@Xeno610 I have a few thoughts on your OP because if we want to get more supporters to come on board, we have to capture a potential supporter/dormant suppoter's attention immediately and not assume they'll get "to the good part". We live in a world of short attention span
1. Please be efficient with white space for words and pictures. External white space is the blank area either before or after a string of words (like of like the top or bottom of an essay) while internal white space is spaces in between words/photos/artwork/etc. Unfortunately, your post doesn't appear to plan out the use of white space, making the post hard to read. As an advice, always post a space in between different topics. So if you want to discuss three topics, you'll want two spaces in between paragraphs (and a couple more if you want an introduction or ending).
2. Avoid using the 1st person (I, me, etc) unless you are recalling personal details. When you are making a case for Bomberman's inclusion, things like "I think, I believe, I agree, I disagree" needs to stay out. If you want to establish yourself as an authority on Bomberman, you have to replace all first person thoughts with third-person as people will take a more firm stance seriously.
3. Please don't affirm in the OP that detractors are right. I'm not asking that you have to see Bomberman as inevitable or pretend there aren't valid detractor points. But this isn't Rate Their Chance where you presumably gauge their likelihood using our interpretation of Sakurai's thought process. When you are making a case, you have to prepare to completely and totally refute every argument made against him so that you can make supporters more hopeful. Otherwise, you end up with something like this:
This is one of the biggest counterpoints made against Bomberman and why people are pessimistic about him. If Konami isn't going to be playing a big role in gaming, why would he get in? You cannot just fall back on "but he's popular!" when the argument isn't about popularity because when you establish the detractors are right, not only do you lose credibility among them, you also keep dormant supporters from rising up to support him because like it or not, many people do not want to waste time on character they perceive as unlikely.
Now that's not to say that you can't understand the thought process behind the detractors; in fact you have to in order to refute their points. But no matter how hard it is to provide a solid counterpoint, you have to do it and doing so will get fans on board. Confidence and solidity trump wishy-washiness. Just look at BKupa666's efforts to get King K. Rool in.
4. Separate sections in spoilers. If I'm concerned about reading move sets fans made about Bomberman, I don't want to have to scroll through thousands of words just to read it. The easier you can make for audiences to read something, the more likely they are to be convinced that not only Bomberman can work in Smash but that they should support him. Readability can make or kill a thread.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.Now I need the Master Chief and Ratchet costume. Hey, if we can get them, let's get the alternatives. But Wario costume too please.
...speaking of which a Bomberman trailer with Wario in it would be perfect, especially if Wario gets blown away at the end.
Edit: Who's up for a Bomberman Discord? I'd be willing to make one.