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Super DSO aka DSO 11 4/10/10

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
obv i know philly would go to mine lol, im talkin bout nj ny. keepin it big. REAL BIG.

reposting since my last post got last page'd

about may 8th:

That's not the official date yet, but it's the date I'm highly considering hosting it on. I'm going to decide on it very soon (look for conflicts and such), and I'll email my school for a room reservation later today.

edit: the only conflict on may 8th is a tourney in CT:
is this a problem for ppl? bizkit said he wants NJ NY to come, but I would want NJ NY to come to mine lol. Hype looks to be at an all time low for that event and doubles is only $10 per team instead of $20 which it would be at mine, so all you doubles gods out there in NJ NY can instead come to Philly and win dat doubles $$!!


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Pretty sure people would rather come to Philly than go all the way to CT. (I think.... ? I forget where CT is on the map, lol.)

8th sounds real good, I think you should do it.
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