as me getting 4th place, because that sounds much better. I didn't think the stage was THAT unplayable, but you're the judges, so I'll concede to your ruling. I mean, I also didn't think the downward-flowing lava was that unique either, so I guess I'm accidentally wrong in both directions. Ah well. Congrats to the winner!


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Awesome round guys. The winner definitely deserved this one, very in depth and feels like a love letter to the game... Which, shouldn't every stage feel that way?

Super stoked for the next round!


She who makes bad posts
Jan 25, 2014
Maple Valley, WA
D'oh! Well, at least it was close. Congratulations to the winner, let's see what our next round is!


Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
Thanks for the positive scores, guys! One point off of an A, damn. I understand the points docked from creativity, now that we have so many transition stages. I actually came up with the idea pre brawl, but I took some artistic direction from transition stages like delphino and skyloft, it fits the game a bit better.

Edit: I dug up my original post, from middle school, haha. I guess it wasn't Tallon IV yet, or particularly well articulated, but I was 14 at the time xD. Looks like it was pretty hazard oriented too, so I guess it's come a long way since then.


talk about blast from the past, haha.

I agree with the judges, all of you guys had some pretty nice stages.

And sorry for the username change. I'd been waiting for a while to do it, didn't think about the repercussions in this contest, haha.

But, uh @ BridgesWithTurtles BridgesWithTurtles , you have the wrong username in the hall of fame section, and in your post on the winner.

Phaazoid <> Phaazon xD

My new username is this fella

Looking forward to seeing the next round ^.^
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Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012

Alright, people, we're going to do something special for the next round! Don't let the banner trick you, the Blue Blur himself won't be facing against Mario, oh no! He's got it much tougher, we will give YOU! a choice between two themes for the next Round of the SSBWiiU/3DS Stage Contest! The first choice, Sonic The Hedgehog (3DS), where you'll be able to choose from the Blue Blur's entire handheld history. And the second choice, Miscellaneous Nintendo Franchises, we mean all of those Nintendo series that haven't got a playable Smash representative, like Golden Sun, Advance Wars, Drill Dozer, Odama, Chibi Robo, Geist, even Splatoon!...most of those Nintendo series that deserve to appear at least as stages, Rhythm Heaven and Xenoblade are allowed!.

The Poll will run for two days!

Here's the Poll!
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Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
Any nintendo series without a playable character confirmed is fair game.
This includes Rhythm Heaven and Xenoblade.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Oh man. Sorry Sonic, if it were the console version for you I'd have voted that way. Misc franchises it is

Question- And I'm not saying I'm going to pick this, but does Pilotwings not count due to Mii?
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Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
For the record, if Misc. series wins, is ANY Smash-eligible game allowed for stage inspiration, or is there a set boundary?
Like Zzuxon and D-idara said, anything is game, as long as it's owned by Nintendo and doesn't have playable representation.
Oh man. Sorry Sonic, if it were the console version for you I'd have voted that way. Misc franchises it is

Question- And I'm not saying I'm going to pick this, but does Pilotwings not count due to Mii?
Pilotwings counts. It uses a different universe symbol than the Miis do. This is also the case for the Find Mii stage. For all intents and purposes, Smash Bros. seems to consider Miis "original characters", so any Mii-based game should be fair game, in my opinion. That's a good question, though. We hadn't thought that precisely about how Miis would factor into the round.
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Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
I agree with BridgesWithTurtles. If you want to make a wii sports stage, knock yourself out.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
How far am I able to stretch "owned by Nintendo"? Like, first party only? or can I go deeper than that?

...I mostly just want to know if 5th Cell games (Scribblenauts, Drawn to Life) count, because those are the only non-represented games I would want to make stages for.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
How far am I able to stretch "owned by Nintendo"? Like, first party only? or can I go deeper than that?

...I mostly just want to know if 5th Cell games (Scribblenauts, Drawn to Life) count, because those are the only non-represented games I would want to make stages for.
But Scribblenauts is on Steam and smartphones too


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
How far am I able to stretch "owned by Nintendo"? Like, first party only? or can I go deeper than that?

