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Sunrise, Sunset - Isaac for Smash Ultimate #GoldenSunday


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2014
I'm not that upset about Isaac to be honest. Pirhanna plant is what got me. I know Isaac will end up pasted over someone else with mods I'm just upset that pirhanna plant got in over ANY ballot contender

Jupiter Ivan

Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
Honestly, I disagree.

It's not about Isaac not being in. That's a symptom of the bigger problem here. The issue is that Nintendo maliciously trolled their fan base. Isaac, Shadow, Geno, all deconfirmed with only a month to go, for what reason? They could have deconfirmed Isaac and Shadow at E3 easily to let us down gently. But they didn't. They strung the fandoms along to generate more hype for the game and waited until the last minute to slap us in the face.

(Also, Spirits mode looks like hot garbage.)

I'm not going to support predatory business practices. They purposefully waited this long and teased Isaac so we would generate more free publicity for them. I expect far better from Nintendo.
Fine. You do what you feel is right. I’m doing what I feel is right.

That being said do not send hate to Sakurai or Nintendo. Despite how you feel about what has transpired, that will only tarnish our reputation. We’re already being made fun of... this’ll only make things worse.

But again. You’re free to ignore me. And that’s fine.

But Nintendo isn’t going to shake in their boots over a few lost sales.

This game will still sell fantastically. It’ll sell more than Smash 4. So I’m willing to face the facts regarding this “protest”. Other than making yourself feel better it’ll have no noticeable impact on Nintendo and make us look like fools.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2018
Like I said before; if Camelot/Nintendo considers Matthew to be the future hero of the franchise, it would make sense to make him the playable rep. But yeah, Felix would be kinda odd.
not even that. he's this game's version of a ****ing sticker! face it sakurai and ninty in general hate us


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2014
Did anyone leak pirhanna plant early? I'd be ****ing laughing so hard right now


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
Fine. You do what you feel is right. I’m doing what I feel is right.

That being said do not send hate to Sakurai or Nintendo. Despite how you feel about what has transpired, that will only tarnish our reputation. We’re already being made fun of... this’ll only make things worse.

But again. You’re free to ignore me. And that’s fine.

But Nintendo isn’t going to shake in their boots over a few lost sales.

This game will still sell fantastically. It’ll sell more than Smash 4. So I’m willing to face the facts regarding this “protest”. Other than making yourself feel better it’ll have no noticeable impact on Nintendo and make us look like fools.
Jupiter is right. Instead we must show positivity to the Golden Sun series. Make us a beacon for all things Camelot.

And look! Matthew got a Spirit. That is probably the first time Golden Sun got an improvement over the Smash series.

The plan is working. We just have to not give in!


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2018
Las Piedras
Genocide is

Geno is my only hope at this point
I don't know if I have any hope anymore, Sakurai killed everyone with that direct. If being a spirit is a real disconfirmation, yeah, everyone is basically dead and the 5 DLC characters will just be third party (I'll be okay with many third party but damn, gimme some Nintendo characters).

Deleted member

Please be respectful to other users.
Yeah? Wanna curse a little more? Is that the only way you can express yourself? Guess what, if Smash needs to have every character you want for you to enjoy it, then sorry, you aren’t a fan.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being disappointed, hell, I got shafted 2 times so far since Ultimates reveal. But to CANCEL your preorder and boycott a game that Sakurai put his blood sweat and tears into, a game in which he tried toplease as many people as possible, is very pathetic.
sakurai isn't entitled to our money you obnoxious prick. I'm personally buying it day 1 bc a lot of the characters I want are already in but don't scream at people on the internet because they aren't buying a game without their favorite character in it.

Jupiter Ivan

Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
Is your name really Ivan?
And I have a suggestion: Put that link on your signature, so wherever you go in this site, people can see it. It's easy advertising.
No, Ivan is not my real name. That being said Jupiter Ivan has been my handle for literally everything online related since... well... since I could be online lol.

In my mind my name is (my real name) as well as Ivan or Jupiter Ivan.

Also yeah I need to do that sig thing.


