They should have as many costumes as possible, **** it. And not just for the body either, we need another type, like for the head. For example, Mario would have his Dr. Mario headband thing or the hammer bro. helmet and still dress in the opposite colors that I chose. Or for Fox, he could have his sunglasses that make him look like his father James McCloud. The Y button could be used to change the head, and X for the body. People who have a hat that already changes colors along with the costume should alsobe mixable, like Link's (red hat & black tunic, blue hat & red tunic ETC.). Everyone oughta have at least 2 seperate pieces that can be alternate chosen colors. See, people we see on videos and such would be more recognizable, without having the need to ask "Who's that pink Falcon?". The costumes can make you feel more unique as a player since it's less likely that someone copied the colors you chose. Hoo-rah.