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Stop complaining about Snake


Sep 5, 2001
I understand there are many of you who are praising the ground the Snake walks on, and are very pleased with his appearance. I am among you guys, but I just need to get this out of the way for all the people whining about how he's gonna ruin the game.

Let's face it, Super Smash Bros. Brawl has the potential to be one of the greatest games of all time. It will without a doubt, be an Epic title. Perfecting everything that Melee was unable to do in it's perfection of the original Smash brothers. Also the fact that it will be Wi-Fi compatible has made it a major hit.

So the trailer is revealed. The long wait for SOMETHING on this game has finally ceased and we get actual footage. But Oh noes. What's this? Solid Snake?!? But he's a THIRD PARTY character! Why on Earth is HE IN THIS GAME!

Well I can understand the initial shock, but after about 5 seconds, I think anybody should think to themselves "Hey! Snake in Smash Brothers will be pretty badass!" But OF COURSE NOT. People go on this theory that Smash Brothers is supposed to be 100% Nintendo characters, and any change is a complete sin and will forever scar the gaming world as we know it.


So maybe back in the day Nintendo said Smash Brothers was a Nintendo All-Star game. Well times have changed. Back in the day, Nintendo didn't have much third party support. Now they do. Understand that change? Good. Which should explain WHY you're seeing a third party character.

Next, please understand that Nintendo agreed to put this character into their game. It's not like Nintendo was forced against their will. They AGREED to put Solid Snake in their game. This should be signal to you that it's OK. It's not going against some unwritten code. They wanted to give the player more variety.

Lastly, you have to understand that, there ARE changes in the world. This is one of those changes that people complain about just so they have something to complain about. When in reality, this change will in no way affect the game negatively. All Snake's inclusion into Smash Bros. Brawl will do is give you on extra choice of character to play as. Last time I checked that was a GOOD thing.

And on a final note, don't tell me that this will cause all the third party character to hitch a ride on the bandwagon. Although it wouldn't be a SHOCK to see a few more characters like Sonic, or Megaman, or Bomberman, chances are at the most possible total, we will see 5 characters. If we see anymore, then they will be legitly chosen, and therefore there should still be no reason to complain. The more characters the merrier

So lemme post this before the lightning cuts my power off and I lose this post

Giant Mech

Smash Rookie
May 11, 2006
I think the addition of Snake is a good thing. The majority of characters are still from Nintendo with some new third party guys thrown in.


Nov 26, 2004
If hideo Kojima begged me to do something I probably wouldn't even be able to control bodily functions ( aside what he was begging me to do).

Thats pretty much how it happened any way, would you refuse?


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
Aurora CO
yea, agree, the only character that shouldn' tbe in ssbb is sonic or the sonic cast, everyone one else is welcome.

sadly sonic seems like a sure candidate :(

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
El_LoVo, what is your problem with Sonic? He's a perfectly fine character that would be a nice addition to Smash.

Anyway, I agree on the complaining thing. I've only played a demo of a PS1 Solid Snake game, and I found it fun.(though annoying, as I'm not the sneaky type) He's a great addition, and has changed the laws of smash forever.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
Aurora CO
HyperFalcon said:
El_LoVo, what is your problem with Sonic? He's a perfectly fine character that would be a nice addition to Smash.

Anyway, I agree on the complaining thing. I've only played a demo of a PS1 Solid Snake game, and I found it fun.(though annoying, as I'm not the sneaky type) He's a great addition, and has changed the laws of smash forever.
nah, i got nothing againts sonic, the games on genesis were great and i still have them, but they ****ed up the 3d ones, ( except sonic 3dblast, lol), yea, but i really tend to get pissed at sonic fans and what sonic has become basically,

I do look forward to owning ALL sonic players with Link.

(this is of course if sonic is in there)


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
I think this is great, and everyone who complains about him or doesn't think he'll fit in with the rest of the cast, better STFU before I throw a Wiimote through their skull.

I think Wikipedia says it best:
...according to some arguments on the internet, the inclusion of Solid Snake is plausible, considering the first Metal Gear was released on the NES and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes was released exclusively for the GameCube (and the latter featured cameo appearances from Nintendo icons Mario and Yoshi).


Smash Rookie
May 7, 2006

So im a new comer to the Smash world but i guess my opinion is as welcome as any..