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
I don't know if I have any hope anymore, Sakurai killed everyone with that direct. If being a spirit is a real disconfirmation, yeah, everyone is basically dead and the 5 DLC characters will just be third party (I'll be okay with many third party but damn, gimme some Nintendo characters).
I heard that some spirits were seen that are also characters (wft, k rool?) So it might not be a deconfirmation. Geno has a better chance than Isaac now anyways
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No time for tea, uncle, gotta capture the Avatar!
Mar 15, 2018
New York
I'm not saying it's anyone here but some people need to chill out a bit... If Sakurai didn't care about Smash fans he wouldn't have included all veterans, Ridley, King K. Rool, Simon.

Deleted member

I don't know if I have any hope anymore, Sakurai killed everyone with that direct. If being a spirit is a real disconfirmation, yeah, everyone is basically dead and the 5 DLC characters will just be third party (I'll be okay with many third party but damn, gimme some Nintendo characters).
there were WFT and K.Rool spirits, so being a Spirit doesn't deconfirm anyone by any meaning of the word
Oct 31, 2018
We will probably get another music track from Golden Sun. If not then it’s a huge missed opportunity considering how amazing the soundtrack is. I think we can all agree that GS has an amazing OST and plenty to pick from to fit a smash game.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Imagine cancelling your preorder for the biggest Smash game of all time, a game with 74 fighters, every character returning, 103 stages, story mode, multiple modes, 900 songs, and DLC incoming JUST because 1 character you wanted didn’t get it. What the hell were you even hyped for before this direct? Are you sure you’re even a Smash fan? Pathetic.

I'm not choosing to buy the game because there was no substantial F-Zero or GS content. That's just me.

I can choose not to buy the game. I have other things I want to buy too.

And no, some of us aren't big fans of smash. Is that really a hard thing to fathom?


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
This isnt just about smash, It's just depressing how little Nintendo cares about golden sun

so much potential man


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2015
Imagine cancelling your preorder for the biggest Smash game of all time, a game with 74 fighters, every character returning, 103 stages, story mode, multiple modes, 900 songs, and DLC incoming JUST because 1 character you wanted didn’t get it. What the hell were you even hyped for before this direct? Are you sure you’re even a Smash fan? Pathetic.
You seem to care an awful lot about how people decide to spend their money.

I don't think Fran's the pathetic one, here.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2018
I think Sakurai is just tired of smash. He threw many highly requested characters under the assist trophy bus, probably so people wouldn't ask for them anymore. Or so he can say "assist trophies cannot be made into playable characters".


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
For those of you shaming people deciding not to purchase the game, stop. It’s their money, their right.

I think the game is pretty solid... but pirahna plant being chosen honestly makes me not want to buy the game either. It’s a generic Mario enemy. It’s a choice that was neither based on relevancy nor popularity and it sticks out like a sore thumb. It feels like a real slap in the face, to be honest. Could they have not just chosen a character that people actually want or is at least something more than a generic enemy? Honestly it just feels like they didn’t care about anyone or anything with the choice and I can’t respect that at all.


Smash Rookie
Oct 30, 2018
Yeah? Wanna curse a little more? Is that the only way you can express yourself? Guess what, if Smash needs to have every character you want for you to enjoy it, then sorry, you aren’t a fan.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being disappointed, hell, I got shafted 2 times so far since Ultimates reveal. But to CANCEL your preorder and boycott a game that Sakurai put his blood sweat and tears into, a game in which he tried to please as many people as possible, is very pathetic.
Look bud, you don't get to define who is and isn't a smash fan, and you certainly aren't going to get your opinions heard by bashing and caricaturing people in the support thread for their long hoped for character that just got deconfirmed.

Personally, I'm not getting the game day one. I don't have a lot of time to play games at this stage in life, and I haven't really played smash 4 in two or so years. Does that mean I'm not a fan? I've played since 64 and changed my work schedule so I could watch a video about a video game. I think that makes me a fan. For me and others, a large reason smash ultimate was attractive was because of the possibility of Isaac. Without that, there isn't much of a reason for me to get it (see not having played smash 4 in years). Others in this thread are different. They may have wanted multiple newcomers or want smash ultimate for other reasons.

I suggest being a bit less caustic with your words and perhaps looking at things from another perspective if you want to be seen as anything other than a troll.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2018
I think Sakurai is just tired of smash. He threw many highly requested characters under the assist trophy bus, probably so people wouldn't ask for them anymore. Or so he can say "assist trophies cannot be made into playable characters".
then what the **** are little mac dark samus and the stupid dog then?!

