To celebrate, there should be a tournament for all of the people that have been involved in the posting over time. People who have made their voices and opppinions well known should be able to back them up with some serious "5x!||z". That's just one idea.
Also, weird that people like my rants. I just notice things and enjoy talking about them. I'm a very talkative person. If I'm emotional enough or belive on a subjeceet enough, then I have no problem going for months ranting about it. I COULD TOTALLY OWN MR.RESETTI IN A POLITICAL DEBATE! Plus we'd be smarter than half of the people involved in them now.

But unlike most of those people, I will make sure that my voice is clearer from now on.
As for this day's vote, I have two views. For "Galleom Self-Destructs", WHY THE HECK IS EVERYONE BLOWING THEMSELVES UP TO TRY TO FINISH OFF THEIR ENEMIES NOW!?! DUDE, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A DANG SUICIDE BOMBER TO GET THE JOB DONE! MY GOD, YOU FIRST LOST AGAINST A PINT-SIZED DUDE WITH A RIGGED SWORD, A *cough*Princess*cough*, AND A WANNA-BE CLOUD! AND THEN YOU GET YOUR BUTT KICKED BY A KID WITH A PET TURTLE AND A BOY WHO PLAYS TOO MUCH WORLD OF WARCRAFT! YOU DESERVE TO DIE! TABUU, MAKE BETTER WEAPONS, DANG! STOP TAKING HINTS FROM ACHMED AND STOP TRYING TO MAKE ALL OF YOUR SUBORDINATES BLOW THEMSELVES UP, AND JUST MAKE THEM BE STRONG ENOUGH TO DO THE JOB NATURALLY! OMG SUCH A CHEAP WAY TO TRY TO WIN! I am glad that that day was the day that Lucas became a man though. First, getting Revenge for Ness by killing Wario, then by adventuring through the ruins, and even fighting a Giant... Rhyno... Ape.... Tank.... Transformer.... Robot..... Thingy..... Majiger... When Lucas' *you know whats* drop, it's like PK Thunder! Dang! I also like the theme for the end, where it's all "Omg Yay he's going to live to see the end of Puberty!" Btw, how old is the Pokemon Trainer? I honestly have no idea. He doesn't look 10.
But for the "Jump to the Smash Skift", I have a few questions about the Validity of the scene. First of all, Diddy-Kong is a friggin Chimp. You think Falco's going to want him throwing Monkey-Poo, messing with the Radio to try to hear Jungle Boogie, and the constant screeching of (ARE WHE THERE YET? OOH OOH OHH AH AH AH AH AH!)? Falco woulda droped his butt midair and ran him over mid air. He's brash, but he doesn't have nerves of steel. DIddy Kong's more annoying travel-wise than Slippy Toad is! Also, how the heck does Barrel-Jet Packs allow you to keep a proper trajectory from a distance, some how shoot Peanuts that cause explosions that seem to 1-hit kill Primids in the scene but suck against them everywhere else again while soe how not shooting Donkey Kong's Statue, and then some how let you land on the ship? I find that hard to believe, especially from a mid-aerial drop, and based on the trajectory of the peanuts. Games might not have to follow the laws of Nature, but DARN IT SAKURAI DON'T DO A HALF WAY JOB! YOU ALREADY GOT GRAVITY, PROJECTILE FORCES, THE ELEMENTS, AND ALTERNATE DIMENSIONS DONE RIGHT! YOU CAN ATLEAST MAKE DIDDY LANDING ON THE SHIP MORE REALISTIC! Speaking of the ship, I'm guessing Captain Falcon is already on the Isle of Ancients? BY THE FRIGGING TIME TAHT HE'S CAPABLE OF JUMPING TO THE SHIP, THEY'D HAVE ALREADY BEEN INSIDE! WHAT THE HECK! MAKE THE GAME REALISTIC DARN IT! THERE'S NO WAY HE'S GOING TO JUMP 100 MILES AND LAND ON THAT THING, ESPECIALLY THE WAY HE DOES LIKE IT'S A MORE UP-DOWN FALL THAN IT IS A LEFT-RIGHT DISTANCE, ESPECIALLY WHILE HOLDING OLIMAR AGAINST HIS WILL! SLOPPY WORK THERE, SAKURAI! And speaking of Olimar, A)WHERE THE HECK DID HIS OTHER PIKMIN GO? THEY PROBABLY GOT EATEN BEING LEFT BEHIND! AND B) HOW DID HE SPROUT ONE ON THE SHIP ITSELF, ESPECIALLY WHILE WE AREN'T LOOKING!?! IT'S A SHIP! YOU CAN'T PULL PIKMIN FROM THE GROUND ON A SHIP! NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANYMORE! And to top it all off, HOW THE HELL DO PRIMIDS JUMP FROM THE WATER, ONTO A SHIP THATT'S MOVING THROUGH THE AIR!?! THEY ARE SHADOW BUGS! THEY AREN'T GOING TO BE TAKING OVER THE WATER! HOW DO THEY JUMP ...UP... THAT FAR!?! ARE THEY RABBITS OR SOMETHING? DANG! THIS IS CRAZYNESS!
Actually, I stayed up allnight, playing as Lucas in the storyline, and I gotta say, I like that he's actually growing up. I know I posted more and more about the Smash Ship, but still, I think I'll want my vote to go to Lucas shocking Galleom at the last possible second, 50000 miles above ground, instead of blasting it off while it was revealing it's bomb.
I know I may have already voted for "Invalid Physics for the Smash Skift with 2 captains and 2 monkeys", but can I change my vote back to "Galleom is the world's best Terrorist, but gets beaten by 'Those Meddling Kids!' "?