Solid Snake will be my new character.... I honestly dont care if he sucks or not because hes amazing... Second about the Sonic cast i think hte only Sonic Cast character that should be eligible is Knuckles... Lets face it Knuckles is a dynamic character that uses melee attacks which makes him pretty ideal in teh way of smash... He would be comparable to ganon in my opinion with less power. Plus he would be compatible with some great mechanics... Im happy for any feedback on this idea though.


Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2006
New Orleans, LA
I don't think Snake will ruin the game. I love MGS 1 2 & 3. I just think it's kind of an odd character to choose for a game like this. All the characters in the Smash games so far have been the cartoony-video game style characters; Snake is so realistic and would look kinda strange goin up against Kirby or somebody like that.


Jul 6, 2005
Snake is the best thing that ever happened to SSBB. I smiled one of those smiles that any sane man would run away from when I first saw him.

And good job on explaining that part of the reason why there weren't 3rd party characters is because they didn't have support. Good read all around.


Disco Romance
Aug 20, 2001
Denver, CO
I agree with Typh. I won't use Snake at all, but am **** well pleased to see him joining the franchise. Snake is an important character in the video game industry, and it's about time he meets Mario, the famous plumber and Link, the hero of time.


Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2005
Let's face it, Super Smash Bros. Brawl has the potential to be one of the greatest games of all time.
In your opinion. Many other people could argue smash isn't one of the greatest franchises ever. (I don't think I'll get much support on this website for this statement, but you have to look at it from more than one perspective.)

Back in the day, Nintendo didn't have much third party support. Now they do.
Really? The Gamecube was supposed to have tons of 3rd party support. So was the N64. Why did they lose both console wars? Lack of 3rd party support. Wii is supposed to have tons of 3rd party support, for the same reasons as its predecessors. See a trend?

It's not like Nintendo was forced against their will. They AGREED to put Solid Snake in their game. This should be signal to you that it's OK.
So we should be following Nintendo like sheep should we? We should have followed Hitler too, and we shouldn't have fought for US independence. Of course Britain was right. (I know it's a stretch, but you get the point.)

I would also be highly surprised if Nintendo received no money for putting Snake in the game.

I'm not an extremist saying the Snake is going to ruin the game, but I do think Nintendo should stick with tradition. This looks like it's going down a Halo 2 path, where the game is dumbed down to attract consumers. It satisfies many people, but leaves more dedicated gamers (us) feeling ripped off. We have like Smash for the past two games, and they have stuck with Nintendo characters. Last time I checked, there isn't any shortage of those. So why are we taking unnecessary steps? Why not expand on what has worked, instead of changing the formula completely?


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
Aurora CO
beckhamisaqueer said:
In your opinion. Many other people could argue smash isn't one of the greatest franchises ever. (I don't think I'll get much support on this website for this statement, but you have to look at it from more than one perspective.)

Really? The Gamecube was supposed to have tons of 3rd party support. So was the N64. Why did they lose both console wars? Lack of 3rd party support. Wii is supposed to have tons of 3rd party support, for the same reasons as its predecessors. See a trend?

So we should be following Nintendo like sheep should we? We should have followed Hitler too, and we shouldn't have fought for US independence. Of course Britain was right. (I know it's a stretch, but you get the point.)

I would also be highly surprised if Nintendo received no money for putting Snake in the game.

I'm not an extremist saying the Snake is going to ruin the game, but I do think Nintendo should stick with tradition. This looks like it's going down a Halo 2 path, where the game is dumbed down to attract consumers. It satisfies many people, but leaves more dedicated gamers (us) feeling ripped off. We have like Smash for the past two games, and they have stuck with Nintendo characters. Last time I checked, there isn't any shortage of those. So why are we taking unnecessary steps? Why not expand on what has worked, instead of changing the formula completely?
guy, if you look at everthing from different perspectives, you'll end up with a ****load of opinions and answers. You don't have to be a complete asswhole by telling him that "Many other people could argue smash isn't one of the greatest franchises ever."

-Why not follow Hitler if i believe in his ideals, is it because someone else doesn't like what i'm doing.

- there are many trends that change, and depending on the perspective you look at it might seem that it can't go on forever.

* i don't really care what you think of smash, or anything else but i thought it was funny how you brought up the perspective thing, cuz EVERYTHING can be good or bad depending on the perspective. It's kinda *****y really.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
I'm not a fan of quoting someone after they've been quoted but meh.
beckhamisaqueer said:
In your opinion. Many other people could argue smash isn't one of the greatest franchises ever. (I don't think I'll get much support on this website for this statement, but you have to look at it from more than one perspective.)
Many people can argue that E.T (atari) was the best game ever too.