Yuki Setsuna

Smash Rookie
Sep 5, 2018
Oh well guys, I guess we are back in a really tough position. I just wanted to say that I really know how much this hurts. I've been a huge Golden Sun fan for over ten years and I've endured years and years and years of the franchise getting ignored. I was really really hopeful about this being our time, so the disappointment is really painful. But at the end of the day, I still love Golden Sun a whole lot, and that won't change.

So even if this may feel like this is the end, I'm not giving up on the franchise. I know things like "I hope DLC breaks the tradition and promotes current assists as playable" or "I hope a new Golden Sun game is coming out and they are saving the new protagonist as DLC for a relevancy pick" is just wishful thinking that might take me nowhere, but it'd still be nice if that ever happened.

When it comes down to it, despite everything, I'm just glad to see all of this support and so many people that care so deeply about Isaac and the franchise. I would have never imagined I'd get to see so many people so invested and talking about Golden Sun in 2018, it still feels really surreal and I appreciate the effort that everyone has put to support our boy.

And remember, maybe all of this wasn't meaningless. It's like what made Dark Dawn happen, they decided to give it a try after seeing there was interest because of a fake leak. And you can't deny that this Grinch leak boosted up discussion on Isaac a whole lot and showed just how much people truly cared about him. I don't think Nintendo hasn't noticed and that could still go somewhere.

It doesn't matter if there's chance it might not amount to anything, let's keep it up, if there's ever another ballot let's keep pushing and pushing and pushing until the very end. The same way Isaac didn't give up on his quest despite failing to prevent the lighthouses from being lit time and time again, let's not give up no matter what it takes, after all things worked out for him one way or the other in the end.

And on a small tiny bright side, at least we got this nice new render so there's that!



Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2018
Yall called Waluigi fans salty lol. I hope none of you ever bullied a Waluigi fan for still having hope after his assist trophy reveal.
I thought we were pulling a Ridley; no hope, just salt.

And hey, Ridley worked.

Oh well guys, I guess we are back in a really tough position. I just wanted to say that I really know how much this hurts. I've been a huge Golden Sun fan for over ten years and I've endured years and years and years of the franchise getting ignored. I was really really hopeful about this being our time, so the disappointment is really painful. But at the end of the day, I still love Golden Sun a whole lot, and that won't change.

So even if this may feel like this is the end, I'm not giving up on the franchise. I know things like "I hope DLC breaks the tradition and promotes current assists as playable" or "I hope a new Golden Sun game is coming out and they are saving the new protagonist as DLC for a relevancy pick" is just wishful thinking that might take me nowhere, but it'd still be nice if that ever happened.

When it comes down to it, despite everything, I'm just glad to see all of this support and so many people that care so deeply about Isaac and the franchise. I would have never imagined I'd get to see so many people so invested and talking about Golden Sun in 2018, it still feels really surreal and I appreciate the effort that everyone has put to support our boy.

And remember, maybe all of this wasn't meaningless. It's like what made Dark Dawn happen, they decided to give it a try after seeing there was interest because of a fake leak. And you can't deny that this Grinch leak boosted up discussion on Isaac a whole lot and showed just how much people truly cared about him. I don't think Nintendo hasn't noticed and that could still go somewhere.

It doesn't matter if there's chance it might not amount to anything, let's keep it up, if there's ever another ballot let's keep pushing and pushing and pushing until the very end. The same way Isaac didn't give up on his quest despite failing to prevent the lighthouses from being lit time and time again, let's not give up no matter what it takes, after all things worked out for him one way or the other in the end.

And on a small tiny bright side, at least we got this nice new render so there's that!

Silver lining: we never have to suffer the Smashified render ever again


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2011
United Kingdom
If you want to show your support, now is the time to show it. We will not give up! We keep on going!

King K Rool and Ridley got in. So can we!



Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2015
Krocodile Kore
Boxists won.

Dixie was a Spirit.
I... I need to know how the Grinch Leak got faked.
Other than that, **** it. I doubt Isaac would be the first one to get out of the AT status in a single game.
I'm not mad, just disappointed on the direct as a whole, even ignoring the leak this Direct was pretty bad compared to 8.8.
Piranha Plant is not even on the newcomer screen while Ken has the Grinch Leak pose, I doubt it means something now, but there's hope.
Let's beat the **** out of the snowglobe. This game or the next, we will force his way in.
Boxists won.