...I mostly just want to know if 5th Cell games (Scribblenauts, Drawn to Life) count, because those are the only non-represented games I would want to make stages for.
It has to be within the realm of reasonable possibility. So yes, owned by Nintendo. If you're not sure if a game is owned by Nintendo, Google/Wiki the IP and find out which developer made it. If it's developed or produced by Nintendo, then typically, that means Nintendo owns it. TVTropes's page on Nintendo has a pretty sizable list of Nintendo-owned properties, for reference, but even that's not complete (Nintendo owns a lot of IPs). I'd encourage anyone to fact-check themselves if they're not sure if the stage they wish to submit is part of a Nintendo-owned series. We obviously won't accept a stage that goes outside of this boundary. For the record, Scribblenauts and Drawn to Life aren't owned by Nintendo.

But being owned by Nintendo is the only rule, so other than that, you guys pretty much have free reign to do whatever you want for your stages. Your stages can be for 3DS, Wii U, or both (like Boxing Ring).


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
It has to be within the realm of reasonable possibility. So yes, owned by Nintendo. If you're not sure if a game is owned by Nintendo, Google/Wiki the IP and find out which developer made it. If it's developed or produced by Nintendo, then typically, that means Nintendo owns it. TVTropes's page on Nintendo has a pretty sizable list of Nintendo-owned properties, for reference, but even that's not complete (Nintendo owns a lot of IPs). I'd encourage anyone to fact-check themselves if they're not sure if the stage they wish to submit is part of a Nintendo-owned series. We obviously won't accept a stage that goes outside of this boundary. For the record, Scribblenauts and Drawn to Life aren't owned by Nintendo.

But being owned by Nintendo is the only rule, so other than that, you guys pretty much have free reign to do whatever you want for your stages. Your stages can be for 3DS, Wii U, or both (like Boxing Ring).
But that list also lists Banjo Kazooie, would that be fair game or no?


Smash Champion
Apr 18, 2013
The long road to nowhere
But that list also lists Banjo Kazooie, would that be fair game or no?
No. It's not owned by Nintendo. The Tropes list is a good starting point, but like I said, make sure to fact-check if you're not sure. Developers can publish a game without owning them, but will also publish what they do own, if that makes sense. For example, Nintendo is publishing Bayonetta 2, but they don't own the IP. They also publish Custom Robo, and they own that.

You should be able to find out if Nintendo owns an IP by doing a minute or two of research, but if you're still not sure, I'm personally willing to help anyone find out. You can post here in this thread, or PM me if anyone has any questions.

Of course, if Sonic makes a come-from-behind victory, which is possible considering we only have 11 voters at the moment, you'll all have to keep this in mind for a later date.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
Will Misc Nintendo series be specifically Wii U/3DS or for whichever we choose?
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Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
No. It's not owned by Nintendo. The Tropes list is a good starting point, but like I said, make sure to fact-check if you're not sure. Developers can publish a game without owning them, but will also publish what they do own, if that makes sense. For example, Nintendo is publishing Bayonetta 2, but they don't own the IP. They also publish Custom Robo, and they own that.

You should be able to find out if Nintendo owns an IP by doing a minute or two of research, but if you're still not sure, I'm personally willing to help anyone find out. You can post here in this thread, or PM me if anyone has any questions.

Of course, if Sonic makes a come-from-behind victory, which is possible considering we only have 11 voters at the moment, you'll all have to keep this in mind for a later date.
Okie doke.

I really do wish that Sonic's was for Wii U instead of 3DS


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
I don't hate the CD-I Zelda games, because as bad as they were, the Internet would be a much more boring place without them. Years later, they managed to justify their own existence. What Microsoft did to Conker and Banjo...ugh...


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC

This round's dedicated to all those great Nintendo characters and Nintendo franchises that were kidnapped by the root of all gaming evil and then murdered, one by one, without mercy...

It's become my dream to avenge Rareware. I've got 8 games in my head with great stories and gameplay that isn't like every other freaking game around today.

I just have to learn how to make games, lol.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
I'm gonna go ahead and hope that Misc Nintendo Games wins, because I most definitely just finished making a stage concept


Smash Ace
May 23, 2014
The room down the hall
Switch FC
I had a misc. series stage made preemptively, it's just happy coincidence that I can enter it in a stage contest.