Really? The Gamecube was supposed to have tons of 3rd party support. So was the N64. Why did they lose both console wars? Lack of 3rd party support. Wii is supposed to have tons of 3rd party support, for the same reasons as its predecessors. See a trend?
Except many third parties like the Wii while the n64 and gamecube they wern't to thrilled about.

So we should be following Nintendo like sheep should we? We should have followed Hitler too, and we shouldn't have fought for US independence. Of course Britain was right. (I know it's a stretch, but you get the point.)
actually I don't what are you trying to say?

I'm not an extremist saying the Snake is going to ruin the game, but I do think Nintendo should stick with tradition. This looks like it's going down a Halo 2 path, where the game is dumbed down to attract consumers. It satisfies many people, but leaves more dedicated gamers (us) feeling ripped off. We have like Smash for the past two games, and they have stuck with Nintendo characters. Last time I checked, there isn't any shortage of those. So why are we taking unnecessary steps? Why not expand on what has worked, instead of changing the formula completely?
Don't assume no one knows if its gonna be good or bad. Did you even watch the E3 press confrence? doing the same thing over and over again is boring and doesn't hold anything that spectacular, look it FF. =\


Smash Rookie
Jul 29, 2005
Change is an amazing thing; while it may be intimidating, or even scary at first, generally it is for the best. This is especially true for the gaming market, where everything depends on ideas being new and fresh. Do we love Nintendo characters? Of course we do, otherwise we wouldn't be here; but it must be understood that adding new elements to the Smash Universe will not cause it to collaspe, or in some way be worse than it previously was. Characters are vessels in which players connect to a game, and in Nintendo's best interests, it is imperative that the maximum amount of potential gamers find Wii and its software attrative, exciting, and fun. By including characters from different parties, Smash Bros. will bring in attention from people who haven't played yet, and perhaps if given the chance, entertain its current audience with characters that they thought they wouldn't like, just because they were from a third-party.

swift assailant

Smash Cadet
Apr 7, 2006
Who's complaing about snake?! mostly everyone, if not all, is excited that snake is on the game. The reason snake is in the game, which i heard from other forums, is that konami's president BEGGED to Nintendo to add snake into the game. I think its cool that snake is in the game, and since konami made a partership with nintendo, you think more konami characters will be added to SSBB? like castlevania characters, or maybe even yugioh characters (j/k about the yugioh part).


Dec 22, 2005
General complaint on SSBB ("Snake is liek gay n stuff " -_-) .... Snake is now in the game. Accept it. You'll learn to love em. I Dont like the idea of him being included because it seems so out of place but like I just said ....... >> .....


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
I don't have any problem with Snake at all. Of course I was surprised when I found out that he was in the game..."A 'real' Human????
Oh well. But at the conference they said that they obviously woudln't put Snake cutting Pikachu's throat or blowing Kirby with his guns (didn't say this, but that was basically the same thing).
I think it was Satoru who said "We're not going to put guns, but then we started wondering and Snake using torpedo launchers and all those extreme weapons would be fun to play with." It was something like this, so you don't have to worry about Snake. And as many say...."If you don't like Snake, don't play with him, it's simple. I will try him out though, and if I like him I'll like him, if I don't...I just don't like him and don't play with him.
Oh by the way..can someone tell me a topic already created where you can post the characters you would like to be in the game? Don't wanna create another one and don't wanna post them here.


Smash Cadet
Nov 25, 2001
Provo, UT
I'm a bit baffled at the 'real human' thing people are bugging out about. ... I can't believe I just used the phrase 'bugging out about'. Anyway!

Captain Falcon is already a 'real human', even if he does wear pink tights on occasion, and the Zelda characters aren't that far off, especially after Link's Twilight Princess upgrade in the trailer. I don't think SSBB is suddenly going to become 'Nintendo Some-Stars and a bunch of third-party crap', either. As previously stated, Snake was a request ever since Melee, and even though Nintendo is looking for some third-party support, I don't think they'll throw every two bit character they can find in there. Depending on the roster size, I wouldn't expect more than Snake and perhaps two or three other third-party characters... Sonic, I'm sure, as Sega has been selling the hedgehog to everyone that will buy (You can play Sonic 1-3 not only on the Genesis, but also on the releases for GCN, XBox, PS2, as well as GameTap, and they're coming to XBox Live Arcade AND Wii Virtual console).