Dixie was a Spirit.
I... I need to know how the Grinch Leak got faked.
Other than that, **** it. I doubt Isaac would be the first one to get out of the AT status in a single game.
I'm not mad, just disappointed on the direct as a whole, even ignoring the leak this Direct was pretty bad compared to 8.8.
Piranha Plant is not even on the newcomer screen while Ken has the Grinch Leak pose, I doubt it means something now, but there's hope.
Let's beat the **** out of the snowglobe. This game or the next, we will force his way in.
I don't think being a spirit deconfirms the character. Again we're not really sure, but I'm still keeping hope. If it is, then that sucks too. Rayman would technically be my only hope. :(


Smash Cadet
Jul 30, 2014
I feel really led on. Obviously Sakurai has no interest in Isaac as a playable fighter, I mean I’ve been waiting since before 2008 with this and he couldn’t even get into Ultimate, the game seriously devoted to fan service.

I’m not gonna be a jerk about this, Sakurai and team have worked really really hard and this game will still be amazing, but I’m extremely disappointed right now.

Why would you wait until the last direct to reveal that the 2nd or 3rd most popular fighter worldwide (based on poll data we have) is only an assist trophy? They really did the Golden Sun fans dirty with this one.

Anyways, that’s my rant. I’ll need a couple days to cool off and then I’ll be okay.

Isaac: Venus Adept

Smash Lord
Dec 31, 2015
Look guys. I am very annoyed with Sakurai ignoring fan favorites and putting in characters that weren't very demanded at all in the community but look how far we've come. Look at how much people have learnt about Golden Sun because of us, how we pushed Isaac to be a big name request. I'm simply taking this as a roadblock. It's a very painful one but still I'm not giving up on Golden Sun ever. We need to keep this series alive through the toughest of obstacles. We saw what happened with Ridley. They practically gave up on him ever showing up yet they pushed for it,we need to do the same. I'm not stopping until Isaac is an official Smash fighter


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
I've canceled nearly $300 in preordered Nintendo crap. Probably have more in-store to cancel out as well. Don't know when I'll buy another game from these guys. They have no idea how much goodwill they've burned. How many games I've bought over the years that are on a blacklist that I've never gotten around to. How many amiibo I've purchased.

It's good for me overall. Free from that curse, at least. I'll have more money to spend.

Jupiter Ivan

Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2018
Oh well guys, I guess we are back in a really tough position. I just wanted to say that I really know how much this hurts. I've been a huge Golden Sun fan for over ten years and I've endured years and years and years of the franchise getting ignored. I was really really hopeful about this being our time, so the disappointment is really painful. But at the end of the day, I still love Golden Sun a whole lot, and that won't change.

So even if this may feel like this is the end, I'm not giving up on the franchise. I know things like "I hope DLC breaks the tradition and promotes current assists as playable" or "I hope a new Golden Sun game is coming out and they are saving the new protagonist as DLC for a relevancy pick" is just wishful thinking that might take me nowhere, but it'd still be nice if that ever happened.

When it comes down to it, despite everything, I'm just glad to see all of this support and so many people that care so deeply about Isaac and the franchise. I would have never imagined I'd get to see so many people so invested and talking about Golden Sun in 2018, it still feels really surreal and I appreciate the effort that everyone has put to support our boy.

And remember, maybe all of this wasn't meaningless. It's like what made Dark Dawn happen, they decided to give it a try after seeing there was interest because of a fake leak. And you can't deny that this Grinch leak boosted up discussion on Isaac a whole lot and showed just how much people truly cared about him. I don't think Nintendo hasn't noticed and that could still go somewhere.

It doesn't matter if there's chance it might not amount to anything, let's keep it up, if there's ever another ballot let's keep pushing and pushing and pushing until the very end. The same way Isaac didn't give up on his quest despite failing to prevent the lighthouses from being lit time and time again, let's not give up no matter what it takes, after all things worked out for him one way or the other in the end.

And on a small tiny bright side, at least we got this nice new render so there's that!

It hurts to know he’s an AT... but there he is. And he looks great... could use some better shading... but he’s an AT. Less effort. Makes sense. Still looks great.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2018
If you want to show your support, now is the time to show it. We will not give up! We keep on going!

King K Rool and Ridley got in. So can we!