Now if only I could actually draw something on PS and post it instead of just trying to find a good in-game pic from Google to boost my chances. :p


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2013
Funnily enough, I also have a stage concept ready that I could use.

Definitely going to touch up on it though.
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Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Which was of course fantastic. While we're on the subject, the CD-i games actually do have a few stand-out music tracks. The map screen theme from Wand of Gamelon is pretty funky.

Any songlist I'd make would be too cluttered with Youtube Poop Music Videos to leave room for any actual music from the game, like Scrub Scrub Scrub.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012

It's time to shine for those games that haven't quite had the chance! On this round, we will tackle all Nintendo series that haven't gotten playable representatives and create a stage for those poor series that deserve to be represented somehow, some franchises are even represented better with a stage than with a character, so go nuts! Rhythm Heaven, Xenoblade and the Mii series are all fair game, since a certain someone doesn't consider Miis characters. Things like Advance Wars, Drill Dozer, Odama, Doshin The Giant, Art Academy, Picross, Dillon's Rolling Western (Cries in a corner), Pushmo, Sakura Samurai, etc... As long as it's owned by Nintendo and doesn't have someone playable, you can use it.

Oh, on this round you're allowed to create stages for either version of the game, too! So there's a lot of material!
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Aug 29, 2006
Mr. Sakurai's wild ride
Darn. Really wanted to make an angel island zone stage for sonic, haha.

Now I kinda want to make a custom robo stage, but I'm having trouble finding inspiration . Most of the multiplayer arenas are either un-inspired, or don't give a good overview of the series.

May or may not add an entry this time around, we'll see.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Barudo Shores
Game of Origin: Doshin The Giant
Starting Layout:

Description: Unlike my past designs, Barudo Shores has no fixed pattern to it. It starts as a hill, greenery in the centre making way for sand towards its edges. Barudo starts out as a walk off stage, in a way, with the outer edges of the hill extending down to the bottom blast line. The inconsistent gradient of the stage, however, will make it very difficult to chaingrab off these edges and, as for camping, that too can be solved via the stage's unique gimmick.
Residing in the middle is our good friend the love giant. Doshin will, after 5 seconds, raise or lower the ground beneath him, as indicated by his green area of effect in the image above. This will alter the stage's height at a fairly gentle pace and will do so by roughly a third of a stagebuilder block, smoothing the edges slightly if necessary. His choice of raising or lowering is random but not entirely so. It will be weighted by the average height of the stage section in question, with a 50/50 chance only occurring when the ground is exactly centred between the bottom blast zone and the blue upper limit.
By hitting Doshin with a non-grab move, he may be caused to move away from his attacker, placing his new area of effect exactly at the edge of the old one. The area of the stage with ground is exactly 5 such areas wide and he may not be made to move from a new location before he has altered the ground height atleast once there. This means he can be pushed to the edges to raise the floor away from the blast zones without having to get too close to anyone hoping for a cheap kill.
In addition to this, Doshin can be pushed past the limits of the stage's ground. In this scenario, he will go storming off the nearest side of the screen and fly back on as the devilish hate giant, Jashin, fireballing the horizontal locations marked in orange above.
Doshin will not obstruct movement directly but, by playing with the stage height, he may well create some very interesting situations.
The bottom blast zone is made to look like the sea from which Doshin emerged in his first game.

Overview: A simple stage with a simple gimmick that provides the solutions to the most glaring of its inherent problems. This stage is unlikely to be a tournament staple but will involve much tactical gameplay between friends.

Unlockable: Yes

Make ten stages in the stage builder.


Yellow Giant (Doshin the Giant)
Festival Music (Doshin the Giant)
Grass Fumes (Doshin the Giant)
Yellow Giant Reprise (Doshin the Giant)
Time (Doshin the Giant)
End Titles (Doshin the Giant)
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Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Darn, I didn't put my stage for this in my Dropbox, so I'll have to submit after I get home.

Can already tell I won't win if for no other reason than Popularity score. BUT. Still. Gonna be pretty sweet.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
Welp, I honestly don't know anything about the misc. Nintendo franchises, so it looks like I'm out for this round. Shame.
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