Jab: 3 punches
Ftilt: Sonic Slash Kick. A midriff kick with a slash effect.
Utilt: Burst Uppercut. Performs an explosive uppercut. Has high power.
Dtilt: Slide. Something like this:
This isn't psynergy, but I thought it would be cool to see Isaac sliding with his scarf flowing in the wind.
Dash attack: Dashing hand chop.
Fsmash: Thunder Mine, zaps the enemy an unleashes a small Thunder Mine in front of him, like this:
If Isaac miss the first attack he won't do the second part.
Usmash: Mad Growth, summons vines around him.
Dsmash: Quake. Punches the ground, summoning pillars of earth next to him
Nair: Whiplash, summons an elemental whip and spins it 360°
Fair: Helmsplitter, does a wide ranged chop. The hand will have a spike hitbox.
Bair: A backwards 2hit kick
Uair: Either the 2hit somersault kick, or upwards Whiplash
Dair: Planet Diver, does a fiery kick downwards.
Grab: Catch.
Pummel: Squeezing the opponent.
Fthrow: Force, punches the opponent with another hand.
Bthrow: Backwards toss.
Uthrow: Lift. Raises them upwards and crashes down.
Dthrow: Slams them on the ground.
Neutral special: Ragnarok. Charges, then summons a giant sword.
Side Special: Move. Summons a giant hand to push opponents.
Up special: Teleport. A simple teleporting recovery.
Down special: Djinns. 4 Venus djinns, and choose one for effects.
Flint: A strong attack in front of him.
Ground: Increases his defense for some time.
Vine: Incases the opponent in a vine, slowing them down.
Sap: A weaker attack that heals him.
Final Smash: Judgement.
1. Djinn flies around.
2. Makes a nodding emote.
3. Does his pose from the Brawl artwork.
Idle animations
1. Fixes his gloves
2. Adjusts his scarf.