Excuse me if I don’t go throw a parade......lol


Purple Prizes
Sep 6, 2014
Assist Trophy Hell
sakurai isn't entitled to our money you obnoxious prick. I'm personally buying it day 1 bc a lot of the characters I want are already in but don't scream at people on the internet because they aren't buying a game without their favorite character in it.
Imagine not being able to express yourself without name calling lol, God forbid anyone has a different view of the situation than you guys.

Deleted member

Imagine not being able to express yourself without name calling lol, God forbid anyone has a different view of the situation than you guys.
damn bro you really tore apart my argument piece by piece there pretty impressive


Smash Cadet
Aug 10, 2018
I wish I can say I was surprised and at this point I'm willing to admit Isaac will never be playable without a revival of the Golden Sun series itself.

Each Smash is further and further away from Isaac's last release which I feel is really hurting his chances. People will say K. Rool, etc., but Donkey Kong is still an active franchise, and except for stuff like retro reps, being an active franchise seems like an important criteria for Sakurai. Maybe if someone else takes over Smash this will change, but Sakurai at the moment would rather add a generic Piranha Plant than what is probably the next most requested character since Brawl.

I'm also kind of bummed that we have only 1 new Nintendo IP fighter this Smash (Splatoon).

Oh well, I will enjoy Isaac's assist. It does make me happy that he is in in some way. People might be mad at the assist claiming it takes away from DLC chances, but, if Smash 4 was anything to go by, DLC was just going to be 3rd party and advertisement anyway.
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Smash Cadet
Sep 22, 2018

Well...I don't care anymore. If the game needs to lose preorders, then so be it... But I'm a huge fan of this game, so I'll get it no matter what...

On another note, on Twitter, there seems to be peoples now taking to far, like going as far as to give death threats to Sakurai...
That's Twitter in a nutshell. I may be disappointed, but I'm not about to tweet about Sakurai deserving death or worse bombing Nintendo of America HQ. That's just pure psychopathy.

Imagine cancelling your preorder for the biggest Smash game of all time, a game with 74 fighters, every character returning, 103 stages, story mode, multiple modes, 900 songs, and DLC incoming JUST because 1 character you wanted didn’t get it. What the hell were you even hyped for before this direct? Are you sure you’re even a Smash fan? Pathetic.
What's with this "are you even a Smash Fan" crap? Just because I canceled my preorder, that suddenly makes me the villain? It's my personal choice and my money no less. I really don't understand why you're getting upset because someone else chose to cancel their preorder. It's not like I'm getting in the way of you enjoying the game.
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Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2018
I guess the only thing to do now is campaign for Matthew as a dlc fighter. I think that we need to strike nintendo hard with requests but do it not out of spite. We do not want to end up looking like angry fanboys like some Waluigi fans were.


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2018
I honestly wish Sakurai swapped the 8.8 direct and this one

Would've been more hype leading up to release and easier to swallow defeat

Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC
Honestly canceling your pre-order because a character isn’t in the game is kinda petty. I want Isaac as much as you guys, hell I had to physically hold back tears when he was confirmed an AT, but Im still gonna get the game.

That said...Isaac was literally the only character I wanted to, I dont know what to do anymore...


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
I'm almost lost for words of what we've seen. And as soon as I saw Incineroar, I thought he was going to be the most hated (I have nothing against him, btw). But then the Piranha Plant came up...hilarious, I'll admit, but why?!?

The Grinch Leak was fake. I'll take that L gladly. That was the greatest hoax I've ever seen. But I'm glad it happened though. It gave us three things:
1) NEVER EVER trust any leak. No matter how legit it is or how much evidence there is.
2) It brought back discussions again.
3) It brought 6 (Ken is confirmed so not including him atm) fandoms together. Let's never forget the friendships we made during that week with the Genobros, Banjobros, Mach Riderbros, Chorusbros, and Shadowbros. (And other friendships we made outside the Grinch Crew too!)

Isaac being an AT again stings pretty badly, but I'll manage. I still got my second most wanted from Simon along with K. Rool in #4 and Sora (#5) being a possible DLC candidate. This game looks great, regardless!

BUT, I'm not giving up on Isaac! Ridley and K. Rool fans have shown us it's possible. So, I will push Isaac hard for DLC. I don't care about the chances. There is no rule that ATs can/can't be upgraded to playable. So, why don't we make history and make Isaac THE first AT to PC in game? It's only over when DLC stops. We have come so far. Let's not loose this opportunity my fellow Adepts! Let's make history!!!
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