Perpetual Lazy Bum
Link to original post: [drupal=4470]Stop being a dairy cow[/drupal]
The video game industry is milking us. I mean, it always has, and with video games being luxury they absolutely have the right to do so, but lately, it's become disgusting. Making us pay for 'DLC' which is actually already on the disc, making us pay even more for multiplayer services, etc. You shouldn't have to be their milk cow. You have a choice, though.
You could keep bending over and let the video game companies do as they please, which, unfortunately, is what I expect most of you to do.
You can continue to be a cow.
Or you could show them that what they're doing isn't right, and refuse to buy their merchandise. If enough gamers realized that, the companies would have to consider our opinions.
The video game industry is milking us. I mean, it always has, and with video games being luxury they absolutely have the right to do so, but lately, it's become disgusting. Making us pay for 'DLC' which is actually already on the disc, making us pay even more for multiplayer services, etc. You shouldn't have to be their milk cow. You have a choice, though.
You could keep bending over and let the video game companies do as they please, which, unfortunately, is what I expect most of you to do.
You can continue to be a cow.
Or you could show them that what they're doing isn't right, and refuse to buy their merchandise. If enough gamers realized that, the companies would have to consider our opinions.