That said, Snake is probably a better choice than some characters added to Melee, already. (I'm looking at you, Doctor Mario.) And, very technically speaking, Kirby isn't a Nintendo first-party character, either. That point is arguable as Nintendo published the Kirby games, but for me, the third- (or perhaps only second-) party barrier was broken back in SSB64.

My 2 cents.


Smash Rookie
May 12, 2006
3rd Party Characters

Hmm... I'm new to these forums so here are my 2 cents:

I've owned all the Smash Bros games. They have a honored home in my library. As people were arguing about if Snake should be in the game I sat and listened. There were two arguements:

A) Snake doesn't match with the other characters!

B) Snake is a 3rd party character, he shouldn't be allowed!

My answer to A is simple, what games have you been playing!? In Smash Brothers you can have pit a cute green dinosaur against a gorilla, a space bounty hunter, and round things off with a hovercraft flying race pilot. Snake matches the game fine, as the contestants of these game range from odd to absurd. So if you tell me a cherub with a bow and arrow couldn't fight an spec ops agent, then I think you should pay closer attention to the roster.

Think of it this way, at least Snake in the game is a much better match than Spawn was in Soul Calibur 2.

My answer is to B a little more complicated. This is actually the more valid arguement. Frankly I agree, it is odd to see a 3rd part character alongside 1st and 2nd. But its not that big a deal when you think about it. He brings variety to the game. Snake has roots in Nintendo, and a little publicity wouldn't hurt. I wouldn't mind Mega Man, Sonic, Simon Belmont in the game either. Just keep it simple. And don't add rediculous characters that have no history with Nintendo like Cloud, Dante, or Alucard.

The only thing that would bug me if they put me off is if they explode the roster so much they forget to properly balance the game making broken characters or gameplay.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Thayleal said:
Solid Snake will be my new character.... I honestly dont care if he sucks or not because hes amazing... Second about the Sonic cast i think hte only Sonic Cast character that should be eligible is Knuckles... Lets face it Knuckles is a dynamic character that uses melee attacks which makes him pretty ideal in teh way of smash... He would be comparable to ganon in my opinion with less power. Plus he would be compatible with some great mechanics... Im happy for any feedback on this idea though.
Knuckles in before Sonic? Not a chance.


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2005
NYC (Spanish Harlem)
Wasnt Metal Gear Originally for Nintendo anyway? and i dont remeber ever hearing Smash HAD to be 1st party. Pppl jsut assumed it b/c thats what they had so far.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
ShackDaddy said:
Wasnt Metal Gear Originally for Nintendo anyway? and i dont remeber ever hearing Smash HAD to be 1st party. Pppl jsut assumed it b/c thats what they had so far.
Exactly. People always assumed it had to be first-party only because in Melee's beginning, it says "Nintendo All-Stars."

I welcome all third party characters.



Smash Cadet
Aug 5, 2005
El_Lovo, I don't think you know what perspective means. It means another viewpoint. The perspective you’re not looking at is the majority's reference point.

The masses don't think that E.T. is one of the greatest games ever. The point I was trying to get across is, you would be surprised how few consider smash an all-time great outside of this site. The problem with forums is that there will always be a bias. It is natural when people with similar interests meet.

Also, everyone who said that Nintendo will have support this time, you have no argument. Basically your saying, "Well, there is a chance it could be different this time." History is on my side.

The difference between Captain Falcon and Snake, is that Snake is made to look as realistic as possible, and his game is made to imitate life. The rest of the smash lineup has more of an artistic approach to games.

Snake just doesn't fit. Why put him in, when you have characters that haven't been used that fit the job better?


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Can you please stop complaining? Snake is in the game, whether you think he fits "artistically" or not. Deal with it, please.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
Snake's rocket launchers would work, see, its nintendo and they'll find a waqy to fit him in have faith in nintendo, they do good work.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
beckhamisaqueer said:
The difference between Captain Falcon and Snake, is that Snake is made to look as realistic as possible, and his game is made to imitate life. The rest of the smash lineup has more of an artistic approach to games.
I disagree, while its true Snakes original design was based of realism, in MGS2 that was pretty much thrown away, it adopted more of a animeish feel even the plot reflected this feel for both MGS and MGSII.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2003
It will be even greater if you don't bump up anymore topics that are over a year old.
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